Frederick's mouth dropped open. "Aldo has tried to have you killed? I knew there had been attempts, but I assumed they were made by dissidents, by Heimdall... or by House Kurita. I. .."

The pained look of betrayal in his eyes touched something in Katrina. Frederick has always been hostile and malicious, but I've overlooked many things because of his loyalty to the Commonwealth and his general lack of imagination. Am I wrong in supposing he was desperate enough to sanction this latest attempt?

"Frederick, two months ago, assassins nearly murdered me and Simon Johnson. If not for a member of Heimdall, you'd be sitting in my place now. Are you telling me this was not the incident you hinted at in the holodisk sent to Alessandro?"

All color had drained from Frederick's face, but fire still burned his eyes. He glanced hatefully at Ryan, then looked at the Archon. "I swear on my honor as an officer in the LCAF that I knew nothing of any attempt to kill you. Depose you, yes. I've wanted to do that ever since you usurped the throne. But I wanted to defeat you in a political battle, not destroy you like a thief fighting over the swag from a job."

Katrina's nostrils flared. "Your honor as an officer in the LCAF means nothing, Frederick, but the desire for an open battle is you, through and through." The Archon leaned back in her throne, resting her elbows on the arms and steepling her fingers. "What incident did you refer to in your message?"

Frederick stiffened as though prepared to deny her that information, but Katrina never gave him the chance to offer honor as a defense. "Face it, Frederick. Aldo Lestrade betrayed you a hundred times over. I know he is behind this—he's pulled your strings like a master puppeteer. What did he use to seduce you into cooperating this time?"

Frederick's resolve broke. "He planned, after any hostile action by the Combine forces, to declare the Isle of Skye independent. He would restrict trade, cutting you off from the Federated Suns." His eyes full of a plea for understanding, Frederick looked up at Katrina. "I would negotiate a settlement between the two of you. I would be seen as a leader and—" he glared at

Ryan— "with Alessandro's support, I could force you to abdicate. Or at least share power with me in some coalition."

Katrina glanced at Ryan, despising the smirk on the young man's lips. Just as he told me, though that plan was obvious from the political situation and the holodisk. Obvious enough for even Frederick to plumb its depths and decide it might work.Katrina felt a cold chill. Yes, with the people's irritation over the war's stalemate and my daughter's marriage, it probably would have worked.

She nodded solemnly. "The Kell Hounds defeating the Third Dieron Regulars put a crimp in that plan. Lestrade could not claim I had neglected him when the Hounds defended his world for him, could he?"

Frederick stared down at his boots. "No. He said the plan had just been delayed, not permanently stopped." His head came up. "You've seen that he's kept the Isle of Skye defended as lightly as possible, with the exception of Summer. He's still afraid of a raid there, though I think he fears the Kell Hounds more than he does the Dragon."

Katrina let her hands drop to her lap. "It is well that he does. The Kell Hounds have business of their own to attend to, and after that, I am not certain I can restrain them from taking Summer apart." Indeed, if Yorinaga Kurita had not sent Morgan a message setting up a battle on the desert world of Nusakan IV in two months, Morgan might have already killed Lestrade.

Frederick Steiner tore the epaulets from his uniform and tossed them at the Archon's feet. "I resign from the Tenth Lyran Guards. They're the best troops an officer could ever hope to lead." He looked into Katrina's eyes, letting the barest hint of a smile lift the corners of his mouth. "But you know that. You commanded them before becoming Archon. They're still the best. I will not have their reputation soiled when you try me for treason and have me executed."

Katrina looked down at the shoulder-boards, momentarily entranced by the light flashing from the silver double diamonds on each one. I wish it were that simple.She nudged them back in his direction with the toe of her boot.

"Believe me, Frederick, I wish I could accept your offer. Had I a choice, I'd have you shot and Aldo Lestrade hung from the highest Triad tower. As it is, that's impossible. I cannot have you killed, nor can I accept your resignation."

Frederick's white brows met as a puzzlement made deep wrinkles in his forehead. "I do not understand."

Katrina moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. "In leaving the Isle of Skye open for attack, Aldo Lastrade has made his holding very attractive to the Draconis Combine. True, they did try a raid that would give him the excuse to pull out, but that plan came from Luthien. A new, more deadly plan has been drafted by Theodore Kurita. In short, he plans a major offensive based from the world of Dromini VI. The offensive is to begin in late October and will stab deep into the Isle of Skye."

Frederick closed his eyes as he summoned up a mental map of the region. "That puts a half-dozen worlds in jeopardy, and makes many more vulnerable to second- and third-stage jumps." His eyes opened. "With our forces strung out through the Rasalhague District and fighting along the Marik border, we don't have time to get troops and supplies to Skye to stop their offensive."

"Not unless we want to let our front collapse like a house of cards," Katrina said. "I could pump troops into the Skye worlds, but they'd not have the needed support or supplies. Given another month, I could do it, and another month is what I mean to have."

She leaned forward, all Archon-to-subject protocol abandoned. Speaking as one MechWarrior to another, she quickly outlined her only hope. "Theodore Kurita has already hit Dromini VI with commando attacks that have eliminated the world's militia. He'll begin filtering troops and supplies onto the planet over the next two months. Then, late in November, he'll head out. The JumpShips are using a pirate point less than three hundred thousand kilometers from the world to keep the evidence of activity to a minimum. The only hope we have of delaying the invasion is to prevent sufficient troops and supplies from being gathered. I need to hit Theodore's supply base."

Frederick nodded slowly, rubbing his hand over his chin. "An elite unit could do it. We could destroy the stores, but it would be a suicide mission."

Katrina met his unwavering stare. "Dying a hero is a much better way to be remembered in history than being executed for treason."

Frederick raised himself up to full height. "Promise me that a JumpShip will wait for any of my men who do somehow survive to make it back." He narrowed his eyes as she hesitated. "You need not fear, Katrina, that I will be among them."

The Archon stood and offered him her hand. "It shall be done."

Frederick kissed her hand, then took one last look at the throne room he had yearned to call his own. He bowed and turned to leave, but stopped to stare coldly at the other Steiner in the room. "What you have seen here, Ryan Steiner, is what happens when you lose to a gracious victor. I hope, when your time comes, that your defeat will serve the Commonwealth as well as mine."



It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.

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