Who was she, Jacques? Or who is she?Amale like Jacques, so handsome, sensual, intense—of course he had to have a woman stashed somewhere. Shea bit her lip so hard, two drops of blood beaded up.

Jacques tried to hold on to the fragments slipping in and out of his head. He sensed that the information was of great importance to both of them. Shebelonged to another. He is...Pain gripped his head in a vise and squeezed hard.

Shea laced her fingers through his. “Let it go, Jacques, we don’t need it.” She smoothed the hair from his forehead. “It will come in time. Look how much you’ve already remembered.” It was shocking to her just how much of a relief it was to learn that the unknown important woman belonged to another.

If it is not some fantasy.Itwas half humor, half self-censure. His hand came up, caught the nape of her neck, and pulled her down so that he could kiss her soft, trembling mouth. His tongue swept the ruby droplets from her full lower lip.

“I told you to stay out of my head.” She returned his kiss gently, taking care not to jar him. “Let’s go in and make you comfortable.” It seemed harder for her to bear his pain than it was for him.

Another minute. Listen to the song of the night. The wolves call to one another in joy. Do you hear?

She did. How could she not? A distance away the pack lifted their muzzles skyward and poured out their happiness to one another. It was impossible to contain it within their bodies, and it flowed from their hearts, out their throats into the night. It was so beautiful, so pure, so much a part of their world. The notes, each different, unique to the individual animal, floated through the forest, lifted to the very heavens. She belonged here in this land. She belonged with the wolf pack, the mountains, and the night. She turned her head to look at Jacques, found him clutching his head as memories crowded in, jagged bits and pieces that teased and frustrated, that felt like piercing shards of glass.

I should remember him. Someone important. I remember the fight.Hishand went once more to his throat. The vampire slashed my throat. The woman saved my life. She pretended to be hysterical, but she packed the wound with soil and her saliva as she cried over me. The vampire took her. Why can I not remember the important one?

“Stop it right now!” Shea ordered sharply as she stroked away the crimson stain on his forehead. “I’m taking you back into the house this minute.”

Shea.Hername was a magic talisman, a soothing balm to his tortured mind.

I’m here with you, Jacques.She merged with him immediately, held him close physically. It will all come in time, I promise you.

His hand brushed her throat, the raw, ragged wounds and bruises that refused to heal. Without proper blood and the rejuvenating sleep of their people, her body could not heal itself. Look at you, what I have done to you. And I cannot guard you, as I must, as is my duty. I am of little use to you.

Shea tugged at his hair, a tiny punishment. “I don’t know, Jacques, you’re more than adequate at giving orders.” She maneuvered the gurney back into the cabin, then took the opportunity to put fresh sheets on the bed before helping Jacques onto it. “You know I have to go,” she said softly.

Jacques lay very still, staying on top of the pain, drifting with it, grateful for the comfortable bed and her soothing touch. He loved the feel of her fingers caressing his hair, his forehead, stroking away his pain. I cannot allow you to go unprotected.His resolve was fading. She could tell he didn’t like the idea, but he knew it was necessary.

“I’ll be leaving you unprotected as well. But we can do this. It isn’t as if either of us will really be alone. Does distance matter? Our bond is so strong, can’t we use it across a few miles? After all, you called me from thousands of miles away.”

His black gaze reflected pain, but he was becoming more resigned to the trip. It is true, we can touch one another at will, but it consumes my energy. Over a distance it may be difficult.

“Only because I always let you do the work.” Shea checked the loads in the shotgun and rifle and laid two boxes of cartridges beside the weapons, near his hand. “I’m getting good at this mind-reading thing. My mother was supposed to be psychic, and supposedly I inherited her gift. Who knows, maybe it’s true.”

Our bond is growing stronger with each blood exchange, with each passing moment we are together.

“So if we were apart I might stop wanting to be around you?” she teased. “If I had known it was that simple, I would have sat outside most of the time.”

He caressed her silky hair. I will allow you to do this thing, but do not—he broke off the thought abruptly.

But not before Shea caught the echo of the primitive, territorial male. Her eyebrows shot up. Sometimes he reminded her more of a wild animal than a man. “Less of this allowstuff. It offends my independent nature.”

She was smiling again, gently teasing him, and Jacques felt surrounded by her light. It seemed to shine through her vivid green eyes and lead him away from the yawning emptiness. She was making perfect sense, and in this moment of lucidity, he could do no other than acquiesce. Still, how was he going to be without her even for a short time? How would he survive as each minute, each second crawled by? Jacques closed his eyes, a fine sheen of sweat coating his skin at the thought of the darkness he would endure. The agony. The isolation.

“Jacques, don’t. You said you could shut down your heart and lungs. If you do that, do you feel or think? Dream?” Have nightmares?

No, but I dare not sleep in the way of our people. When you are separated from me or you choose the sleep of mortals, I must remain alert.

“I’ll be fine. Put yourself to sleep and escape for just a little while. I’ll take off and get as far as I can tonight.”

You must not allow anything to happen to you, Shea. You cannot comprehend how important it is that you come to no harm. I cannot be without you. You brought me back into this life. I know my mind is not right. You cannot desert me when I need you the most. I would not be able to find my way back from the madness of the beast.

“I have no intention of deserting you, Jacques,” she assured him.

Do not forget that you must merge with me this time.Therewas a trace of fear in his voice.

“I will check in often, Jacques. And you tell me if anything goes wrong on your end. Understand? No more of this chest-beating macho stuff.”

Chapter Six

Dawn was streaking the sky by the time Shea managed to make the trip over the rough terrain to the nearest village. She needed fuel, herbs, sutures, various supplies, and, most of all, blood. Whole blood. She had always had to fight off fatigue during the daytime, but now it was more than simple fatigue; she was exhausted. She was terrified of being caught alone in her camper in such a weak state. She knew it would be virtually impossible to protect herself. More than anything else, she feared that something might attack Jacques while she was away.

Shea parked her truck at the village petrol station and slipped from the cab. Almost immediately she was uneasy, not certain why. Few villagers were out and about at such an early hour. She leaned casually against the truck, taking a long look around. She could detect no one, but she felt eyes on her, someone or something watching her. The feeling was strong. Lifting her chin, she forced herself to ignore her overactive imagination while she filled the truck, its reserve tank, and the two tanks for her generator.

The feeling of being watched became so strong, it made her skin crawl. Without warning something pushed at her mind. Not Jacques. It wasn’t his familiar touch. Fear slammed into her, but she kept her cool, professional mask, her single-minded purpose to finish her tasks as quickly as possible. Whatever it was retreated, unable to penetrate.

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