“You should hear what I call you behind your back,” Gregori said, even as his arms spread to accommodate the wings forming.

Mikhail’s laughter echoed as the bird soared into the night sky.

The cave of healing was smaller than most of the other chambers in the maze of underground tunnels. The soil was rich, dark, and fertile. It smelled pleasant, with the aroma of herbs mixed with the natural fragrance of the earth. Shea’s hand found Jacques’ back pocket and slipped inside, a link between them as they surveyed the extent of Byron’s injuries. Shea felt a helpless sense of deja vu. Smith and Wallace had not had as much time to torture him as they had Jacques, but nevertheless his body was blackened with burns and covered with cuts.

Shea found Jacques’ hand, twisted her fingers in his, hardly daring to look at him. The sight of Byron’s tortured body must bring back such hideous memories. She attempted to be cheerful. “Well, at least they’re consistent in what kind of damage they do. So we know I can help him, based on past experience.”

Jacques did not want her touching the other man. The emotion was sharp and ugly and overwhelming.

Loathing himself, Jacques took a deep breath and let it out, instinctively placing his large frame between Byron and his lifemate.

Shea touched his face with gentle fingers. “What is it?” Her voice was so beautiful, so clear and cool and soothing, that Jacques wanted to cringe from the truth, ashamed, but he could not lie to her.

“I do not know. Only that I cannot bear for you to touch him. God, Shea, I hate myself for this, but you cannot.” His hands cupped her face, his black eyes filled with sorrow. “You cannot do this.”

“What do you think will happen if I touch this man? Do you believe Rand’s stories now? Do you think you influenced me somehow, and our chemistry is not real?”

“I only know that if you touch this man, I will not be in control. The demon in me will rise, and my mind will shatter into so many fragments, I will never be able to put myself back together.”

Shea could feel his loathing for his unreasonable jealousy, his fear that she would ignore his plea and something terrible would happen. She realized she still knew precious little of Carpathian ways, that Jacques was edgy and more animal than man at that moment. Her fingers curled around his arm, and she smiled up at him. “I guess we wait for the healer.”

Jacques could feel the tension drain from his body. “It might be the best idea.”

Shea reached up to trail her fingertips over his neck. The massage was suggestive and reassuring at the same time. He reacted by crushing her to him, his mouth hard and dominating as he captured hers. He kissed her possessively, his body as demanding as his mouth. “I need you right now, Shea. My body is going up in flames, and I hurt like hell. We have to be alone soon or I might die.”

Her laughter was muffled against his chest. “No one has ever died because they wanted to make love.” But she wasn’t sure. Her own body was burning and begging for the connection to his.

Gregori suddenly materialized, made a soft, sighing noise, and sent them a clear frown. Like guilty children they broke apart.

The healer spoke. “He will be weak, Jacques. He may even attempt to resist you. He is close to turning and has been for some time. Tell him of Raven’s child, of your belief that Shea might be able to provide a female child.” Gregori gave the advice softly. “You must take control of him. I felt his resistance to our intervention.”

Jacques nodded. He wished Shea away from Byron; and she moved to the end of the chamber, reading his mind. He sent her thanks and turned his attention to his former friend.

Shea watched him, feeling suddenly proud of him. He might not be able to bear her touching another man yet, but he didn’t like himself very much for it. And she could sense his determination to save Byron. She knew he could not bring himself to lie to her in order to make himself look good in her eyes. He didn’t try to hide his darker side from her but rather wanted her to find a way to love him in spite of it.

And she did. She might not understand, but she loved all of him. He didn’t run from the things he had to do. He faced the demon in himself every day. It had all happened so fast, one thing after the other. Shea had taken a long time to assimilate all the information, but the one consistent thing was the way Jacques was with her. He was honest about everything, even his terrible need of her.

Byron groaned, bringing her attention to the men bending over him. Gregori was as still as a statue, his concentration completely on the ravaged body. Jacques was forcing his wrist to Byron’s mouth. Shea’s stomach lurched, but she didn’t look away.

Byron resisted, his eyes imploring.

“You must take my blood. The women are safe; the trap you warned us of failed.” Jacques’ low voice seemed to be notes of music dancing in the air. Shea merged with him to increase his strength. She could feel Jacques’ surprise as her will joined with his to force Byron’s compliance.

“Mikhail’s woman carries a female child,” Jacques said softly. “Shea is from the human race and capable of providing female children. There is hope now for a future, Byron. We want you to join with us to find those human women of psychic ability our people need. You cannot throw your life away. What if, through our bond of friendship and blood, you are the lifemate to my daughter? What would become of our child? Take what is freely offered, old friend, and save yourself. You are strong. You will endure while we rebuild our race.”

Byron looked into Jacques’ black eyes for a long time, seeking something he evidently found. He closed his mouth over the offered wrist and drank willingly. For the first time, Shea did not find the act repulsive. There was something beautiful in the way Jacques gave his blood so freely to Byron. It was far more personal than the way humans donated blood.

Her body clenched with hot desire, and without thinking she bathed Jacques’ mind in her heat. She saw his body hunch, as if someone had physically punched him. Guilt stirred for a moment, but then he was stroking her throat, his mental touch every bit as exciting in her state of arousal as his physical one.

Gregori straightened up slowly and inhaled sharply, turned to glare at Jacques. Take your woman and find a place away from us. You know how dangerous Carpathian men can be at such a time. See to your needs, Jacques.

I have little memory of these parts. If you recall, our home was invaded, and the vampire knows where it is.

Go deeper into the earth. The cave continues until you find the very core, the hot springs. You will be safe there. And alone.

And Byron?

He cannot speak. As yours was, his voice is paralyzed. I doubt if he can recall his betrayer. I will put him in the ground to heal. And I will seek out Rand. Our prince has passed sentence upon such a betrayer. Make no mistakeI will make certain he is the one before I destroy him.

Jacques reached down and touched Byron’s shoulder. “Go to the sleep of our earth, Byron. I will return each day to see that you are fed and your wounds are healing. Do you trust me to do this?”

Byron nodded wearily and closed his eyes. He welcomed the solace of the healing earth. Already the blood was flowing through his veins, giving him strength to heal. He felt better knowing he had somehow warned the others of the trap the vampire had set. He had been used to lure the men away from the women. The vampire had even whispered to him of the plan to sacrifice Smith while Slovensky and his nephew killed Raven and took Shea. The earth opened, and his weightless body floated into the cradle. All around him the rich soil reached out for him, welcomed him. He gave himself up to sleep and earth.

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