Fuh Teng shook his head slowly. "No, it's reality. The odds-makers say that the next Davion wave will come early in September, but my money is on August 15th to the 20th. Got two to one odds on that bet." Teng pointed to the Liao world closest to the center of the map. "Not only do I have money on how quickly Palos will fall, but I've arranged to have three cases of Palos champagne shipped here through the DavionISteiner military liaison office."

Qua slumped forward on the table. Teng patted the Mandrinn's left arm with is right hand. "Listen, old boy. I can fix it up for you here. You're a smart man. Forget your mission—the whole game will be up by the new year. I have a place for you here, in my organization."

Qua batted Teng's hand away. Turning toward the battle-promoter, his anger melted the mask of diplomacy he'd worn. "You pig! You filthy, gutter-dwelling pig! You'd put your personal profits and well-being above that of the Capellan Confederation." He picked up the knife Teng had given him earlier. "I'll kill you if you don't give me those fighters."

Teng drew back, then let a smile play across his lips. "This is your last chance to accept my offer, Mandrinn Qua. Refuse at your own peril."

Qua smiled with open joy. "I spit on your offer." He inched his way forward along the bench. "I will enjoy this."

Teng spun quickly from his chair toward the curtained alcove opening. Qua lunged at him, but missed and lay sprawled out over the table. The curtain slid aside and two men stood on either side of Fuh Teng with guns drawn and pointed at the Mandrinn.

On Fuh Teng's right, the taller one grinned. "Lyran Intelligence Corps, Mandrinn. You're under arrest for an attempt to coerce treason from a Lyran citizen, assault with intent to kill, and violation of a dozen immigration laws."

"You see," Fuh Teng said as the knife slipped from Qua's fingers and clattered against the floor. "I told you the war was over." Qua glared up at him venomously, and Teng added, "By the way, this was only business. The odds were six to one against you being angry enough to try to cut me, but I had confidence in you." He shrugged. "Remember, as within, so without. The Capellan Confederation is finished."


New Avalon

Cruets March, Federated Suns

20 July 3029


Hanse Davion looked up from his desk as Quintus Allard entered his office. Seeing the confident smile on his Intelligence Minister's face, he took heart in it. "I think this is the first time I've seen you wear a grin since this war began." The Prince came from behind his desk and waved Quintus to a brown leather chair as he seated himself on the padded arm of another.

The white-haired spymaster dropped into the chair and looked up at the Prince. "I think this is the first time operations have gone as well as we could have hoped."

Hanse smiled. After Misha's arrival yesterday, and the news of the assassination attempt on the Archon, good news is something I could use."Well, don't keep it to yourself."

Quintus nodded, then looked at his compad. "First of all, Alexi Malenkov managed to get a short message out through Liao operatives to one of our people on Solaris. Though the message took seven weeks to arrive here, the DropShip that brought Ms. Auburn also brought word that the holodisk we recovered from Bethel actually did come from Candace Liao. Malenkov confirmed that Justin left it behind—or he assumes that because the dead Maskirovka agent worked for Romano Liao."

Hanse rubbed his chin, considering this news. Internecine battling can do little to help the Liao war effort."Do you think Romano knows her sister has sent us what could be considered a friendly communication? Her agent could have been an attempt to steal it away and use it against Candace."

Quintus shook his head. "As we know from Romano's past actions, she never worries about needing proof of guilt before she acts. You will recall the terrorist attack on Kittery that she sponsored, and the attempt her assassin made on my life at your wedding. We even believe that Elizabeth Liao's absence of late may mean that she has run afoul on Romano. That one is very like her father—too much so for my peace of mind. She's as unstable and explosive as nitroglycerine."

"I understand that, Quintus, but I wonder if she's strong enough to oust Candace from her position as Heir Apparent?" The Prince slid from the chair's arm onto the seat. "Was the agent at Bethel there to kill Justin because of something he did to Romano, or was Romano trying to kick away Candace's support structure?"

Allard shrugged heavily. "I am not certain because I don't think Romano views problems that way. She strikes out at people without considering the consequences. It is similar to Maximilian Liao's attempt to substitute a double to take your place. If not for Ardan Sortek, he would have succeeded. But if he had guessed what his failure would mean, Liao would never have tried in the first place."

Remembering that plot and all the horror it had cost him and Ardan, Hanse felt an old but persistent fury. Liao's plan was all but perfect. Had Maximilian's inside people been able to discredit or dishonor Ardan, the Federated Suns would have been his in one subtle move. Fortunately, Ardan was able to prove I was the real Hanse Davion.The Prince forced himself to smile briefly. "I wonder, Quintus ... Is Max capable of imagining himself a failure? It's hard to believe he would have backed away from so perfect a plan to eliminate me, no matter what the risks."

"You may be right, my Prince, but not every Liao family member is so irrational. His son, Tormana, has taken well to life here as a prisoner of war on New Avalon, and Candace's warm message to you suggests that she sees the phosphors glowing on a monitor." Quintus tapped a button on his compad. "In fact, Data Interp suggests that Candace has allowed St. Ives province to be denuded of JumpShips so we won't strike at it. She's gambling that an unspoken, unilateral agreement not to attack the Federated Suns will earn equal consideration on your part."

Hanse closed his eyes in thought. If we need not fear a strike from the St. Ives Commonality, I can move the troops stationed on Kittery to help with the main body of the invasion.When he opened his eyes, the Prince smiled like a fox watching a hen house. "Yes, I think her gesture has earned such consideration. Let us move the Kittery forces up to help with the sixth wave of the invasion. Will they make it in time?"

Quintus nodded. "They will. The betting on Solaris still favors a strike after the start of September. If we go off in mid-August, we'll steal a march on anyone expecting us to hit later."

The Prince stretched. "Anything else?"

Quintus nodded. "We got the first report on Ridzik's strikes into the Free Worlds League. His troops struck deep into Marik territory and knocked the Leaguers back pretty hard. I think they'll counter-strike at Talitha, but Ridzik will see that attack coming and parry it. The Lyran Commonwealth came down on the coreward worlds behind Ridzik's lines and mopped up easily."

The Prince interlaced his fingers nervously. "Will there be trouble on any of the worlds where Melissa will be traveling?"

Quintus hesitated, and Hanse instantly realized he was about to rehash an old argument. "No, Highness, I do not expect trouble at the worlds in the occupied territory or in the Tikonov Free Republic. Still, I do not think it wise to return your wife to the Lyran Commonwealth on a command circuit that uses inhabited worlds in enemy territory."

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