Love was in the air.

Among other things. Like lust. And the smell of turkey. A weird combo.

Kaidan finally made his way into the kitchen with a serious demeanor. He greeted everyone, but whenever his eyes met mine, the air got hotter until a palpable tension had woven its way around the room. I could feel the warm sunbeam of his stare on me, though I pretended to ignore it. Our friends kept eyeing us. Even Patti noticed.

She regarded Kaidan with curiosity, as if trying to figure him out. When she saw him looking at me, her brow went up. She cleared her throat and dropped her eyes, mumbling, “All righty then,” and busied herself basting the turkey.

Okay, this was seriously getting embarrassing. I eyed Kaidan as if to say, Behave yourself! He cocked his head as if to say, I can’t bloody help it!

When Patti left the kitchen to make the guest bed, I suddenly smelled his citrusy pheromones from across the room, and they made me light-headed. I hoped no one else would notice.

“Blech. The newlyweds are hot for each other,” Ginger said.

So much for that hope. Heat traveled from my neck up to my face.

“Perhaps the whole lot of you can take a walk,” Kaidan said, dead serious.

My eyes got huge. “Kaidan, no!”

Blake, Jay, and Marna started laughing. Ginger rolled her eyes, and I couldn’t bring myself to look at Kope and Z.

But Kopano, choosing to ignore the sexual tension despite his own inclination toward lust, stepped forward and held out his hand.

“Congratulations, brother. I am happy for your blessing.”

Kaidan took his offering and shook. “Thank you, mate. I’m glad to see you happy, as well.” He nodded to Zania, who returned his nod and gifted him with one of her regal smiles. When Kope came to me and with an outstretched hand I ignored it, going up on my toes to hug him instead. He chuckled and hugged me back before returning to Z’s side. Kaidan watched the whole time, but thankfully didn’t get upset.

I wish I could say the tension dissipated after that. Kaidan leaned against the counter watching me, his thumb running back and forth over his bottom lip. My whole body prickled with a flush of heat, and I tried not to look at him. His need for me became the elephant in the room that everyone pretended to ignore. I thought about sending him upstairs for a cold shower.

Patti bounded back into the room, and I plastered the fakest smile ever on my face.

“How much longer until the feast?” I asked.

“About one hour,” she said. She was busy peeling potatoes into the sink. “Did you get any whipped cream for the pies? I didn’t see any.”

“No.” Rats. I knew I was forgetting something.

“We’ll go to the market!” Kaidan suggested quickly. “Anna and I. For the whipped cream.” He sidled up to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. He felt like a heater.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment, the fake smile still in place.

“That’d be great,” Patti said. I saw some of the snickers being held back, people on the verge of laughing. Marna waggled her eyebrows at me. Even Kope and Zania shared a quick bashful glance before looking down. Patti’s attention remained on the potatoes. If she had any idea what was going on, she kept her knowledge hidden, and for that I was glad.

“Just don’t be too long,” Patti said, never looking up.

Yeah, she totally knew.

This wasn’t awkward at all. I glared up at Kaidan, but he only smiled adoringly. Blake and Jay were still trying not to laugh as I grabbed my keys and headed out of the house with Kai hot on my tail.

No sooner had we climbed into the car than Kaidan was on me.

“Not in the driveway!” I whispered, slapping away his hand as it sneaked up my shirt. His mouth found my neck and that place under my ear that made me crazy. I threw the car into reverse and sped away from the house.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you,” he said against my skin. “It’s worse than ever. Now I have these images of you that play through my mind nonstop, driving me mad.”

It was really hard to concentrate on driving while a hot mass of passionate boy was all over me, saying things that made my brain fuzzy.

“What if people at the house are listening?” I asked.

“Don’t care,” he said, still nuzzling my neck.

At the end of Patti’s neighborhood were three lots of new houses under construction. It was early on a weekend evening, so nobody was there. I parked out of sight in the cul-de-sac.

“How’s this?” I asked.

His response was to lift me as if I were weightless onto his lap to straddle him. We kissed hard, yanking down clothes and leaning back his seat with a jolt.

“God, you’re so beautiful, Anna. I can’t even think.”

“Then don’t,” I said, bringing my mouth down on his again.

Afterward I lay on his chest, our touches more gentle. Kaidan’s eyes seemed to clear, and he sat up on his elbows, frowning down on me.

“I’m a right prick.”

“Kai . . .”

“A complete bastard.” He sat us both up all the way and took my face earnestly in his hands, pressing his creased forehead to mine. “I’m sorry, luv.”

“It’s okay.”

“We’re in the bleedin’ car, out in the open in your mum’s neighborhood! You can’t possibly have been comfortable with that.”

“Nobody saw. It was kind of . . . nice.” Hot. I dropped my eyes, feeling shy for saying it. “I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t want to.”

His forehead smoothed. His cheeks were a little flushed, and he looked so cute that I wanted to kiss him again.

Better not.

“Seriously, though,” I said, leaning down to grab my bottoms from the floor of the car, “you have to get a grip in front of the others.” I kissed his cheek and pulled my clothes back on, which was hard to do in his lap, but I managed.

He wrapped his arms around me, setting his chin on my head.

“I know. I’m sorry. I’ve been a disaster since the Grand Canyon, and cold showers aren’t cutting it. You’re all I think about—and not just the sex. I thought it was bad before, but now . . . I feel you with me all the time. I’m like one of those obsessed lads.”

Giving his handsome cheek a pat, I slid into the driver’s seat.

“Well, I’ve felt like that about you since, like, forever.” He smirked as if he thought I was exaggerating. “Let’s go to the store and hurry back.”

“You know,” Kaidan said as I drove, “if it makes you feel any better about my behavior, Blake and Ginger are going at it in the upstairs bathroom right now.”

“Agh!” I cringed. “Please tell me you’re not listening!”

He laughed and crinkled his nose. “No, I stopped when I realized . . . Gin’s like my sister.” He shuddered. Then I shuddered, and we both laughed.

We were quick at the store, rushing home afterward, where thankfully Blake and Ginger were back with the others. Kaidan and Blake gave each other nods.

In the kitchen it was time to put the toppings on Patti’s myriad of casseroles. Ginger was crushing crackers while Marna grated cheese. Kaidan leaned in the doorway with his arms crossed, watching with a look of contentment. Patti basted the turkey and checked its temperature. I was whipping lumps from the mashed potatoes when Kaidan came up behind me and slipped his hands around my waist, laying his chin on my shoulder.

“No boys allowed,” Patti teased. She reached up to ruffle his hair. “Unless you want to cook.”

He made a pouty face, which made everyone except Ginger giggle. But when they went back to working, he shot me a serious glance from the doorway, looking me up and down with a pained expression before disappearing into the other room with the guys and Zania.

I sighed. My man really needed to stay out of the kitchen.

“I think we should play games tonight,” Patti said. “What do you girls think?”

Ginger smiled. “That sounds lovely!”

It did? Had she been possessed by an angel or something?

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