Alexandria’s chin lifted. “I’m fine, Marie, thank you. It was good of you to try to help me while Aidan was gone.” She sounded sweet and polite, wishing the entire time that she could detect a hint of corruption in any of these people. She was determined not to like them, not to be drawn into their circle. She didn’t want to be lured into a trap by the silken web of this fantasy home, this place of beauty. The older couple seemed warm and giving, looking into each other’s eyes with love, looking at Aidan and Joshua—her Joshua—with great affection. She wanted to see none of it.

The trays were placed on the coffee table, and Aidan reached with lazy contentment for the bottle of wine. Marie poured hot cocoa from the steaming silver pitcher into three mugs. “Joshua loves his hot chocolate before bedtime, don’t you, honey?”

The boy eagerly accepted the mug and grinned mischievously up at Marie. “Not as much as you and Stefan do.”

Alexandria’s stomach was rebelling at the sight and smell of the chocolate. Aidan handed her a wineglass and filled it with the ruby-colored liquid. Even as she shook her head, he was pushing it toward her lips, his golden eyes staring directly into hers. “Drink it, cara.”

She felt as if she was falling forward into the fathomless depths of his eyes, mesmerized, hypnotized. She could feel him in her mind, a dark shadow pressing his will on her. You will drink it, Alexandria.

She blinked, then found the empty wineglass in her hand, her eyes locked with Aidan’s. He smiled, that flash of white teeth, lifted his glass to her in a small salute, and drained the contents. In total fascination, she watched his throat work. She could barely pull her gaze away from him. Everything about him was so sensual.

Alexandria tasted the sweetness, the addicting spice that seemed so familiar in her mouth, on her tongue. Aidan was watching her closely, with that unblinking stare of a predator. She turned away from him, close to tears, afraid to spar with him in case she made a fool of herself in front of the older couple. She was confused and tired and scared. She lifted an unsteady hand to push at her hair.

“Aidan says we can get a computer just for me,” Joshua blurted out.

Alexandria glanced at Aidan. He was pouring himself a second glass of “wine,” and he held up the bottle, offering her more. Everything in her demanded that she comply, so she backed away from him, shaking her head. Why was it so important to her to do as Aidan wanted? It was unlike her to follow anyone’s lead so blindly. It frightened her to think he had such power over her.

“You know, Joshua, we haven’t really had time to settle in and think about what we’re doing,” she cautioned, her eyes never leaving Aidan’s face. “We don’t even know yet if we’re going to stay here. This is more of a trial to see if we can all get along. Sometimes roommates just don’t work out, no matter how much they like one another.”

Joshua looked as if he might cry. “But it’s great here, Alex. I know we should be here. It’s safe here. And you can get along with me, can’t you, Aidan? I’m not too loud or anything.”

Aidan’s hand rested in the boy’s silky curls even as his golden eyes held Alexandria captive. “You know you aren’t. I like having you here, and I don’t expect us to run into any problems. Your sister is worried that the two of you might be extra trouble for Marie and Stefan, but I know better.”

Marie was nodding in agreement. “We love having you, Joshua. You brighten up the house. And boys are supposed to be loud.”

“Of course everyone would want you, little buddy,” Alexandria hastily assured her brother, making a supreme effort to free herself from Aidan’s mesmerizing golden gaze. “Sometimes adults can’t live together. I’m used to doing things my way, and Aidan is set in his medieval ways.”

“What’s medieval?” Joshua wanted to know.

“Ask Aidan. He’s good with answers,” she replied resentfully.

Medievalrefers to the days of knights and ladies, Joshua. Alexandria thinks I would have made a great knight. They were men who served their homeland with honor and always rescued and took care of fair maidens.” Aidan drained the contents of a third glass of ruby liquid. “A fitting description, and quite a compliment. Thank you, Alexandria.”

Stefan coughed behind his hand, and Marie hastily turned to look out the window.

Alexandria found a reluctant smile curving her soft mouth. “That’s not all I could call you, but for now, we’ll leave it at medieval.”

Aidan bowed formally from the waist, his golden eyes warming. She could drown in those eyes. His palm cupped the side of her face almost tenderly, the pad of his thumb sliding over her skin in a brief caress. “Sit down, cara mia, before you fall down.”

Alexandria sighed and did as he ordered, mostly because her legs were wobbly. She was certain it had nothing to do with being close to such an attractive, masculine man and everything to do with her recent ordeal with the vampire. No mere man could make her weak in the knees.

Aidan settled beside her on the couch, as Stefan had acquired the leather recliner since she had abandoned it. Aidan’s thigh brushed hers, sending a tremor rushing through her. His breath warmed her ear. “Fortunately, I am no mere man.”

“Stop reading my mind, you... you nightmare from a Thomas Ivan game.” It was the worst insult she could think of, but he only laughed softly, the sound in her mind, not in her ear. It was blatant seduction and wrapped her in heat.

“It’s very late, Josh.” She turned her attention to her brother to save herself. It was the only sane thing to do. “Time for bed.”

Aidan leaned even closer, his lips brushing her ear. “Little coward.”

“Ah, Alex, I don’t wanna go to bed. I haven’t seen you for days,” Joshua wheedled.

“It’s past midnight, young man. I’ll stay with you and read you stories until you fall asleep,” she promised.

Aidan stirred, a sleek movement of muscles, no more, but she felt the heavy weight of his disapproval. “Not tonight, Alexandria. You need rest, too. Marie can put the boy to bed.”

Marie was frantically signaling Aidan. She had already sensed Alexandria’s ambivalence toward her and knew most of it stemmed from the impression of her usurping Alexandria’s position with Joshua. Aidan was only making it worse with his dictatorial manner. As always, Aidan simply ignored what he didn’t want to see. He had no intention of allowing Alexandria to do anything he thought might be harmful to her. Aidan was used to having his way in all things.

“I don’t think you’re going to tell me what I can or can’t do with my own brother. I’ve been putting him to bed for years, and I intend to continue doing so. I’m certain Marie has no objections.” She glared a challenge at the older woman.

Marie smiled at her. “Of course not.”

Aidan took Alexandria’s fist, gently pried open her fingers, and laced his through hers tightly enough that she knew better than to fight his grip. “I am the one to object, piccola, not Marie.” His voice was gentle enough to melt a heart of stone. “I am responsible for your health. You are weak yet and need to rest. Tomorrow or the next night will be plenty of time for you to take back your job.” He turned to look at Joshua. “You will not mind if Marie puts you to bed tonight, will you?”

“I can go to bed all by myself,” Joshua bragged. “But I do like Alexandria’s stories. She always tells me one after she reads me a book. Her stories are always better than the book.”

“Not like her cooking?” Aidan asked.

Joshua wisely did not reply.

“I can cook.” Alexandria felt she needed to defend her domestic abilities in front of Marie.

“No one microwaves quite like Alexandria,” Aidan teased her.

“As if you would know,” she said scornfully. The aroma from the wine bottle was drifting up to her, beckoning, causing hunger pangs so intense, she was almost unable to control her instinct to reach for it.

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