Katherine, he recalled quite easily after a moment's reflection, had always been adept at beguiling even the sternest of courtiers and tutors with her innocent confusion. She claimed to have inherited the ability from their mother, but Melissa protested that she'd been too shy to flirt in her youth. The Archon freely acknowledged Katherine her superior in that area.

"The news of Morgan's retirement got me thinking about our grandmother. As my middle name is Morgan in his honor, I decided to return to the original form of my name in herhonor." She smiled and Victor felt the heat in the circle go up a degree or two. "After all, Katherine is the kind of name one gives a dowdy old empress with a taste for horses. Katrina is much more to my liking."

Phelan nodded confidently. "And it suits you well, cousin."

Katherine winked at him. "Is it the Clans who have taught you flattery, Phelan?"

"No, merely to rationally assess situations and report on them."

"You should instruct my brother on such things, then." She turned back to throw a smile at Victor. "By the way, I like the robes. You and Kommandant Cox look quite dashing."

From beyond Phelan, both Caitlin and Ranna approached the group. Caitlin's look of happiness found a twin on Katherine's face. "Katrina, you look wonderful!"

Victor frowned and turned to Galen. "Does everyone know of this name change except for me?"

Galen blinked, then looked down at Victor. "Beg your pardon, sir?"

"Never mind," Victor grumbled.

"And you are Ranna?" Katherine cooed as she took the Clanswoman by the hand. "Caitlin said you were pretty, but she woefully underbid, didn't she? I would have started at 'divine' and then might have been talked down to 'absolutely gorgeous,' quiaff?I did that right, ja?"

Victor took refuge in Ranna's momentary look of surprise. He rolled his eyes as the Wolf Clan warrior stammered out a reply. Katrina—Katherine—is a magician! The next time I bid a battle against the Clans, I want her with me.

He watched his sister work the crowd. Though he always thought she went too far, no one else seemed to think so. Her combination of compliments and wit enchanted everyone she met. Even Kai and Galen had drifted forward to keep Katherine the center of the circle. As she linked her arm through Ranna's and whispered something to her, the circle drew tighter, leaving Victor a step back and forgotten as it squeezed him out.

Not a little disgusted, he started the long away around the outside of the crowd in the reception room. He plotted a course to the refreshments table and wished he could have teleported there like a JumpShip making its way between stars. So fixed was he on becoming invisible as he skirted the assembly that he was two steps beyond the doorway when he actually translated the whispered sound into his name.

Spinning about, he saw her, and his jaw dropped open. She wore a jacket and skirt similar in style to his sister's, but different enough to save them the embarrassment of arriving in the same outfit. Unlike his sister's clothes, however, hers had been cut from white silk embroidered with pink cherry blossoms.

"Omi?" Victor recovered his wits, and swallowed hard. "I mean, komban-wa, Kurita Omi. "

Omi bowed her head to him in return, her long black hair falling forward over one shoulder like a velvet curtain. "Your Japanese is flawless, Victor. You have been practicing."

Victor nodded, unable to speak as his racing heart lagged a second or two behind the pace of his thoughts. To save her brother from the Clans on Teniente, Omi had been forced to enlist Victor's help. In exchange for allowing her to invite Federated Commonwealth forces to perform the rescue, her father had made Omi promise never to communicate with Victor again. Her grandfather, however, had overridden that command in gratitude for her role in saving Hohiro. He even appointed her head of the foundation that provided money for the education of the children of the Revenants, a job that required a regular exchange of messages with Victor.

When leaving Outreach four years ago, Victor had thought he would never see Omi again. She had thought so, too, which may have made them feel freer to express themselves in the messages they sent back and forth. Their relationship had deepened to the point that Omi's promise to her father became a form of torture to them both. Still, the distance that separated them helped keep things in check.

Seeing her again, Victor wanted to take Omi in his arms right here, but he refrained. He must have been staring at her, though, for she blushed suddenly. Averting his eyes in embarrassment, he felt the heat rising on his own cheeks.

"Sumimasen, "he said. "I did not mean to embarrass you. It is just that it is so hard to believe you are really here."

Omi smiled carefully. "The Draconis Combine owes a great debt to the Kell Hounds. My father would never allow us to be disrespectful. I have come to honor a great warrior. I also impressed upon my father that the foundation had urgent business that was best conducted in person here on Arc-Royal."

"I see." Victor tugged nervously at the loose ends of the sash holding his robe shut. Another secret mission-one of which I knew nothing, but one I welcome wholeheartedly."I had not thought I would ever see you again. I thought you might have been offended that I was unable to attend your grandfather's memorial service. I was grieved at your loss."

She looked down at the white marble floor. "Takashi's passing was so unexpected, but he wanted no public spectacle to commemorate him." Omi looked up and met Victor's gaze for a moment before her eyes flicked down again. "That is not to say you would not have been welcome."

"Thank you." Victor smiled at her and his chest felt like it would explode. "Come, I must introduce you to my sister."

She held up one hand. "No, Victor, I have already met her. She helped my staff create this dress while the Taizaiwas coming into the system. Your Katrina is very nice."

Victor sighed audibly. "But a bit much, yes?"

"She is very vivacious,I think." Omi politely stifled a yawn. "I came here this evening because I promised her I would. I should have followed my own counsel and gone to bed early."

"Yes, no, I mean, I understand, but I am happy you decided to come." Victor glanced back at where his sister still had the crowd enthralled. Of course they won't notice me.Captain Moran did look over, scowling instantly, but that fact barely registered in Victor's mind. "Would you like me to escort you to your quarters?"

Almost immediately he realized how the question sounded. "I mean, I would consider it an honor to be sure you made your way back safely."

Omi's blue eyes sparked for a second, but her face remained politely expressionless. "I can find my way from the garden. If you would accompany me that far, I would be in your debt."

Victor pointed her back down the corridor. While on his way to the party, the same hallway had seemed to go on forever, but now, escorting Omi back the same way, it seemed so pitifully short. They did not speak, nor did they touch, even by accident, but it didn't matter. Even keeping his eyes forward, Victor could feel her beside him. The rustle of her dress whispered seductively and the hushed sound of her breathing sounded like music in his ears.

Opening the door at the corridor's end, he ushered Omi into the cool evening air and the garden the Kell Hounds maintained so carefully.

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