Shea.Heached with wanting to do as she asked him. She could feel it in his mind, the need to give her whatever would make her happy, yet at the same time the idea that she could be slipping away from him terrified him. His every instinct insisted he do as the healer suggested and ensure that she was brought to full strength. He fought to stay in control, to not allow his animal instincts to make the decision. Please, little red hair, just do this so we can both be strong. Once it is done, we will be able to be on our own together and make our own decisions.

I’m not ready, Jacques. Try to understand. I need time to comprehend what’s happening to me. I need to feel in control. I’m not going to die. I’ve accepted that whatever you are, whatever my father is, I have become wholly. I know that you somehow were able to bind us together. And I’m trying to deal with all that in my own time and way.

I am attempting to do what is right for you.

How can you know what’s right for me? You decided for me. You took over my life without my knowledge or consent. You had no right to do that, Jacques.

No, I did not,headmitted. I would like to think that if I was not what I have become, I would have courted you as I should, that I could have earned your love and loyalty. I would hope I was not the type of man to force my will on you.

This is no different, Jacques. Can’t you see that?

“She is so weak, Jacques, and so much has happened so quickly.” Gregori’s velvet voice was seductive. “She cannot make a rational decision. How will you aid her? If you try to supply her with blood, you will be unable to adequately protect her. She needs to be healed. You are her lifemate, Jacques. Reach inside yourself, deep within you. These things were imprinted on you before your birth. The male can do no other than to see to his lifemate’s health.”

Mikhail,Ravenobjected. She’s being pushed too far. Don’t allow this.

She is too important to all of us. We need her at full strength, so she can control Jacques while we wait for his mind to fully heal. None of us can do so. We do not wish to be forced to destroy him. In the end she would choose to follow him, and we would lose her also. You can see her first thought is for Jacques and not for herself. She would follow him for certain. We have to do this, Raven. I am sorry it distresses you.

Jacques bent his head to find Shea’s temple with warmth and tenderness. His arms closed around her, pulled her resisting body in close to his hard frame. “Shea, I believe the healer is right in this.”

I can’t believe you would betray me like this. You’re siding with them. Why, Jacques? You owe me more respect than this.

Because without you, I am far too dangerous to the world. Because what I feel for you goes far beyond the human emotion of love.Jacques tipped her chin up and forced her green eyes to meet his black ones. At once she could feel his will bending hers to do his bidding. She was falling forward into the depths of his eyes. His voice was murmuring in her head, a low command she tried hard to resist. You will accept what the healer offers.

Gregori was already moving forward, his soft voice adding to the power of Jacques’. He bit carefully into his wrist and held it to Shea’s mouth. The scent was overpowering, triggering the terrible hunger and need in her. Jacques’ palm was pressing the back of her head, forcing her toward the liquid of life, the healing ancient blood that would pour power and strength into her body.

“She is strong-willed, Jacques,” Gregori counseled softly. Shea was fighting the compulsion to feed. The rich blood, so potent, flowing into her starving body, did not weaken her resistance, it merely made her stronger. Gregori could see that Jacques was wavering as he watched Shea fight the compulsion. Jacques’ mind might be fragmented, he might even be mad at times, but his feelings for Shea were strong and healthy. The healer purposely dropped his voice another octave, using the purity of his tone to persuade Jacques. “Our women are few, the only hope for our people. The one sure way to wipe out our people is to murder our women. They must be guarded at all times. The assassins have returned to our land. The very soil groans under their boots.”

“Shea has seen them.” Jacques watched warily as Mikhail approached, still not trusting himself with the man who had come so close to strangling Shea. “They have nearly caught her twice.”

“Feed, Jacques. I offer my life freely to you as you have so many times done for me.” Mikhail slashed his wrist and held it out to his brother.

The moment the richness spilled into his mouth, the taste and surge of power brought a rush of fragments of memories. Mikhail laughing, pushing Jacques from a tree branch playfully. Mikhail’s body crouched low, protectively, in front of his as a vampire with brown-stained teeth began to grow long, dagger-like nails. Mikhail holding Raven’s limp body, a river of blood, the earth and sky erupting all around them while Mikhail looked up at Jacques with the hopeless resolve to join his lifemate in her fate.

Jacques’ eyes jumped to Mikhail’s face, examined every inch of it. This man was a leader, a dangerous, powerful predator who had skillfully steered their dying race through centuries of pitfalls. One whom such as Gregori chose to follow. Something stirred inside Jacques, the need to protect this man, to shield him. Mikhail.

Mikhail’s head jerked up. He heard his name echo clearly in his head. The path had been there for one heartbeat, familiar and strong; then just as quickly it was lost.

Jacques was so distracted by the pieces of memories floating in his mind, his hold on Shea slipped. Shea felt his inattention and gathered herself, waiting, waiting. The moment the compulsion lifted, she wrenched her head from Gregori’s wrist and leapt away. Jerking the heavy door open, Shea fled into the fury of the storm.

The air in the cabin stilled, thickened with a kind of malevolent darkness. Jacques’ features were a granite mask, his black eyes flat and hard. He took one last swallow of the powerful liquid, carefully closed the wound, and lifted his head. “I thank you for your assistance, but I must ask you to leave. Perhaps tomorrow night you will try your hand at mending my mind, healer.” His gaze was on the night, a dark purpose creeping into his tone.

“Jacques...” Raven ventured hesitantly. This stranger was more beast than man, not the gentle brother-in-law she had known. At one time, Jacques had been filled with lazy amusement, with laughter and boyish pranks. Now he was a being without mercy, dangerous, insane perhaps.

Mikhail silently pulled her from the cabin, his body already beginning to lose form. They have to work it out themselves, my love.

He seems so dangerous.

He cannot harm his lifemate.Mikhailtried valiantly to believe it. There was a darkness in Jacques, a truly frightening void none of them could breach.

Gregori hesitated in the doorway. “Take precautions when you sleep, Jacques. We are hunted.” He, too, shimmered, dissolved, and streamed into the night.

Gregori, will he harm her?Inspite of his reassurance to Raven, Mikhail felt he couldn’t take any chances with Shea’s health. If anyone could assess the damage to Jacques’ mind, it was the healer.

He thinks to punish her impetuous behavior,Gregorireplied softly, but I can feel his mind turning to hers, taking in her overwhelming emotions. He tries to be angry with her, but it will not stay in his mind.

The blood from the ancients had given Jacques his full strength. He felt his immense power, savored it once again. On bare feet he padded across the room to the door and inhaled deeply. Despite the storm, he knew exactly where Shea was. He was in her mind at all times, never separated. He could feel her wild emotions, her panic and desperation, her need to escape the mountains, the Carpathians. To escape him.

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