Though never schooled in astronavigation, Akira had learned enough from talking with JumpShip crewmembers to recognize the placement of some worlds. "Why, sosen?What earthly purpose could this star map have?"

Yorinaga drew in a deep breath. "As you have guessed, the sort of blind stabs we, the Genyosha,and the Kell Hounds, engaged in back in January could continue forever. We might never be at the same place at the same time, and Morgan Kell took precautions against that happening again."

Yorinaga pointed at a ruin off toward the northeast. "That pile represents the Steiner world of Ryde. Around it you can see three smaller piles of bricks—these taken from buildings other than the one transformed into Ryde. They represent the world's three moons."

Akira nodded. "They are positioned in a manner that indicates when the Genyoshashould appear there?"

"In June," Yorinaga said. "Only a month from now. We can just make it in time."

Akira drew himself up to his full height. "Sumimasen, Tai-sa,put it down to my mother's Scandinavian blood or to my poor training with the Eleventh Legion of Vega, but how do you know this will not be a trap?"

Yorinaga shook his head slowly. "Morgan Kell would not do that. No, this is the last act in a play that began sixteen years ago on Mallory's World."

The garish light of Nashira's red moon painted scarlet highlights over Akira's face. "That would be 3013. I thought your fight with Morgan Kell took place in 3016."

Yorinaga closed his eyes and tried to relax, but Akira saw the tension in his father's slender frame. "Kell and I first opposed each other in 3013. My battalion of the Second Sword of Light had succeeded in trapping the command company of the Fourth Davion Guards in a maze of canyons. Our aerowing controlled the skies over this area, which prevented the Davion Guards from jumping scouts onto the ridgelines to find a way out. With the fighters to spot for us, we knew where to hunt for our quarry, but without scouts, they did not know where to run or hide."

Yorinaga massaged his forehead with his left hand. "If ever there was a glorious battle, this was it. Prince Ian Davion, on sheer strength of personality, kept his troops together. He sprang ambushes on us, but never let his rear guard get trapped. On the few occasions when we engaged his people in a real firefight, the Prince's Atlaswas always the last 'Mech to withdraw.

"We finally trapped the company in a canyon that tapered down into a narrow route out. Prince Ian held my people back, delivering salvo after salvo of long-range missile fire that savaged the 'Mechs of my command. When his missiles were exhausted, he used his autocannon and medium lasers to halt our advance as his command trickled out of the canyon."

Yorinaga's eyes snapped open. "You should have seen it, Akira. That Atlasshrugged off our assaults as though they were pesky flies. Armor flew from the 'Mech in sheets of molten debris, but Ian Davion made no move to retreat. Here he was, leader of the Federated Suns, almost as important as Takashi Kurita himself, but he would not turn and run. Seldom is such a warrior born outside the Combine."

Yorinaga's nostrils flared as he remembered, and Akira listened, spellbound. "I ordered my troops back, then brought my Warhammerforward to engage the Prince. We both knew I would kill him, but I believe he took comfort in knowing I would give him a warrior's death.

"He was magnificent in battle. He moved his Atlaswith an agility I've seen in only a handful of Mech Warriors. His last volley with the autocannon all but tore off my Warhammer'sleft arm and his lasers raked over my armor like the claws of some angry beast. He was spectacular, but I was better."

Yorinaga was fully caught up in the memory. "I pushed my Warhammerto the limit and beyond. I fired my particle projection cannons in tandem, ignoring the waves of heat building up through the cockpit. Sweat poured into my eyes in a stinging flood, but I kept my sights on the Atlasby feel and sense more than by vision. My 'Mech and I moved almost as one as we drilled PPC beams through the Atlas'sarmor. Explosions in the Mech's chest flashed like lightning trapped in a thunderhead, and I knew the machine was all but dead. Prince Ian would have ejected, I am certain, but one of my short-range missiles had exploded against the Atlas'shead and sealed the canopy. Leaking black smoke from a dozen mortal wounds, the Atlasteetered, then fell to its back on that armor-littered canyon floor."

Yorinaga's voice cut off abruptly. Akira studied his father's shadowed face. I've never seen him look so angry, so outraged, so humiliated. . .

When Yorinaga spoke again, his voice was choked into a hoarse whisper. "I moved in to see if the Prince yet lived. If so, I would capture him. If not, I meant to bring the Dragon proof that his hated enemy was truly dead. I never got the chance.

"Two companies of the Kell Hounds appeared on the ridgeline as if by sorcery. A voice, one I would come to know as Morgan Kell's, broke into our tactical channel. 'Leave him alone.' It was a warning and a challenge and a plea all wrapped up in one, but I ignored it.

"A Shilonefighter from the air lance covering us screamed down out of sky and lined up for a pass at Kell's Archer.Instantly, the Archer'smissile racks vomited out two clouds of LRMs. The missiles rose on vapor trails that all converged on the attacking fighter. Their combined explosions rivaled the sun for half a second, then the Shilone'sflaming wreckage slammed into the canyon wall, showering the battlefield with thousands of firebrands."

Yorinaga's voice seethed with anger and disgust. "The jump-capable Kell Hound 'Mechs dropped down into the canyon. With one shot, Salome Ward's Wolverinesnapped my Warhammer'sleft arm off. Kell's Archerlaunched flight after flight of LRMs at the troops behind me, yet staggered his assaults so they could withdraw if they wished. His air lance reclaimed the skies over the canyon, preventing us from rising to the ridges to oppose them.

"Clearly, he wanted nothing more than to save the Prince. He did not press his advantage against us as we had in hounding Ian Davion to his death. He stole all the glory and honor from my greatest victory."

Akira swallowed past the thick lump in his throat. "What happened later, in 3016? All I know are vague rumors. When the ISF came to our home and arrested Mother and me, they only said you'd disgraced yourself and the Dragon. They laughed and said we were to become slaves ... if we were lucky." Akira looked into his father's eyes. "What could you have done that was so terrible?"

Yorinaga's eyes slitted. "For killing the Prince, Takashi Kurita promoted me to Tai-saof the Second Sword of Light—a great honor. I would control the Dragon's personal regiment. I was given free rein to plan operations and direct our battle for Mailory's World. I spent three years developing my master plan, but throughout that time, I had but one goal. I was not out to conquer Mallory's World as much as I desired to crush the Kell Hounds and avenge myself upon Morgan Kell.

Yorinaga looked at his son. "Everything was perfect. The Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars managed to pin down the Kell Hounds' Second 'Mech Battalion, leaving the First trapped high in the mountains. I had selected the First 'Mech Battalion as my primary target because Morgan Kell commanded the Second Battalion and I wanted him to know I had crushed his brother's half of the unit when I came for him. He surprised me, however, and was present, with his Command Lance, consulting with his brother."

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