Utter disbelief strung the Komandant's words together. "Moving rocks around? Are they creating a fortification?" The unspoken question in the Komandant's reply was "why?" Being a young planet, Ryde was prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which made construction a very fine art. Haphazard projects always came tumbling down.

Joachim passed his left hand over his mouth, wiping away the sweat on his upper lip. "No sir, not a fortification. I think they're building a replica of the battlefield on Mallory's World where the Kell Hounds and the Second Sword of Light fought thirteen years ago."

"What? How the hell would you conclude that?"

Jesus, Joachim, don't blow it now."I read a book on that campaign, sir. Saw a map. From here, it looks the same. And ... and I've monitored some of their radio chatter. I heard the phrase 'Kieru inu.'That's Japanese for Kell Hound, sir. I got that from the book, too."

The Komandant's voice had gained an edge. "You read a book that's let you get into the mind of Kurita warriors. Is this what you want me to believe?" The Komandant paused for emphasis. "This from the junior officer who previously reported a mining site abandoned a century ago as a forward Kurita base?"

I'll never live that down!Joachim felt a bead of sweat course down his forehead and along his nose. "Sir, believe me, the weight of these 'Mechs is enough to destroy our militia a million times over. Were I asked, I'd devote myself to Civil Defense measures there in Heaven's Gate. They're minding their own business now, but if they wanted to take Ryde, you'd be telling me about them and not the other way around."

Joachim let the true depth of his fear flood his words, which seemed to have an effect on the Komandant. "Dammit, Rhine-stag, when you get to my position, I hope like hell you have a recruit like yourself in your command. Keep an eye on them and report back if the situation changes. Eagle's Nest out."

Joachim closed his eyes. Thank God."Roger, Eagle One out." The Steiner scout opened his eyes and looked up at the tall, bronze-haired Mech Warrior standing over him. "How was that?"

Akira Brahe nodded slowly and returned his pistol to the holster on his right hip. "You did well, Joachim." He glanced toward where the rest of the Genyoshalabored to transform the valley below into a replica of the Mallory's World battlefield where his father had last fought Morgan Kell.

"We will be finished soon, and you will be able to return to your home." Akira plucked a small holotape cassette from a pocket on his cooling vest. "Just before you leave, I will give you one of these with a message on it. When you get back to Heaven's Gate, you will give it over to ComStar for transmission to the Kell Hounds. You will not view it, nor turn it over to anyone else. Wakarimasu-ka?"

Joachim nodded.

Akira smiled. "Good. And don't look so dour, Leutnant Rhinestag. If you'd not been here to carry our message back, we would have had to raid Heaven's Gate. The citizens will never know it, but you saved their lives ..."



District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth

20 June 3029


Jeana forced a smile as she sat on the edge of her bed and watched Misha feed the holodisk into the viewer. "No, Misha. I don't mind previewing our next warvid release. I should, after all, know what we're telling our people." How can I tell you I've seen it twice already and nearly died both times when they showed Dan'sWolfhound getting hit?

Misha brushed her long black hair back from the collar of her red gown. "Ever since your mother mentioned my theories to Simon Johnson, he's had me previewing these newsreels to see what intelligence we let slip. I'd rather not watch it now, but he wants my 'imprimatur' on it before you and I head up to the Winter Palace for the week." She punched a button on the viewer's remote control, filling the room with a martial soundtrack before pictures actually appeared on the screen. "Johnson hopes he can show a copy of this to the officers from the Federated Suns when they meet with him and your mother this afternoon. I guess, from his urgency, they were not expected. With the Interdiction, all planning is probably going to hell. Anyway, Johnson's waiting for me to call with approval so he can pick it up on the way down to his meeting."

Jeana nodded woodenly as the commentator's deep voice replaced the fading music. "Combine troops landed on Lyons in force in a daring strike behind the front. They hoped their assault on an unprotected world would extinguish our will to fight, but they couldn't have been more wrong. They landed without opposition, but soon found themselves engaged in a battle to the death with the famous mercenaries, the Kell Hounds."

Battle footage, cut together from the sensor output of both Kell Hounds and captured Combine 'Mechs, flashed across the screen. Jeana and Misha watched as the red and black 'Mechs of the Kell Hounds regiment advanced through the smoking ruin of what had once been New Freedom. "Though the town has been swept clean of opposition, the Kell Hounds are still vigilant. The night before, however, the Combine Mech Warriors made the battle for this small outpost a thing of history."

Jeana stiffened as the exchange between Dan's Wolfhoundand the Kurita Clintfilled the screen. Autocannon slugs blasted a line of craters into the Wolfhound'schest while a medium laser slashed into the 'Mech's left thigh. The Wolfhoundreacted with the impact, then the scene shifted for a pilot's-eye view of Dan's crippling counterattack. "Outraged by the Kurita strike on this innocent village, Captain Daniel Allard fights back, regardless of the weight difference he surrenders to this enemy 'Mech."

Before the program could move on to Morgan's exchange with the Rifleman—the part Jeana hated most because of Dan's brush with disaster—a gentle knocking at the door saved her. "Yes?"

Misha killed the holovid as Melissa's chambermaid spoke through the door. "Highness, a Captain John Bailey of the Davion Light Guards has requested a word with you."

At the mention of Andrew Redburn's unit, Misha's face brightened. Jeana stood up and adjusted the silver belt on her navy blue jumpsuit. Misha smoothed the wrinkles in her long skirt, then both of them glanced at their reflections in the mirror and giggled.

Jeana moved to the door. "We'll see him in the parlor."

She waited long enough for her servant to usher the visitor into the parlor room of her suite. Allowing Misha to precede her into the rectangular room, she nodded to dismiss the maid. Extending her hand, Jeana crossed the white carpet to greet her guest. "Captain Bailey, I am glad to meet you."

The Davion Captain, resplendent in his maroon uniform, clicked together the heels of his cavalry boots and executed a respectful bow. He took her hand and kissed it lightly. "It is the honor of my life to meet you, Highness." Blue eyes flashed up from a handsome face, trying to communicate a message that Jeana could not fathom.

She withdrew her hand from his warm grasp and turned to introduce Misha. "This is my best friend, Misha Auburn."

The Captain smiled as he took Misha's hand. "The historian's daughter. The pleasure is all mine."

Something's not right here.Jeana saw a look of consternation flicker over Misha's face. What is it?

Misha smiled politely. "You must be newly assigned to the Light Guards, Captain."

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