Shin stared at her. "What? How did you know ... ?"

Lilith pointed at the yakuza's chest. "Your history identified you. The left side proclaims you a member of the Kuroi Kiriand the right sings of other great deeds."

The light from the palace lit the outlines of Shin's new tattoo. Part of the snarling smoke jaguar face had already been filled in on his shoulder. Its gold eyes glared defiantly at both the mercenary and the Kanrei. Below it, traced in black, was the crumpled form of a dead armored infantryman transfixed with a sword. The trail of stars and jumps made in the escape from Turtle Bay decorated the length of Shin's right arm from wrist to shoulder, and scenes from the prison break bled over from his back to the side of his ribs.

Hohiro, entering the garden through the ground-level entrance, pulled his kimono tight against the cold. "I was unaware that Colonel Wolf had such an interest in my father's men."

"There is much that interests the Dragoons, and much of which you are ignorant, Hohiro," Lilith hissed, her icy tone matching his. She looked up at Theodore. "It is to end this ignorance that I am sent to bring you, your family, and Shin Yodama to Outreach. There is much for you to learn."

Hohiro laughed scornfully, but the Kanrei seemed to consider her outrageous statement for a moment or two. "I would be a fool to travel alone to the headquarters of an enemy ..."

The mercenary smiled. "Colonel Wolf predicted that you would say that. He said that you may bring your Genyosha or Ryuken with you if need be, but that he hoped the promise of safe passage from Dechan Fraser and Jeanette Rand would suffice. He also said that his war was never with you or the Combine, it was only with Samsonov and your father. It is because of that vendetta that I could not come here openly. But you must realize that if the Colonel had sent me on a mission of destruction, nothing could have stopped me."

"Well spoken," Theodore agreed. "I shall not need the Genyosha or Ryuken with me, but I would like to bring Tai-saNarimasa Asario."

Lilith beamed up at him. "Excellent. Colonel Wolf said he looked forward to finally meeting Tai-saAsano. Gather your people and shuttle out on a vector to the Ginka orbital factory. We'll radio coordinates to our JumpShip."

Hohiro walked further into the garden and looked up at his father. "This is madness, sasen.We've just driven off an enemy and now you deliver us into the hands of another. I don't understand."

The Kanrei exchanged a look with Lilith, then spoke quietly but firmly to his son. "It is not for you to understand right now, Hohiro. You must just obey. For Colonel Wolf to take the risk of sending an envoy here means that his purpose is a serious one. Wolf is no fool, nor is he mad. That's enough for me."


Wolf's Dragoons General Headquarters, Outreach

Sarna March, Federated Commonwealth

12 January 3051


Victor Ian Steiner-Davion stood in the doorway of the hall, awe-struck by the crowd of people filling the room. If even half the stories I've heard are true, so many powerful people have not gathered in one place since the wedding of my mother and father.Military leaders moved in and out of small groups surrounding political leaders while members of Wolf's Dragoons—looking as though they fiercely resented the service—offered drinks and tidbits to their guests. Perhaps most shocking to Victor was that, with so many important people present, no one noticed his arrival.

The second he caught himself feeling piqued, he smiled. Recall, Victor, that here you are a very small fish in a big pond. You are neither a political nor military giant—yet— and therefore should be content with having been invited at all.His thoughts began to drift toward the puzzle he, Kai, and Morgan had tried to solve during the journey to Outreach, but he stopped himself. We weren't able to figure out why Wolf was calling us together then, so there's no sense wasting brainsweat on it now.

Amid the press of people, Victor saw a familiar figure in the red and black uniform of the Kell Hounds. The man stood tall and gave off an aura of strength and power. He wore his salt and pepper hair long enough to reach the shoulders of his red jacket, but kept his white beard closely trimmed. As always, Victor had the strange sensation that death would have to take this man asleep because it could never take him awake.

Victor crossed to where Morgan Kell stood talking with two people from the Free Worlds League and they politely backed away as Davion approached. At the sight of him, Morgan's face lit up.

"Highness," said his mother's cousin and founder of the Kell Hounds, "as always, seeing you is a pleasure without equal."

Taking Morgan's hand, Victor returned the smile. "Without equal? My mother will not be happy to hear that ..."

Morgan Kell laughed aloud. "Ah, you've caught me, for your mother has a special place in my heart. Consider my statement amended but no less heartfelt."


The mercenary looked Victor up and down, then nodded with satisfaction. "Dan Allard told me good things about you in that action on Twycross. He said you can think on your feet and that you weren't afraid of mixing it up. That's good." His eyes focused distantly. "It got your Uncle Ian killed on Mallory's World, but it's pulled your father and your cousin Morgan Hasek-Davion out of more scrapes than I've got fingers and toes to number."

"If the Hounds hadn't been there and Colonel Allard not been willing to take a chance, things would have turned out much differently."

Morgan's eyes narrowed. "And if you hadn't sent Kai Allard to recon the pass, how would things have turned out?"

Victor looked over to where Kai stood with his mother, father, and twin sisters. "If only he'd allow himself to realize it."

Morgan Kell cupped one hand around the back of Victor's neck. "I think you'll find that warriors like Kai keep a tight rein on themselves because they're afraid of what would happen if they don't. Just be thankful he's on your side. If he ever cuts loose, there's not much in the Inner Sphere that could stop him."

The growing whine of an electric wheelchair precluded any further comment by Victor. He turned to see a man dressed in the uniform of a general in the army of the Free Rasalhague Republic. His silver hair and black-streaked beard were vaguely familiar, but it was the sight of the scar on the left side of the man's face that dredged up a name from Victor's memory. That's Tor Miraborg, He must be here with Haakon Magnusson, the Silver Fox. Wolf reallydid get everyone here.

For a moment, Victor thought the female aerospace pilot following Miraborg might be his daughter, but the nameplate over her left breast pocket read "Janssen."

Miraborg fixed Morgan Kell with a savage stare. "You are Morgan Kell?"

The mercenary nodded silently.

"I am Tor Miraborg. Your son murdered my daughter!"

The anger and pain in the crippled man's voice made Victor cringe, but Morgan kept his face impassive. "Explain how my son, dead for a year and a half now, could have murdered your daughter."

Raw hatred washed over Miraborg's face. "Your son came between Tyra and me. His influence drove her away and made her accept a position with the Rasalhague Drakøns. My daughter died fighting the invaders."

Morgan pulled himself up to his full height. "Then your daughter and my son shared one last thing in their too brief lives. I received a holodisk from her not long ago, and she was kind enough to share with me and my wife some remembrances of her times with Phelan ..."

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