This time he laughed, startling both of them. The sound was husky, low, and foreign to his ears, as if he had forgotten what it was like. His black eyes leapt to her face almost in fear.

“Not bad, wild man. First a growl, and now a laugh. We’re making progress.” Her eyes danced at him, reassured him.

Joy welled up in the midst of pain. Shea. She had created a world where his soul could somehow touch light Vampires feel nothing but the momentary high a kill brings. They are amoral, deviant creatures.

Her chin lifted, eyebrows drawing together in concentration. “A kill?”

They always kill their prey when feeding. They do not place them in a trance. It feeds their high to experience their victim ‘s terror. They do not discriminate between man, woman, or child. The vampire has chosen to trade his soul for fleeting emotion.

“Do you kill?” Her fingers twisted together, and her breath seemed caught in her lungs. Why had she asked him that? She already knew the answer; she had glimpsed the darkness in him on more than one occasion.

Quite easily when necessary, but never my human prey. Heanswered matter-of-factly, without real thought. It was instinct, his predatory nature.

“People,Jacques,” she corrected. “We are people.” You are Carpathian.

“I don’t even know what a Carpathian is. Do you? Do you honestly know? Maybe you do have a rare blood condition, and somehow it gives you extraordinary gills.” Shea no longer seriously believed there was any hope of that. She was certain he knew the truth: he belonged to another species of people.

Exhaustion was winning the battle with Jacques. Mortal sleep was not rejuvenating, but until Shea became accustomed to her new life, he would not leave her unprotected. He closed his eyes. Ihave existed for over eight hundred years. I existed before Leonardo Da Vinci.The words were slurred in her mind.

She backed away from the bed until the wall brought her up short. Over eight hundred years? Shea pressed a hand to her head. What was he going to do next? Turn into a bat? A wolf? Nothing would surprise her now. Iprefer the wolf given a choice.There was a distinct smile in his voice, brushing in her mind. It softened the hard edges of his mouth, giving him that sensual, sexy look she could not resist.

You would,she sent back to him, inexplicable feelings for him spilling into her mind and heart.

There was so much about Jacques she didn’t know. Just how powerful was he? If vampires actually existed, had they originated from Carpathians, as Jacques implied? Did that mean a cold, merciless killer nature lay buried in Jacques, waiting to surface? Seven years buried alive should do a great job of bringing any latent hostilities out. Nor could she put aside the possibility that he was completely insane. She felt the madness in him, his struggle to find his memories and the truth, to suppress the violence within him. She sighed softly, touched his hair with a fingertip, her heart melting at the sight of him, so vulnerable, like a little boy. What was it about him that tore her heart out every time she faced the fact that he would get well and she would have to move on?

I am very powerful.

Startled, Shea looked at him. Jacques hadn’t moved. His eyes remained closed. “I’m sure you are.” Did he need reassurance?

I have no intention of allowing you to leave me.

She laughed softly. “I was just thinking what a vulnerable, boyish look you have in your sleep. Now I think you’re a spoiled brat.”

I am more powerful than a vampire, little red hair. I hunt them down and destroy them. I will have no trouble keeping you at my side.

“I’ll just have to make it my business to annoy you to the point that you’ll be happy to get rid of me.” She poured the last unit of blood into a glass for him. “I can do that, you know. My patients always are glad to see the last of me.”

I may be insane, Shea. I have thought about it for a long while. I know my nature is that of a predator.Hesounded very thoughtful, giving each of her worries his strict attention. But if I am truly insane, then I cannot be without you. I will need you every moment by my side to ensure the safety of all mankind.

Shea started to laugh, but as his serious tone registered, her smile faded. He was not teasing her. He was being as honest as he could be. Jacques didn’t know whether he was insane or not. “Sometimes, wild man, you break my heart,” she said softly.

You want to leave me, Shea. I feel the need in you to put distance between us.

“I have spent more time with you than I have with anyone in my life. I’ve told you more about myself, talked, laughed, and... and... “ She hesitated, blushing wildly.

Jacques opened his eyes, turned his head to look at her.

“Other things,” she went on decisively. “It isn’t like I’m thinking of deserting you. I just need space now and then, don’t you?”

He merged with her immediately. At once she felt stark emptiness. A black void that could never be filled. Her heart beat hard, pounding in near terror. The world was gray and black, dark and ugly. There was no relief, no hope, only the terrible emptiness of total despair.

Her breath caught in her throat. She touched his hair with gentle fingers, ran a fingertip along his jaw in a small caress. “You reallydislike being alone.”

I think the worddislike is not nearly strong enough,he answered dryly. I cannot breathe unless you are close to me.

“I didn’t realize it was so terrible for you. I’m sorry I was so insensitive, Jacques. I wasn’t meaning to be. I have a tendency to plan things out far in advance. What you’re picking up in my mind is something altogether different. Our situation is becoming desperate. I have to drive into one of the villages and get us some supplies. Blood, clothes for you.” She held up a hand. Merged as she was with him, she felt his instant rejection of her plan. “We don’t have a choice, Jacques. I’m going to have to leave immediately in order to get down to the village first thing in the morning.”

No! It is not safe. I will not allow such a thing. It is too risky.

She ignored his protest. “It is the only way that I can get back here by nightfall. I don’t want to leave you alone during the daylight hours, but we need blood, Jacques. You’re not healing as fast as you expect because we don’t have the amount of blood you need. And as much as I hate to think about it, I know you’re supplying me with blood. I was so weak before, but now I’m stronger. You gave me your blood, didn’t you?”

You cannot go.

She understood the terrible dread, the empty void he would feel if she left him alone now. The dark, ugly hole that swallowed him when he was without her. Her heart ached for him. To be imprisoned underground all those years, with no memory, only pain and darkness and starvation, had to have left mental scars.

I cannot be without you.His hand found hers, his fingers lacing with hers, a bond. To him it was simple. She was his balance, his sanity, or what little remained of it. She was light to his darkness. She could not leave him. He carried her fingertips to the warmth of his mouth.

She felt the jolt of sensual awareness right down to her toes.

His mind was open to hers, the ultimate intimacy, so that she could feel his every emotion, read his every thought if she chose. Dark desires mingled turbulently with stark resolve to keep her close to his side. Isolation yawned like a black, empty hole. So alone. So much pain. Emptiness. Hunger. Always the terrible hunger consuming him. She found tears on her face. Her arms cradled his head, rocked him gently. “You’re not alone anymore,” she whispered. “I’m right here with you, Jacques. I’m not leaving you alone like this.”

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