Ulric smiled appreciatively. "If Magnusson escapes and our AeroSpace Fighters shadow him, the Drakøns will have to stay with him all the way to ensure his safety. They'll end up jumping out with him."

The Kell Hound nodded. "Not only that, but his survival means other worlds in Rasalhague will not capitulate easily. You've developed a good method of bringing conquered worlds to heel by permitting them a certain amount of sovereignty. That's a salve to the egos of the Rasalhagians, and makes them far more cooperative. I gather, from some of the reports I've read, that the Ghost Bears and Smoke Jaguars haven't learned the technique yet."

Ulric interlaced his fingers, then pressed them together against his lips. "Let us just say that their philosophical outlook does not allow them the flexibility that could assist their quest." He closed his eyes for a moment. "That would leave us with the Drak0n ground forces and the First Rasalhague Freemen to deal with."

"Right. The Freemen should be easy to handle. They're stationed on the south polar continent, which is in the middle of its winter right now. Though they're specialists in cold-weather fighting, and reportedly revel in battles that take place in the continual dark and blizzard conditions of the winter, the icy flatness of the terrain make them extremely vulnerable to the extended-range capabilities of your 'Mechs. I would suggest BattleMechs with large complements of energy weapons because the cold can affect missiles and the loading mechanisms for projectile weapons on even the best machines."

"I concur," said the Khan. "What about the Drakøns?"

Phelan sighed heavily. "They're good, and they have infantry and armor support. I think the only thing you can do is to slug it out with them. Perhaps your armored infantry can harry the armor and slow it down. The Drakøns might accept free passage from the planet so that they can join the Prince, but I think that has only a slim chance of working. Slightly better might be an offer to make them part of your garrison here, especially if you threaten to bring in your own mercenaries to do the job if they don't agree."

The Clansman beamed suddenly. "An excellent suggestion. That is just what I might do if I win the bidding." Ulric looked away, already concentrating on the battle he would wage with Bjorn of the Ghost Bears. Almost as an afterthought, he asked, "Anything else, quineg?"

"Aff, Khan Ulric." Phelan saw by Ulric's reaction that he had expected a negative response. I can't let happen to Rasalhague what happened on Turtle Bay."I know of something that will guarantee you win the bidding." For the first time, Phelan saw uncertainty on the older man's face, and it worried him. Have I overplayed my hand? Have I made myself a danger to him and the Clans?

Ulric's features settled into an impassive mask. "What is it?"

Now or never. "Bid away the Dire Wolf."

The mercenary's answer brought a momentary look of shock to the Khan's face, but it faded quickly. "You do not know what you are suggesting." Even as Ulric spoke, his gaze flicked over Phelan, seeming to reassess what the bondsman had become.

Phelan straightened up. "I believe I do, Khan Ulric." The Kell Hound suddenly found his mouth going dry. "I saw the holovid of the Sabre Cat,the Smoke Jaguar flagship, lasing Edo to put an end to the riots there. I watched as missiles leveled buildings and lasers stabbed down from high orbit to melt the streets. The Sawagashii River boiled away to nothing! In a matter of minutes, a city of over a million was reduced to a charred, glassy scar on the face of the planet. How can you say I don't know what I'm asking?"

"Even the ilKhan believed that a prison break and six weeks of riots were not enough to justify that sort of retaliation." The Khan's eyes focused beyond the holotank. "I give you my word that I will never so level a world."

Phelan's hands convulsed into fists as Kenny Ryan's words echoed in his mind. "I know that and I believe it, or I wouldn't have helped you plan your assault on a free world. The problem is that I don't know that about Bjorn." The mercenary forced his hands open and rubbed at his temples. "I know the Dire Wolfis capable of the same planetary bombardments and assaults, and I know it's been kept like an ace in the hole in case you run into something you can't handle."

His head came up and his hands dropped back down to his sides. "I requested and got information on Bjorn. His holograph showed four-pointed gold stars on his collar where you wear the red dagger-stars. Ranna told me the red dagger-stars indicate someone who is a MechWarrior and that the gold stars are worn by those who come up through the Orbital Craft branch of your services. That tells me that Bjorn, no matter who or what he has advising him, is going to be dependent—consciously or unconsciously—on DropShip and JumpShip resources.

"Because Rasalhague actually does lie in your invasion zone, you will bid first. I know that the winner of the bidding has the right to bring down as much force as he offers in his first bid, and I know the first few bids are preliminaries to set the stage for the bidding war." Phelan felt the pulse pounding in his temples, but made no attempt to control his anger. "If your bid does not include the Dire Wolf,Bjorn will have to eliminate the Ursa Majorfrom his first offer, or he will concede defeat with the opening bid. You'll put him off balance from the start. He'll never get back on line quickly enough to oppose you effectively."

The Khan's face hardened. "This is not how things are done. There is a formula to the bidding. You are asking me to violate the tradition that governs our ways."

"That's right. I remind you, however, that it was my reputation for unorthodox action that made you ask for my assistance. There it is. An unorthodox action that will win you the right to take Rasalhague."

"I will do this." Ulric's cerulean eyes became slits. "And I will endure whatever are the consequences of such an action but only if you will give me something in return."

Phelan hesitated. "What can I give you? I am your bondsman. You already own me."

The Khan shook his head slowly. "I have made you privy to military secrets and classified material. To obtain your help, I have made you a severe threat to the invasion and to the Clans. So much so that whether I succeed in the bidding or not, I believe the ilKhan will ask me to destroy you." A pain flashed through Ulric's eyes. "It would not please me to do so."

I've blundered onto my own vibramines!A sickening void centered itself in his stomach. I was foolish to believe Ulric would not have recognized what sort of monster he'd created by giving me the data needed to help him."The assault will be as bloodless as possible?"

Ulric nodded. "Once the world is pacified, you may accompany me on an inspection."

"Well-bargained and done." Phelan swallowed past the naranji-sized lump in his throat. "I give you my word, as a MechWarrior, that I will not attempt to escape or communicate what I know to anyone without a directive from you. Before you owned my body, now you own my soul."


Black Pearl Base, Sudeten

Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

12 July 3050


Kai Allard, seated at the far end of the briefing table, shifted uncomfortably. I never should have let Victor talk me into attending this liaison meeting. He should have brought someone like Renny Sanderlin ...If I'd known that going to meet Victor when he arrived would get me placed in one of the strategy groups, I might not have been so anxious to see him right away.

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