“Wrong reason,” I whispered. “We can’t do this.” I tried to pull my hands away, but he wouldn’t let me.


“Let me go, Kai.” I didn’t want to bawl in front of him.

“No, please. God . . . I’m just not good at this, luv. Any of it.”

I closed my eyes and let my head fall back against the tall seat.

“I know this is something you’ve always wanted,” he said.

I shook my head. “That was a long time ago. When I thought I was normal. I never wanted it to be like this.”

Kaidan was so tense. I wished I knew what he was thinking. I hated this whole stupid situation. The pressure. The rush. The unknown.

“That’s what I tried to tell your father,” Kaidan said. “We’ve no time to plan a fancy ceremony or to have a gown tailored—”

“Whoa, stop.” I held up a hand. “I don’t need any of that fairy-tale stuff. It’s the marriage that matters to me, not the wedding. As long as our hearts are in the right place, we could be in pajamas for all I care.”

A mass of tension seemed to roll away from him. His eyes softened as he looked at me. “But . . . I wanted to give you all that.”

Sparks of love lit up behind my eyes. I tried to gauge the jumble of emotions inside me—but it was hope that rose up and caught wind.

I’d always thought marriage was special—a partnership of challenge and love. What Dad was proposing was a secret wedding. A bond between us that no one would know about except our small group and the Maker Himself.

A tingle of joy circled my soul as the possibility of it all became real.

“Kai, please, tell me what you’re thinking right now. We don’t have much time, and we have to make a decision.” He knew I wanted it, so the ball was in his court.

He froze. “I . . .” Then, as he searched my face with wonder, he slid from his seat and down to one knee. “My sweet, lovely Anna. I love you . . . and I want to marry you. But only if you want to. Do you? I mean, will you? Marry me?”

Be still my heart. His proposal was so adorably awkward that I had to laugh, sliding out of my chair so I could face him on my knees, too. I grabbed his face and kissed him for saying exactly what I needed to hear. We kissed once, twice, three times before he pulled back.

“Does it always take this long for someone to answer? It’s making me bloody nervous.”

I looked into his eyes. “Yes, Kai. I’ll marry you.”

And as we kissed again, a cheer rose up outside of the door, making us laugh.

“So much for privacy,” Kaidan said with a grin.

His genuine happiness sealed the deal for me, and I was warming to the thought of marrying him. Okay, I was pretty much hot for it. This was Kaidan Rowe on his knees for me. This was my desire—our mutual love and devotion.

We stood when Marna came bouncing into the room, throwing her skinny arms around our necks.

“Brilliant!” she said.

Blake and Ginger came in behind her. Blake slapped his palm into Kaidan’s, and they shared a back-clapping hug.

“Man,” Blake said, “you almost screwed it up. I thought you were smoother than that.”

Kaidan gave him a shove and said, “Shut it.” But they kept grinning.

Ginger was the only one not smiling. I felt bad celebrating when everything in her life was falling apart. She crossed her arms, appearing anxious. Time to get back to business.

“Where’s my dad?” I asked.

“He’s scouting the area,” Blake said. “He’ll be back.”

And sure enough he flew down into the room from above, sending my heart into pounding mode.

All clear, Dad said, speaking telepathically to all of us. I’ve worked out the details with the son of Melchom. We all looked at Blake, who gave us a wink as Dad continued. You’ll need to go somewhere remote this evening, and then head back to your individual homes tomorrow to avoid further suspicion.

Only one night? Well, we’d have to make the most of it.

My insides flipped in nervous anticipation.

Everything has been prepared. I must leave now.

“Thank you for everything,” I whispered to him.

Dad moved forward, wrapping his wings around me and bringing his head down as if to kiss my head. Though I couldn’t physically feel him, my soul felt whole and full.

I raised my hand and signed, I Love You, and a smile lit up his otherwise frightening face. He kept his eyes on me as he flew up and away.

“All right,” Blake said, motioning us into a circle. “I’ve got some things to take care of. Let’s meet at the regional airport in three hours.”

Nerves zipped through me again. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“You’re getting married in the sky,” Blake said. “Courtesy of moi.”

“You mean . . . ,” I started.

“You’re flying us?” Marna finished, looking doubtful.

“He’s got a pilot license,” Ginger said proudly.

“That’s right.” Blake beamed. “I’ve been shopping for a small jet the past few months, and I’ve got one waiting on me now. It’s a beauty.”

“Nice,” Kaidan said.

There was a long lull in which we all kind of stood there looking around at one another in disbelief.

“So, yeah.” Blake clapped his hands and rocked back on his heels, seeming to think the awkwardness was funny. “You know what this means, right? Our little Anna’s gettin’ some tonight.”

Oh, my gosh! My face lit on fire and I could not look at Kaidan. I wanted to crawl away from the twins’ and Blake’s laughter.

“I totally hate you,” I said.

“Nah, you love me.” Blake tried to put me in a headlock, but I wriggled away and shoved him, laughing despite my horror.

“Get off, mate.” Kaidan slid his arm around my waist. “You’re just jealous you can’t have me.”

“That is the truth, brah.” Blake grabbed Kai and pretended to latch on to his neck. The two of them wrestled while Marna took my hand and pulled me and Ginger away.

“We should break up for the three-hour wait so we’re not seen with each other,” Marna said.

The boys got their acts together and followed us to the doors. We were all set to leave when I thought about poor Michelle.

“Guys . . . what are we going to do if she’s still out there?” I looked pointedly at Blake.

“She’s gone,” Blake and Kaidan both said. So, they’d been listening. Blake had the good sense to appear guilty while Ginger stared down at her thumbnail.

I opened the door to the bright, hot sun. Blake led Kaidan and me to the garage and handed me keys to a cherry-red convertible Mini Cooper. I couldn’t help the little “Ooh!” that escaped.

“Yeah, it’s cute,” he said. “I bought it on a whim, but it’s too girly for me. I was gonna give it to . . .”

He froze as we realized he was referring to Michelle, and we braved glances toward the twins just as Ginger yanked the door of the rental car open. Blake shook his head, probably cursing himself for the slip up.

Kaidan looked out over the clear skies, on alert. “Thanks, mate. Let’s get moving.”

“Yep. See you in three hours.” As Blake walked back to his front door, he winked at Ginger, who flipped him off before letting the tiniest smile grace her lips.

The twins drove away. Now it was just Kaidan and me. We stood there shyly avoiding each other’s eyes.

“What will you do for three hours?” he asked.

“Maybe shop, since I didn’t bring anything. I thought I’d be flying back today.”

It felt surreal to have a casual conversation when our lives were hanging in the balance and a huge event was about to take place between the two of us.

He gave me a shopping center’s name, which I put in my phone’s navigational system for directions.

“Cool,” I said.

More shyness.

“So, I’ll see you soon?” he asked. The blue of his eyes shone through strands of hair.

“Yeah. See you soon.”

“Right then.” He cleared his throat, walking backward now, away from me with a flick of his head to clear the hair from his eyes. I loved the way the sun made him squint a little.

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