Myndo looked away toward the other Precentors. "As I recall from our last debate on this subject, you, Precentor Sian, suggested that the Liao counterstrike in January would destroy Davion supply bases and blunt the advance on the TikonovI Federated border. But Liao's strike played directly into a massive Davion ambush. Capellan offensive capabilities have been destroyed, and their defensive strength is anemic."

Precentor Sian shook his head. "May I point out, Precentor Dieron, that Hanse Davion's troops have not moved forward since the ambush. We project that their next assault wave will come in May, at the earliest. You will recall that not all the Liao attacks were repulsed. The Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers hit Axton and managed to escape after raiding. This attack behind the lines has certainly soured the taste of victory for the Prince."

Vandel ran his fingers back through his black hair. "As the Precentor on New Avalon, I can confirm that the Court is not pleased that this attack was not anticipated. The Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers managed to hurt an NAIS training cadre."

The Primus looked toward Precentor Sian. "Has your staff on the Liao capital yet figured out the significance of the message the Rangers sent out from Axton to Sian before they left? 'Go Fish' is a strange, though economical, communication to send during a military operation."

In spite of herself, Myndo smiled along with her colleagues.

Villius Tejh let the snickers die before he answered the Primus's question. "The message went to Justin Xiang. From what little we've been able to piece together, Xiang is hunting for a New Avalon Institute of Science facility that he believes could hold the key to a new generation of BattleMechs . .."

Precentor New Avalon cut in. "That would probably be the Bethel lab complex. Very small, but staffed with some good people."

Myndo looked to the Primus. "Our ROM agents have not infiltrated it?"

The Primus did not reply. Instead, he nodded almost imperceptibly that Precentor Sian should continue.

"Xiang has organized a strike on Bethel using the Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers," Tejh said. "It is believed that their message from Axton indicates that they did not find the lab there. Xiang himself is supposed to lead the assault on Bethel."

Ulthan Everson glanced at Precentor New Avalon. "What sort of defense will Xiang's mission encounter?"

Vandel shrugged. "Davion is constantly moving troops around. If the attack goes off before the end of April, the Capellans will face a company of Davion Light Guards. If Xiang shows any of his usual inventiveness, his people will certainly win out."

Myndo shook her head. "I cannot believe I'm listening to this chatter about one tiny aspect of this war. The Lyran Commonwealth has reshaped its border with the Draconis Combine, and Wolf's Dragoons are singlehandedly holding the Draconians out of the Federated Suns. House Marik is still at war with the Davion-sponsored separatist movements inside its own borders, and Hanse Davion is eating up the Capellan Confederation. What good can this assault by Justin Xiang do? What difference can it make?"

The Primus smiled coldly. "Precentor Dieron, are you well? How often have you admonished us that Davion is the devil incarnate because of his desire to recover the sciences lost over the last three centuries? I should think you would applaud this strike against an NAIS facility."

"I would applaud Xiang's effort if he were to attack the NAIS itself," Myndo retorted angrily. Don't try to strangle me with my own words!

"Anyway, this discussion takes us away from the point of my original statement. I demand that we interdict House Davion now! If we cut off all their communications, not only do we hamper their military attacks, but we cripple the Federated Suns. The people of the Federated Suns will suffer if we allow no messages to go in or out of their worlds. This will lead to discontent, fear, and unrest. It will pull the carpet out from under the Prince. It's the only way to stop him."

Precentor Tharkad shook his head. "My dear Myndo, you demanded Interdiction last year. We all agreed to set a threshold for what we would tolerate. We agreed to interdict communications if Davion forces attacked Sarna."

Myndo fumed. "Need I remind you, Ulthan, that this agreement was made before Davion's ambush and before the Prince's only rival, Duke Michael Hasek-Davion, so conveniently took himself out of the competition? Things are far more grave now than they were then."

"But Davion is no stronger," Precentor Sian said heatedly. "Were we to intervene, it would make us seem partial. Hanse Davion could turn his force against us."

Myndo Waterly raised herself to full height. "You sound as though you are afraid of him. We both know that ComStar has more BattleMechs hidden here than any of the Successor States can claim, and you know also that our machines are in better shape than anything even House Davion has. We have nothing to fear from the Fox."

The Primus's eyes smoldered. "In this you are very wrong, Precentor Dieron. Our impartiality makes us a trusted ally to all in the Successor States. Because of this, they allow us to transmit their communications. Through these communications, we learn about their strengths and weaknesses. We gain knowledge, and that gives us power."

Myndo met Tiepolo's dark gaze. "Of what use is power that we do not employ?"

The Primus's granite expression did not change. "We have not said that we will not use our power. We will not use it bluntly. I will not give the order for our 'Mechs to be deployed because it would present an unfavorable image. I will, however, allow you to create a holovid of Davion troops razing one of our communications stations. With this as evidence, we have a valid excuse for discontinuing service with the Federated Suns."

Precentor Tharkad narrowed his eyebrows. "Will the Interdiction include cutting off information from Davion agents inside the Capellan Confederation?"

The Primus nodded. "In an effort to slow the Davion advance, I have already begun delaying messages containing intelligence on troop strengths and deployments going out from Davion spies."

Myndo looked puzzled. "Why not betray the spies to the Maskirovka? I'm sure Maximilian Liao would be grateful for any enemy agents turned over to his secret police."

Precentor Sian spoke up next. "I would not recommend that approach. Maximilian is under much pressure. He could thank us, or he could accuse us of collaborating with House Davion for not betraying the spies early enough to stop the Davion assault."

The Primus nodded in agreement. "I do not mind delaying reports that will kill warriors, but I refuse to expose spies. That would be akin to killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. We will continue to accept their reports as though we are transmitting them, but the information will come here for analysis."

Precentor New Avalon cleared his throat. "If any Davion spies were exposed, I am certain Quintus Allard would be able to recruit new ones and keep their identities safe from us—at least in the short term. Better the devils we know ..."

Myndo brooded silently. You're a bunch of weak-kneed farmers' wives. You chase after the chicken you want for dinner, hoping it will die. You wait and plot and plan when all you really need is a sharp axe.She watched the Primus carefully. When I take your place, ComStar will become a force greater than anything you can imagine. The Word of Blake will become known for the truth that it is.

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