Hanse's eyes focused beyond the map. "The Ryuken was a unit several regiments in size. It was built up to parallel Wolf's Dragoons and its training style matched that of the Dragoons. As such, MechWarriors in that unit also worked well together. They learned how to support one another and mastered tactics that made them formidable. When they faced their mentors in 3028—on a world appropriately named Misery—both sides were savaged. The Ryuken were not fit enough as a unit to take part in the Fourth Succession War when it broke out, but the Genyosha were. At the war's end, remnants of the Genyosha pledged themselves to Theodore Kurita."

The Prince turned back to his son. "The Genyosha felt that Theodore's father, Takashi, had mistreated and dishonored their dead commander. A few Genyosha warriors even defected to the Kell Hounds. It was also at this time that Theodore drew to himself the remnants of the Ryuken, who had also lost their commander. He quickly organized training battalions around the Genyosha and Ryuken survivors, and also recruited heavily from among the yakuza. Even though his father ordered the dissolution and division of the Ryuken and Genyosha, Theodore had put together an excellent military force."

Justin cleared his throat. "In fact, the break-up of the two elite units seems only to have spread Theodore's new military philosophy further instead of destroying it, as Takashi had hoped. While old-liners did mount some revolts—and were largely responsible for what they call the Ronin Wars when Rasalhague went independent—Theodore's new and more efficient military doctrine won out."

Victor chewed his lower lip. "It was this new military doctrine that let Theodore pound us back in 3039?"

Hanse hesitated, a bit stung by the question. "That did, indeed, contribute to the military reversal we suffered. More important than that, however, was the number of 'Mechs the Combine had available for use. Theodore obtained reinforcements at an incredible rate, despite the fact his father saw him as a threat and did things like trying to hold up delivery of spare parts and munitions."

Victor frowned. "That was stupid. He was cutting off his nose to spite his face."

Morgan glanced at his chronometer and then straightened the line of his black and gold dress jacket. "That, Victor, is what we thought, which is why we moved when we did. Theodore has proved his worth, and since that time, we've been watching each other closely."

Hanse walked over and straightened the sunburst epaulet on Victor's left shoulder. "When Theodore posted his son to Turtle Bay and the Fourteenth Legion of Vega six months ago, I felt he was sending us a signal. At first, we feared that a buildup in the area would oblige us to reinforce the Rasalhague border, and that would be politically bothersome ..."

Victor saw a look of distaste wash over his father's face.

Ryan Steiner's meddling again, I would guess. He's only my mother's second cousin—and the same relation to me as Phelan Kell—but he causes enough trouble to be in a direct line for the Archon's throne.

An odd thought struck Victor and made him smile. I wonder if it's the province of second cousins one generation removed to cause trouble? Phelan got himself kicked out of the Nagelring, and Ryan married Morasha Kelswa to strengthen his power base with her claim to the throne of the Tamar Pact. As half the Pact became a chunk of the Free Rasalhague Republic, it would be difficult for my father to build up troops in that area while still denying Ryan's requests to go to war to regain his wife's holdings.

Victor looked up. "I take it Theodore did not increase troop or munitions shipments to his son's unit?"

Justin nodded carefully. "As nearly as the Ministry of Intelligence can determine, he has not. It looks as though shipments to that garrison are sufficient to replace materiel lost fighting pirates and nothing more."

Victor stepped back from his father and tugged at the wrists of his coat. "So you will send me up there to suggest to Theodore that you will answer him in kind?"

Hanse shook his head. "Both you and Hohiro Kurita are very good at what you do. Hohiro's scores from the Sun Zhang were leaked to us as a courtesy, and they were excellent. We have given Theodore a similar look at your file. If he wishes our differences settled by the two of us, he will strike at the Isle of Skye. If he wants to leave our conflict to future generations ..."

"His son will strike at me." Victor's blue eyes narrowed, unconsciously mimicking the face his father made when concentrating. The analysis is flawless, as I have come to expect from these three. The challenge is there, as I have been trained to expect from Theodore Kurita."What of you, Father? Do you wish the fight to fall to your next generation?"

Hanse threw back his head and laughed while his two advisors exchanged amused glances. "Yes, gentlemen, you were right. He did ask." Hanse's smile faded as he rested both his hands on Victor's shoulders. "I fought a war before you were born, and recovering from the war was long and hard. Deciding to attack the Draconis Combine ten years later was probably a mistake and I should be thankful to Theodore for making that so evident."

The Prince looked down onto his son's face. "In my day, some considered me a military genius, but it seems the title is generational in nature. My tactics in the Fourth Succession War worked because they hit at weaknesses my enemies had not recognized in their defenses. Just ten years later, in the War of 3039, Theodore Kurita saw the flaws in my tactics, and pointed them out to me in a most dramatic manner. It's true that we soft-soaped the whole story for public consumption, and given the nearly even exchange of worlds, the war looked like another stalemate. But those of us gathered here know how shocked we all were that Kurita could so successfully turn back the combined armies of the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth."

Hanse sighed heavily. "The time for me to plan and execute a war is passing—passing to Morgan and to you."

A small smile tugged at the corners of the Prince's mouth. "Let the wars pass to your generation, and when you take the throne, you can decide when or where or even ifto strike. If you become a great warrior, if you reunite the Successor States to form a new Star League, you will make me very proud. If you never fight a war, I will be just as proud."

Again Morgan looked at his chronometer. "It's past time, my friends. I will agree with you that this discussion is more interesting than the Archon's Liberty Medals Banquet is likely to be, but I also think it would be better held in a properly secure briefing room."

Hanse stood up and began to straighten his own jacket. 'The only real problem with shuttling court back and forth between New Avalon and Tharkad is that every night is taken up with awards banquets and other 'cultural events' of questionable merit" He winked at Victor. "But if we miss them, your mother will have our heads."

Victor pointed toward the door. "Then let's go." He turned to his father. "Do you think I'll have to preside over similar occasions on Trell I?"

Hanse shook his head. "Out there? I doubt it."

Victor laughed and closed the door behind them. 'There is a silver lining to this cloud after all ..."


Gearadeus Base, Skondia

Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth

30 July 3049

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