“That’s so exciting, Thomas,” Alexandria said, acutely aware of Aidan’s hands on her shoulders. His thumb was stroking slowly, sensually over her clavicle.

You are using that syrupy voice,Aidan pointed out wickedly, his voice brushing her mind like the stroke of his thumb. The teasing note in it set her heart to melting. “You mean you need Alexandria’s artwork.”

Mind your own business. I’m deliberately flirting a little. You have heard of the concept, haven’t you? In fact, I think you wrote the book on it.

We will have none of that nonsense,his voice whispered in her mind, his laughter soft and inviting.

Alexandria glanced up at his face. It was a mask, his golden eyes still on Thomas. Yet she had the sensation of such intense intimacy, it was almost as if they had made love. Her feelings for Aidan were strong and growing more so with every conversational exchange, with every blood exchange, with every merging of their minds. At the realization, fear welled up in her, sharp and ugly.

Breathe,piccola. You always forget to breathe. Aidan sounded amused, mockingly male.

Alexandria chose to ignore the taunt, instead sending Thomas a high-powered smile that jerked his head up and set his body tightening with urges and demands.

Thomas was intensely aware of Savage standing like some Greek god behind Alexandria’s chair, with that damned unblinking stare and his hands on her shoulders as if he owned her. That deadly stare, never once moving from Ivan’s face, was completely unnerving. Thomas had the feeling Aidan could read his lustful thoughts, his every intention. He took a sip of coffee to calm himself.

“Perhaps we could go out for breakfast, Alexandria,” he suggested silkily, deliberately challenging Aidan’s hold on her, “and discuss the details.”

That stare never wavered. “Alexandria is unable to leave at this time. The doctors were very specific as to her resting hours, were they not, Alexandria? Perhaps that should be taken into consideration when you are deciding if Alexandria can do the work you need.” Aidan sounded the same—quiet, mild, almost expressionless, as if none of this meant a thing to him and Thomas was no threat of any consequence.

Yet Alexandria stiffened at his words and would have interrupted had Savage’s hands not tightened, holding her still.

Thomas noticed with satisfaction the rise in tension between them. The chemistry, the intensity between the two, was unmistakable, and he detested it, knowing that it threatened his relationship with her. But Alexandria wasn’t happy with it, and that was good. Ivan smiled his easy, charming smile and leaned forward.

“Alexandria has the job no matter what the restrictions on her hours. I have the contract with me and am prepared to meet any price.” Take that, Savage, he thought. Don’t think you can push me aside so easily.

Shark attack! Look out,cara, he is swimming toward you. Aidan deliberately lightened the mood between Alexandria and himself.

Alexandria glanced back at Aidan and saw his calm mask. The golden eyes never wavered from Thomas’s face, but in her mind she could hear the echo of his soft laughter. In spite of her annoyance, she wanted to laugh with him.

“I’m pleased to hear you say that, Thomas,” she answered in her most syrupy voice, deliberately trying to annoy Aidan to pay him back. “The doctors are being extremely careful, and as I have the responsibility of my younger brother, I need to be cautious with my health.”

“Follow their instructions to the letter,” Thomas replied, leaning even closer. “I wouldn’t want a repeat of this episode. It scared me to death.” He made it personal, his hand reaching out to rest on her knee.

For some reason, his touch repelled her. The coffee cup balanced in his other hand suddenly shifted, and the hot liquid spilled over his hand and wrist. With a cry he clattered the cup onto the tray, in the process managing to drag his arm across the cream puffs. The sleeve of his immaculate suit came away covered in goo.

“Oh, Thomas.” Alexandria tried to jump to her feet to help him, but Aidan’s hands kept her in place. I know you did that, you Neanderthal! Don’t for one minute try your innocent act, because it won’t work. You’re deliberately embarrassing the man. She accused Aidan of it hotly, working hard to avoid any humor welling to the surface.

He can keep his damned hands to himself.Aidan was calmly unrepentant in the face of her wrath.

You keep touching me whenever the mood strikes you. That’s rather like the pot calling the kettle black. Stop provoking him. I want this job.

The idiot is so besotted with you, he would stand on his head if you demanded it. The job is not going anywhere.

No one says besotted anymore.She couldn’t think of a scathing enough retort. Aidan acted so completely without remorse. To add to her seething anger, she could hear that unmistakable note of amusement in his black velvet voice.

“I’m sorry, Alexandria.” Thomas was mortified. It was those damn amber eyes watching his every move, waiting, just waiting. It was eerie and disturbing, that predator’s stare. He felt like a rabbit, prey for a wolf. Then he again cursed his own imagination. He gave Alexandria his most winning smile, trying to ignore the man standing behind her chair. Savage gave an impression of indolence, but Thomas wasn’t deceived. Whoever this man was, he was a force to be reckoned with. He had staked a claim on Alexandria and was clearly warning Thomas off.

“Don’t worry about it, Thomas. The tray was too close. In any case, the damage is to your suit, not me.”

Alexandria’s voice was so soothing and peaceful, seeming to surround him, relaxing him.

“Alexandria is tired, Mr. Ivan. I must insist she rest now.” Aidan’s golden stare was unwavering. “I trust you are now satisfied I am not holding her prisoner in my dungeon.” He paused. “And in the future, Mr. Ivan, if you wish to know something about me or my staff, I assure you, a private investigator is a waste of your money. I will be happy to answer any questions you have.” His smile was amicable, but his powerful white teeth gave Thomas the illusion of being stalked by a wolf. There was absolutely no warmth in those golden, unnerving eyes.

Thomas rose to his feet, hating the fear swirling deep within his gut and the humiliation of being summarily dismissed by the man under the guise of concern for Alexandria’s health. But he could be patient. She would be working with him. They would be alone, and there wasn’t a thing Aidan Savage could do about it.

“I regret any inconvenience my concern for Alexandria caused you. I was very worried about her well-being.”

Ignoring Aidan’s hands on her shoulders, Alexandria rose with him. “We understand. Although, I assure you, Aidan is a good man and would never harm Joshua or me. You had absolutely nothing to worry about.”

Thomas looked over her head to directly challenge Aidan. “Oh, I’m sure you’re right about that.” He understood the bastard, but Alexandria was far too innocent to realize just what kind of a man Savage really was. There had to be skeletons in his closet, a body or two in his past. Thomas intended to find every one of them. Deliberately he smiled at the man, a cool, intentional threat. “Mr. Savage and I understand one another quite well, Alex. I will call you later.”

She was following him to the door. As he paused on the front porch, he turned and raised a hand to touch her cheek, certain her skin would be as soft as it looked. For a moment his heart seemed to stop, and his breath caught in his throat. No woman had ever affected him as she did. But even as he reached out to cup her face, he heard an angry buzzing, and a huge black bee dive-bombed him from out of nowhere.

With an oath, Thomas jumped back, swatting ineffectually at the persistent insect. As his left foot came down he turned his ankle and nearly fell.

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