Hence the Napoleon quote.Victor felt a shiver run down his spine. "I see what you're saying. But I can mobilize enough force to track her and kill her."

"ComStar knows and appreciates that, but we have another suggestion." Hettig looked at Phelan. "Khan Phelan?"

Phelan nodded, and Victor got the distinct feeling he had been set up. "The ilKhan has authorized me to offer you the use of a Clan unit to hunt these bandits down."

Victor blinked. "What?"

"We have units devoted specifically to dealing with bandits." Phelan smiled complacently. "The ilKhan will impress upon the Jade Falcons the need to destroy these Corsairs."

"That is most generous." Victor again gulped coffee to recover from his surprise. "Does he make this offer because he doesn't want Inner Sphere troops going after bandits in Clan space?" Or because ComStar is holding some sort of gun to his head?

"Partly. With the Red Corsair operating from Jade Falcon space, he could not guarantee the safety of any Inner Sphere units that crossed the line." Victor's tall cousin got up from his end of the table to refill his coffee. "More important, though, the Jade Falcon Clan is very much against the truce. They believe it robbed them of the chance to regain the honor they lost in the early fighting."

"On Twycross and Alyina, right?" Victor smiled because his Tenth Lyran Guards had worked with the Kell Hounds to pound the Jade Falcons on Twycross. His escape from an ambush on Alyina had further frustrated the Jade Falcons.

"Among other places. The ilKhan hopes that by gaining victories and honor while defendingthe Inner Sphere, he can make the Jade Falcons look a bit more favorably on the peace."

"Slim hope of that, it sounds."

Hettig smiled. "On that point we can all agree, but as the resumption of the war is the only logical alternative, it is a chance worth taking. More important, though, is that the success of our plan will help defuse the power Ryan Steiner is gathering. Keeping the Federated Commonwealth strong will act as another caution to the Jade Falcons to think long and hard before breaking the truce."

Hettig's remark sent shivers down Victor's spine. He turned around to look at his cousin. "Is the peace so fragile on your side of the line?"

The tall MechWarrior shrugged stiffly. "The people of the Clans are warriors. Peace does not suit them. The ilKhan hopes that finding an acceptable outlet for their aggressive potential will keep them in check for the period of the truce. If you agree to let a bandit-hunting unit operate in Federated Commonwealth space, I will send word out immediately and the ilKhan will assign someone to deal with the problem. We can see if this grand experiment will work."

"If I don't, we will likely be at war by year's end." Victor frowned. And ComStar will likely punish the Federated Commonwealth by raising the cost of sending messages between our worlds. It's been such a relief not to be in a continual covert war against ComStar the way my father was for so long. But I don't like feeling coerced into an agreement, especially one like this that I would probably support anyway.

Victor looked over at Hettig. "This is what ComStar wants?"

The Precentor nodded. "It is ComStar's truce, and ComStar deems this the best way to preserve it."

The Prince glanced at his cousin. "The ilKhan believes this effort is important enough to risk Clan personnel and materiel?"

"That is my understanding."

Victor nodded. "If this works, Ryan Steiner loses, and I am in favor of that. I would prefer that one of my units be the one to get the bandits, but I can see the wisdom of having the Jade Falcons hunt them down. There seems little to object to."

Hettig nodded. "So it does. Then you agree?"

This must have made sense to my mother, or I would not be here. It seems sound to me and prevents my people getting killed. If I did not agree, I could still be overruled. And even if my mother did not agree, ComStar could probably use its control of communication to successfully screen a Clan force operating in FedCom space.

"All right," Victor said. "I agree. If you get me the designation and make-up of the force that will be coming in, I can communicate the same to our units in the areas where the Red Corsair is likely to strike." Victor smiled at the ComStar Precentor. "There, you have your agreement. The threat to the peace is over."

"One of them is lessened,in any event." Hettig turned to Phelan. "The presence of Ragnar has attracted attention . . ."

Victor shook his head. "I have taken steps to help defuse that situation, Precentor Hettig. I have already vetoed any schemes to covertly or even overtly rescue him. However, if Ragnar wants his freedom, all he has to do is ask."

"I know that, Prince Victor, and I appreciate it." The Precentor did not even glance in his direction as he spoke. "There have been communications, othercommunications, in which Ragnar has been mentioned. Unfortunately for the senders, those communications were misrouted and will not reach their intended recipient until afteryou and Ragnar have left Arc-Royal. Still ..."

The Wolf Khan nodded. "I understand. I will keep Ragnar on the base unless he is with an escort that can ensure his safety."

"ComStar is in your debt."

"ComStar mis-routed a message?" Irony coated Victor's words like wax. "I cannot believe that happened."

Irritation passed over Hettig's face. "The senders were hasty and did not clearly address the messages. Haste makes waste."

"And desperation makes haste."

"True enough, Prince Victor, as we all know." The ComStar Precentor folded his arms into the sleeves of his white robe. "But then we also know that proper planning precludes desperation, and proper planning is what this meeting was all about. ComStar thanks you for your cooperation because, in this matter, desperation would mean a haste that wasted humanity."



Federated Commonwealth

15 April 3055


Victor Davion smiled politely as the dowager Baroness de Gambier introduced her niece, Charity, to him. "No, it is myvery great pleasure to meet you, Lady de Gambier. " He kissed the gloved knuckles of the young woman's hand and gave her fingers a surreptitious squeeze. "Your aunt is quite right. Your father's service with the Second Royal Guards has been very important to the Federated Commonwealth."

"Thank you, H-h-highness," stammered the young woman.

"I mean that very sincerely," Victor added hastily as he released her hand. He had little doubt that the tall and gangling young woman would have been decidedly less nervous if her plump old aunt were not hovering close enough to hear their every word. Victor—who had learned long ago to be very polite to the young women thrust at him as possible brides by ambitious relatives—felt especially sorry for Charity.

"Lady de Gambier, you are preparing to enter a university? I believe that is what your aunt mentioned."

Charity nodded as she collected her thoughts. "I am hoping to go to the New Avalon Institute of Science after getting my first two years at the Gambier Technical Institute. If I can transfer to the NAIS, Dr. Riva Allard's neurocybernetic regeneration projects interest me. I could help my father and others recover from battle wounds."

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