Likewise, to make him proud, I learned all I could about lostech and drove myself to excel in things like computer programming because everyone else found it too hard."

Clovis shook his head. "Of course, there is no father of mythic proportions waiting to come for me. Instead, as I grew older, I heard uncharitable references to my mother as 'the Duke's whore.' Slowly, the truth began to dawn. One night, I finally confronted my mother. She admitted that she'd become pregnant by Aldo Lestrade. She'd been too terrified of him to deny his advances or to report that he'd gotten her with child. From that point, she forbade me to speak of this matter. Were she here instead of up on the Bifrost,I might not have said anything."

Clovis opened his hands. "You see. Aldo Lestrade is my father. He murdered his way to the throne of Summer, and his manipulation has destroyed my people, the people of New Freedom. In keeping with the precedent he himself set, it is my right to destroy my father, Aldo Lestrade." Clovis's handsome face hardened into a horrible mask. "Warriors kill warriors. Lestrades kill Lestrades. Leave him to me."



Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation

20 May 3029


Justin Xiang looked on as Maximilian Liao smiled for the holo-vid camera. A smile crept across the Chancellor's face, sending a shiver down Justin's spine. You'd never guess to look at him that a third of his realm has been conquered. That smile makes him look like a python studying a trapped rat.

"Zao,citizens." Maximilian's expression softened, and his voice dropped to the calm, warm tone of a benevolent patriarch addressing his family. "It has been far too long since I last addressed you in this manner. Though piloting the ship of state is never an easy job, my people are ever in my thoughts. Indeed, these thoughts of you are what sustain me in this time of trial."

The Chancellor narrowed his dark eyes. "I am well aware of the hardships you have endured as this savage assault has nibbled away at our nation. I know that fear and doubt must touch you in many ways, yet I would not consider that treason. By no means—worrying about your family and your lives is logical. Only succumbing to that fear is treason, especially in light of what we have just accomplished."

Justin felt a hand at the small of his back push him forward as the Chancellor turned to face him and the camera panned to pull him into the picture. "This is my trusted and valued aide, Justin Xiang. He has just returned from an operation that took place deep within the Federated Suns. Braving untold dangers and even wounding, he managed to destroy a Davion Centurionand escape Prince Hanse Davion's wrath. More important, Justin Xiang and his team successfully stole from House Davion a sample of new technology that will turn the war around for us."

The Chancellor stood to tower above Justin. For the benefit of the camera, Maximilian extended his right hand and showed off a baton about a third of a meter long. Carved of ivory in a braided ribbon pattern, the baton bore the Liao crest in its center, and was inlaid with coral, malachite, and onyx bands at one end. The Chancellor handled it with extreme care and honor.

"Though an insufficient reward for the many duties you have performed for the Capellan Confederation, I present to you, Justin Xiang, the Baton of Illustrious Service." Maximilian smiled and handed the baton to Justin. "I hope your unflagging service to the land of your birth will continue forever."

Justin's metallic left hand closed on the prize. He bowed to the Chancellor, then straightened up, his facial expression serious. "Even death itself could not end my service to my nation."

The Chancellor bowed his head to Justin, then turned again to the camera. Justin retreated back to the wings, where Candace was waiting. He turned to watch the Chancellor continue his statement before the dozen members of the press corps in the audience would have their chance to ask questions, but Candace tugged on his right elbow. "Justin, let's leave. Your part is done." Justin frowned. "I should stay through the press conference.”

“Why? You already know what the questions are. Didn't you help prepare them this afternoon?"

Justin smiled. "You win." He followed as she threaded her way through the people and equipment in the Palace's holovid studio. The Baton of Illustrious Service this evening and being invested as Shonso of Teng tomorrow. There was a time when I used to imagine winning such honors, but they always came from Hanse Davion's hands. Now I get them for actions taken against the Federated Suns. How life changes things.

Candace opened a doorway into one of the Palace's grand corridors. The exterior wall was made of glass that rose up three stories to provide a breathtaking view of the capital city below. Lights from a million houses burned like a mirror-image of the night sky above. The interior wall contained huge, framed rice-paper portraits of the royal family.

Though he had walked here hundreds of times before, it took a moment or two for Justin to identify the changes to the pictures. The portrait of Elizabeth Liao, Maximilian's wife, had been moved from his side and been replaced by Romano's picture. In addition, white ribbons hung from the frames of both her portrait and that of Liao's son Tormana.

Justin squeezed Candace's left hand tightly and pointed toward the paintings with his baton. "Why the mourning ribbons? Has there been some recent news about Tormana?"

Candace shrugged as they paused beneath her stepmother's portrait. "State militia found a body in a shallow grave near Dangao Lake. The victim's throat had been cut and the romanized letter A had been carved into her forehead—the cuts running deep enough to score the bone. Dental records have matched the body to Elizabeth, though my father has ordered that her death be listed officially as accidental drowning."

Justin nodded at the next picture in line. "And your brother?"

Candace stiffened as she looked at Tormana Liao's portrait. "Sources report that my brother was not among the prisoners taken when Davion overran Algol's defenses. Our agents there located his 'Mech, and there was blood in the cockpit. As nearly as we can determine, he escaped into the swamps and died there."

Justin slipped his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry, Candace. I know you two were close." He drew her closer. "I never met Tormana, but I'm sure I would have liked him."

Candace turned toward Justin and rested both her hands against his chest. "I thank you for your concern and your sympathy, but I doubt you would have liked Tormana. Unlike you or me, he became a MechWarrior because all the alternatives bored him even more. I think he even married his lowborn wife as much out of desire for scandal as for love."

She smiled weakly. "He was a useful ally in tormenting Romano when we were all children. My affection for him remains from those days." She looked into Justin's eyes. "You would find little in common with him, my love, and for that I am very thankful. Despite the vicious rumors Romano has spread, Tormana is not the sort of man I would wish to know on an intimate basis." She kissed his lips lightly. "But you are."

Justin enfolded Candace in a strong hug. "For that, my Duchess, I am most thankful." He released her. "Shall I assume, then, that I am being made Shonsoof a world in your St. Ives Commonality so people will not be similarly outrage that you've bedded a lowborn citizen?"

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