Melissa stared toward the darkness at the end of the bed. "Who is to say I would want it any different?"

Hanse frowned sharply. "What?"

Melissa glanced at the place where he had been sitting and waited until he seated himself again before continuing. "Yes, my husband, I cannot deny the times when I wished we could have traveled together to New Avalon, or that I ache to appear at your side at some important function here in Avalon City, but the lack of ail that does not really make me unhappy."

She gathered up his hands in hers. "Being here, being with you is important to me. The elaborate dramas we've had to create so that we could be together reflect the depth of our feelings for one another. Were I nothing more than the means to securing an alliance, I would still be in the Commonwealth now—possibly shot dead in Jeana's place—and a mistress would be here with you instead."

The Prince slowly shook his head. "At least a mistress would have free passage within my palace and my world. You've only been permitted visits by people who can meet the highly restrictive requirements of security."

"Hanse, I cannot say that it hasn't been difficult, but you grossly overestimate the problem." When she smiled, joy woke somewhere in Hanse's heavy heart. "The people I've been allowed to meet have given me an insight into you and the realm I'm now part of. Riva Allard, for example, is a brilliant young woman full of life and the desire to make things better. Though I don't understand half the things she talks about in connection with the New Avalon Institute of Science and her doctoral work there, I do sense her buoyant optimism. The conformity demanded of those in the Draconis Combine, or the rampant paranoia of the Capellan Confederation would probably have broken her spirit by now. Even in my own Lyran Commonwealth, her work would be scrapped if her studies did not show a profit potential."

Melissa laughed lightly. "And it meant a great deal to me that you brought your old friend Kincaid Fessul here to meet me. I felt as though his approval of me meant more to you than all the advisors who ever said our marriage was the politically brilliant move. I was so nervous, then he cracked a grin and we started talking as if we'd known each other forever."

Hanse nodded as a smile spread across his face. "Kin may be only a fisherman, but he's uncommonly wise. I was overjoyed when you two hit it off so famously."

Melissa drew Hanse's right hand forward and kissed its palm. "Through him, through Riva and Morgan and Kym, I have seen your realm. I see why they love you and why they are willing to serve you despite personal disappointments. Morgan Hasek-Davion may want a 'Mech command in the field with every cell in his body, but he'd never dream of disobeying your orders that keep him here. That sort of loyalty can only be earned, never bought or coerced or compelled. Your ability to inspire it is your greatest gift and the secret heart of the Federated Suns."

Hanse felt a tightening in his throat as her words touched him deeply. He caressed the shadowed side of her face with his right hand. "Thank you for speaking these things, but I don't know if I'm worthy of such words."

"Hush." Her command came softly but with a strength that demanded immediate compliance. "You doubt your worthiness because of what you have been forced to do. You knew that forbidding General Hartstone to land his Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers before the mercenary regiments joined in the Sarna attack would goad him into an act of self-destruction, and I watched you agonize over that decision for a week. Even though you knew he was fanatically loyal to Duke Michael's memory and that removing him from command could have ignited a revolt in the Capellan March, you still fought within yourself over the problem. You knew the handful of MechWarriors who did not share Hartstone's politics would suffer right along with the majority who did, and that almost stayed your hand."

Her gray eyes reflected the silver moonlight as her voice dropped to a whisper. "What you don't acknowledge, my love, is that yours was not a decision that condemned those people to death. They would have died in any event—fighting in the Confederation, or leading a rebellion against you. You sought a way to save those who did not deserve death, and the very act of searching proves your sincerity and integrity."

Hanse chewed on his lower lip, then nodded wearily. "Perhaps you are correct, but I cannot allow myself to accept your assessment fully, nor be completely comfortable with the troublesome decisions I make. If I did, I might stop searching beyond the easy answers."

Melissa smiled at him. "Have no fear, my husband. In the most unlikely event you were to become complacent, I will always be there to remind you of who and what you truly are." She chuckled warmly. "And if I cannot manage it, I am certain Kincaid Fessul will be more than equal to the task."

Hanse joined her in laughter, then a wave of guilt overcame the happy sense of well-being. Letting her laughter die, Melissa noticed the change immediately and looked at the Prince with new concern.

Hanse slid forward on the edge of the bed and hugged his wife close. "Melissa, you are far more than I ever imagined, and you mean more to me than you can ever know." Hands on her shoulders, he held her at arm's-length to look at her. "I do have one regret, Melissa Arthur Steiner. In all the preparations and negotiations, in all the ceremony and politics, in the holodisk messages and your visit, I never actually asked you to marry me."

Melissa smiled gently, cupping his jaw gently in her hands. "Why stand on tradition, Hanse Adriaan Davion?"

Hanse dropped to one knee beside the bed, clasping her left hand in both of his. "Melissa Steiner, will you consent to be my wife, the keeper of my conscience and mother to my heirs?"

An expression of overwhelming happiness lit her face. "With all my heart and soul."

Hanse stood, sweeping her into his arms, and kissed her deeply. Melissa clung to Hanse, fiercely returning the kiss. The scent of her skin and hair was a delicate perfume that he would forever link with what had become the happiest moment of his life.

Melissa looked up and smiled as Hanse gently laid her on the bed. "It strikes me, husband mine, that I have already wed you, and I accept responsibility for your conscience." She slid over toward the center of the bed. "That means the only part of your proposal I have not fulfilled is becoming mother to your heirs. As I am leaving tomorrow, I would suggest we take the rest of this night to see what we can do about fulfilling that third promise."

Hanse nodded, his smile broadening. Those who imagined that our wedding was merely the forging of a political alliance will be sorely disappointed. From this union will spring nothing less than a dynasty.



Tikonov Free Republic

21 July 3029


Colonel Pavel Ridzik, Supreme Lord of the Tikonov Free Republic, stroked his reddish beard as he struggled to keep his temper in check. He glared at the tall, handsome, dark-haired man he'd lately come to think of as his "keeper."

"But General Sortek," he said, forcing lightness into his tone, "it is totally impractical for me to shift my ships from their ward stations at the jump points of Acamar, Terra Firma, Carver, and Pollux. Their removal from that last site I consider especially risky because of the potential for a Marik counterstrike."

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