In her life there had been too much adversity, no warmth other than what Joshua had provided. Aidan was so gentle, and even if that was the biggest illusion of all, Alexandria took comfort in his arms. On some level she was aware of clinging to him, of leaning on his strength, but she refused to dwell on it; for her sanity, she didn’t dare. She needed to immerse herself in a small measure of normal life, if only for a short while.

She took a deep breath. “I’m all right now. Really. And I’m going to pretend you’re a nice man, not some snarling beast about to eat me if I don’t do everything you say.”

Against the satin skin of her neck his mouth curved into a smile, his breath warm against her pulse, his teeth scraping gently. The sensation was far more sensual than frightening. “I do not know where you get these ideas, cara. Perhaps from Thomas Ivan’s games? You should cease playing them. They seem to influence you unduly.”

“But he is so good at what he does. You have played his games, haven’t you?” she asked, guessing as much and trying to goad him a bit. She remained very still, almost holding her breath, enjoying the feel of his mouth on her neck, yet terrified of this strange reaction in herself.

“Twill admit reluctantly to wasting my time investigating his foolish propaganda... but you are not to tell anyone. I might lose my status as a truevampire-hunter.” His arm slipped back around her waist, and his body urged hers upward along the narrow tunnel.

“Aidan! Are you a snob?” she teased, trying to ignore the unfamiliar feelings his hard muscles brushing against her body were creating. He was so close to her, his arms made her feel protected, a sensation she had never experienced before.


His voice whispered over her skin, making her insides tremble.

“You forgot your shoes,” he pointed out. “This floor is cold. You should have put on the slippers I left for you.” There was a trace of censure in his voice.

Alexandria glanced up at him over her shoulder, a quick flash of blue eyes. “Actually, that’s another one of my habits that will no doubt annoy you—I have many, you know. I always like to go barefoot in the house.”

Aidan was silent a moment. She couldn’t even hear his footfalls. He seemed to glide rather than walk. “So, just how many annoying habits do you have?” he asked.

His voice created a funny melting sensation inside her.

“So many I can’t count them. And they’re bad, really bad.”

There was a teasing note in her voice, a warmth that hadn’t been there before. Aidan searched her mind and found that she was trying to do as he said, put aside all that had happened and live only in this moment. Her natural warmth and humor were beginning to surface in spite of all the odds against it. He found himself feeling pride in her. She was constantly amazing him. This woman, so unexpected in his life, was certainly worth the effort and patience it would take to win her completely. No one had ever teased him before. Marie and Stefan had been in his life a long time. He saw their affection for him, but it was always tinged with respect for what and who he was.

“You do not know the meaning of the word bad. You have no vices. You don’t even smoke, and you very seldom drink alcohol. And before you accuse me of reading your mind, let me explain that Joshua has spilled all your secrets. He wanted me to know of your virtues.”

“Oh, did he?” There was a wall facing her, and Alexandria stopped abruptly. It seemed made of solid, immovable stones.

Aidan reached past her and casually placed his fingertips on one of the oddly-shaped stones. A panel swung outward, allowing them access to stairs leading up from the basement to the kitchen.

Alexandria rolled her eyes. “How very melodramatic. Secret passageways and everything. You should write a book, Aidan. Or perhaps a video game.”

He leaned close, his warm breath sending a shiver down her spine. “I have no imagination.”

Her pulse beat right beneath his mouth. Aidan felt her heat beckoning him, the scent of her, the spice of her blood, so addicting, calling to him. For a moment his eyes glowed with hunger and need, molten gold shooting fiery sparks. His blood leapt in anticipation, and in his mouth his fangs fought for liberty.

“Oh, really? I think one of yourannoying habits is to lie whenever it suits you. It took great imagination just to design this place. And don’t tell me you didn’t do it yourself.”

It was his prolonged silence that gave him away. Alexandria sensed the sudden danger she was in and froze, holding her breath. Her stillness, the scent of her fear, beat at him. His fingers circled her fragile wrist gently. “I am sorry, cara, it has been a long time for me. To experience emotions is slightly overwhelming. You will have to forgive me when I blunder.”

His voice once again wrapped her in safe arms, offered a haven. Alexandria bit her lip hard enough to produce a drop of blood, hoping the pain would dispel that illusion of safety he had created. She tried to step away from him.

Aidan refused to relinquish control. His fingers never tightened, but, just the same, his grip was unbreakable. He bent his head to hers, his golden eyes holding her blue ones captive. “Do not place temptation in my way, Alexandria. I have little control around you.”

He whispered the words, a velvet seduction, his voice alone stirring a small flame in her midsection. His mouth brushed hers in the lightest of caresses, but he stole her breath as his tongue stole the tiny red droplet of blood from her lower lip.

When he lifted his head the same slow, sensual way he had lowered it, she could only stare up at him helplessly, mesmerized by the unexpected fire in her blood and the need in her body. It shocked her, the strength of her first real sexual awareness. That it should be with this man, that she could feel such heat and hunger for a creature like Aidan Savage, made her tremble.

He could feel the tremor that ran through her slender body, see the sensual awareness in her blue eyes. Her tongue darted out nervously, touching her lower lip right where his tongue had touched. He found his body tightening in demand, urging him to claim what was rightfully his, the demon lifting its head and roaring.

“Aidan?” Her hand went protectively to her throat. “If you’re going to hurt me, get it over with. Don’t play some sort of game with me. I’m not a very strong person, and I don’t think I can handle much more without going crazy.”

“I have said I will not harm you, Alexandria, and I will not.” He stepped away from her to give his body some small respite.

For the first time, his voice was husky, but the huskiness only deepened the beauty of it, increased its enthralling effect. Alexandria could barely breathe with the effort to keep from being ensnared by him. She found herself wanting to comfort him, to be the one to take that hungry look from his golden eyes. There seemed such a need in him, and she wanted to sate it. “I think I’m more afraid of you than I was of the vampire. At least I knew he was evil. I could feel it in him, and I knew whatever he wanted from me was more horrible than dying could ever be. Tell me what you’re planning to do to me.”

“If you do not recognize evil in me, Alexandria, then trust your instincts. Have you not always been able to recognize evil?”

“I saw what you did to Paul Yohenstria. Shouldn’t I believe my own eyes?”

“What did I do that was so evil? I destroyed a vampire preying on the human race. My only mistake was in believing he had turned you vampiress. I believed you were about to feed on the child.” He touched her face, his palm warm and comforting, the feel of him lingering even after he lowered his hand. “I deeply regret that I frightened you, but I cannot regret that I destroyed the vampire. That is what I do; that is the reason I continued my existence for so long alone and far from home. For the protection of both our races, human and Carpathian.”

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