Quintus looked up. "Forgive me, Highness, but the codeword for factories did not appear in the message. A reference to eggs would have indicated an involvement with the factories. I have to interpret 'fire the next' to mean they will hit the generators or subassembly facilities on the world itself. That would slow us down without destroying a most precious resource." Hanse frowned deeply. "What could they use to hit Kathil?"

An angry anxious expression congealed on Quintus's face. "I have to believe they'll use the best they have left. I know where McCarron's Armored Cavalry is, so it's not going to be them. The units will probably come from Sian, and that would have to mean House Imarra troops or the Death Commandos."

Hanse slammed his right fist against the top of his desk. "And we still only have militia protecting the world?"

Quintus nodded ruefully. "If Liao has been able to set up a command circuit directed at Kathil, they could be there next week. Our own force scheduled to show up there is without transport. Ever since we stripped some ships off to our rotation circuits to carry Melissa back to the Commonwealth, we've got nothing close enough to get them there."

Hanse sat and stared at his balled fists, letting the silence hang heavily in the air. The ambitions of a petty Lyran noble makes him do one thing, and that creates the potential for disaster here in the Federated Suns. The desire for little personal victories inspires this raid on Kathil, but it also got ComStar to pass this important message on to us, without realizing its importance.

Hanse swallowed hard. "Well, my friend, we'd best find any troops in the area that we can deliver posthaste. And we better pray they can stop Liao's raiders, because otherwise we'll lose everything we've won this past year and then some."

* * *

Rays from the setting sun lanced through the tall windows of Hanse Davion's office, stretching the Prince's shadow so it touched the doors to his office. The Prince, his face shadowed, looked up as Quintus Allard escorted Kym Sorenson into the room. "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Lady Sorenson."

She curtsied, then blushed. Her long blond hair was gathered back, and she wore faded trousers and an oversized shirt emblazoned with the crest of the Davion Heavy Guards. "Forgive my appearance, Highness. I came as soon as the Minister called me, I . . ."

Hanse forced a smile and raised a hand to forestall her explanation. "No need to apologize. This is a situation that calls for a swift response, not protocol or ceremony." Hanse hesitated for a moment, searching through the different ways he had thought to ask his question. He rejected all his previous ideas and waved her toward a chair. "Please, Kym, be seated."

She stiffened. "Highness, if this is about Morgan, I think I should remain standing." She tugged nervously on the ends of her shirt, pulling it tight at the shoulders.

Realizing the reason for her anxiety, the Prince said quickly,

"Nothing has happened to Morgan, Kym. He's fine." The Prince looked beyond her toward the closed doors and Quintus Allard. "In fact, he's waiting to speak with me as soon as I have spoken with you, though he does not know you are here."

Relief flooded her pretty face, bringing back animation and color. "Thank you, Highness."

Don't thank me yet. Your feelings for him are obvious. How have they affected your mission?"There is no easy way for me to ask you this, Kym, so forgive my clumsy approach." He looked into her blue eyes. "Can Morgan be trusted with troops in the Capellan March?"

It pleased the Prince that she met his gaze without flinching. "Highness, if you have another subject who is more loyal and trustworthy than Morgan Hasek-Davion, you are unique and blessed among the rulers of the Successor States." Kym stopped as emotion choked her, and she turned slightly away.

Hanse granted her the time to recover. Wiping away tears with the sleeve of her shirt, she turned back. "Forgive me."

"Nothing to forgive, Kym."

She smiled weakly, took in a deep breath and calmed herself. "In my opinion, Prince Hanse, you have nothing to fear from entrusting troops to Morgan."

Hanse narrowed his eyes. "He's not had contacts with dissidents in the Capellan March? He's not anxious to take his father's place as their leader? The death of the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers affected him deeply ..."

Anger flashed through Kym's eyes, but she stopped herself before letting it form into words. "Highness, you have no idea the conflicts Morgan has fought within himself over the years. His father's death hurt him deeply. The loss saddened him because he loved his father, and also because he realized his father was foolish and disloyal. Ultimately, Morgan accepted responsibility for his father's death because he believed he had not worked hard enough to bring the two of you back together."

Hanse shook his head. "There is no way he could have healed that rift."

"I know that," Kym said, "but Morgan doesn't see it that way. He's constantly struggling to atone for his father's mistakes and to prove himself worthy of the honor of being named your heir. The destruction of the Fifth Syrtis hurt him because it was another link lost with his father. More importantly, though, he knew that had he been commanding that force, he would have crushed McCarron's Armored Cavalry. It tore him up to think an idiot like Hartstone would embarrass you so."

Kym half-turned so she could see both men. "You have asked if Morgan has communicated with Capellan March dissidents. He has." She ignored the shocked looks on the two men's faces. "He's told them to go to hell. After his father's death, Count Anton Vitios pledged his personal support to Morgan. Morgan's reply was short and succinct: 'The Capellan March is now and forever shall be a loyal part of the Federated Suns. If you want to shed your blood on the altar of separatism, you'll find my hand on the knife.'"

Hanse saw the smile on Quintus Allard's face and it mirrored his own. "Your words, your tone, your eyes tell me that what you say is the truth." Hanse's smile grew as he felt a heavy weight falling away from his heart. "I've always hoped what you've said about Morgan was true, but I feared he might be his father's son in more than blood." Hanse crossed to Kym and rested his hands on her shoulders. "Thank you. I owe you a debt I can never repay you.' "

Her gaze searched his face for a moment. "There is something you can do for me."

"Name it."

Kym glanced at Quintus. "I will continue to work for you in the NAIS until the war is ended. After that, I will terminate my service with the MHO." She looked up into Hanse's ice blue eyes. "Never tell Morgan I spied on him for you. I love him too much to see him hurt that way."

Hanse smiled and enfolded her in a hug. "Neither one of us wants him hurt, Kym. Your secret is safe."

Pulling back, she smiled, then glanced down as tears rolled from her eyes. "When does he ship out?"

So quick, so smart. Your departure from the MHO will be a great loss.Hanse brushed her tears away. "You'll have tonight... Some of it, at least." He put an arm over her shoulders and gave her a squeeze as he directed her to the side door of his office. "From here, you can leave the Palace without Morgan seeing you."

Kym opened the door, then turned to the Prince again. "Morgan will do whatever you ask of him, or die trying. I hope this is worth it."

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