Xiang thrust the envelope into Robertson's hand. "These are all the documents we require to return the body to you. We even included the original of Michael's death warrant. I'm sure the Prince will frame it."

Robertson accepted the documents as Xiang turned away. Both men signaled their soldiers to move forward. Directly at the center of the carpet, opposite the spot marked by the ComStar Acolyte, the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers accepted the body of their slain master in silent dignity. Only their taut expressions and fury-filled eyes showed their hatred for the Capellans.

Morgan hit the remote control switch. "You told me a number of days ago that you'd received word that my father was injured, but that you could provide no details. Then I get this delivered by messenger. I nearly went mad when I watched it! And when I come here to find out what you know, I'm told you're giving a press conference!"

Morgan shot to his feet and came eye to eye with his uncle. "My God, Hanse, why didn't you wait? Why didn't you speak to me first?'

Morgan thrust a finger at the monitor. "You told the reporters you accepted responsibility for my father's death. You should have stopped him. You shouldn't have allowed him to go to Sian."

Hanse raised himself to his full height. "Allowed him to go? I did no such thing. Your father went of his own accord, and Liao killed him for very good reasons."

Morgan hesitated. "But you said . .."

"Damn what I said! Those were reporters. They have no idea what really goes on in the world. They ferret out the truth beneath the headlines we give them, but they never realize that what they see as bottom is merely the roof on the level below that!"

Hanse looked at both Morgan and Lady Kym. "What I tell you now cannot go beyond these walls." Hanse pointed at the couch. "Sit down, Morgan." His nephew shook his head, folding his hands behind his back like a MechWarrior standing at ease. Hanse softened his voice. "Please, sit down."

Morgan seated himself as Hanse crossed to the holovid monitor and shut it off. "That packet of papers contained enough information for Quintus to fit the last few pieces of a puzzle together. We knew, for a host of reasons, that military information was being leaked from our forces to the Maskirovka. We also knew, because of the speed with which the information was received on the enemy side, that the information came from someone close to your father. We knew how long it took information to reach Liao because Alexi Malenkov, Justin Xiang's aide, works for Quintus Allard."

Hanse held out both hands to stop the question on Morgan's lips. "We believed the mole was your father's good friend, Count Anton Vitios."

Morgan shook his head. "That's impossible. Vitios's family died in a Liao raid on Verio. He's got a pathological hatred of anything Capellan." Morgan glanced over at Quintus Allard. "We all saw that when he prosecuted your son for treason."

Quintus nodded. "We believed, as some of our psychologists did, that Vitios went round the bend when he began to believe that neither the Prince nor your father was doing enough to fight Liao. By giving Liao information, he could manufacture weaknesses that would prompt Liao to make disastrous attacks. We discovered, in fact, that troop strengths for your father's units were listed as being understrength when passed to Liao."

The Prince nodded slowly. "We used this information leakage to set up our ambush of Liao troops back in January. It was an unmitigated disaster for Liao. It was not until after the attacks had been organized, and Liao troops sent on their missions, that we sent information to your father reporting what we had done. Instead of arresting Vitios, your father fled to Sian."

Openmouthed, Morgan stared at Hanse Davion, then slowly shook his head. "No, that's not possible. My father would never do anything like that." Morgan shuddered. "You're saying my father betrayed the Federated Suns."

Hanse looked down at Morgan and felt his chest tighten. Yes, it hurts to hear it. It is well that we keep the whole truth from you."It was not treason, Morgan, though it might seem like it. Michael had negotiated a truce with Liao. No, he did not have my sanction to do so, but your father was semi-autonomous in the Capellan March and he did what he must to protect his people. His action angers me, but I can understand it."

Morgan rubbed his forehead with his left hand. "So my father went to Sian to persuade Maximilian Liao that he had not knowingly violated their agreement..."

"And Liao, having just learned of the attacks and their results, blamed your father for the failures. Liao did not take into account the fact that he could not have recalled his troops in any event. Because the Liao forces traveled through uninhabited star systems, the ComStar network could not have been employed to warn them about the traps."

Hanse squatted in front of Morgan and looked up into his eyes. "Your father made an error in judgment, not in loyalties. Had he come to me, I would have credited him with an incredible stroke of genius in using Liao's Maskirovka against him. He chose not to trust me, and he died for that mistake."

The Prince straightened up. "The body is being taken back to New Syrtis. Political control of the Capellan March has been transferred to your mother. Military control will go to Marshal Vivian Chou. I have a command circuit ready to take you to New Syrtis."

Morgan shook his head slowly. "With all the JumpShips you have committed to the war, the circuit to New Syrtis cannot be complete."

"No, it's not. The trip to New Syrtis will take a month because each JumpShip must make two jumps. That adds four weeks for recharging the Kearny-Fuchida drives during the trip."

Morgan sighed heavily. "I would arrive too late for the services." He stood. "Uncle, give me the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers and let me avenge my father."

Morgan's plea stabbed into Hanse's heart. Dammit, Morgan, I cannot honor your request. The Fifth Syrtis is riddled with men who would avenge Michael's death by coming after me. I cannot trust you with a pack of vipers like that. With you at their head, they might succeed in fomenting a revolt in the Capellan March. Your father could use them to reach out from the grave and do to me in death what he could never manage in life.

Hanse shook his head. "We have gone over this time and again. Until Melissa bears me a child, you are my heir. I will not give Liao a chance to extinguish the hopes of House Davion and House Hasek. I know it chafes like a coffle, but your duty is to remain here, hale and hearty, ready to lead if I need you."

"No, Hanse, this is not like the other times." Morgan balled his fists. "Before I wanted to fight Liao to bring glory to House Davion. That was my motivation and my desire, but my father's murder has changed things. Now I must avenge his death."

Hanse narrowed his eyes. "If I refuse, will you strike out on your own, make your own deals, and fight your own war?"

Morgan started to answer, then stopped as Hanse's trap opened up before him. He let his fists drop limply to his side. "No, Prince Hanse Davion, I am not so much my father's son to do that. I serve you in whatever capacity you demand of me." He bowed his head. "Now, my Lord, if you will permit me, I would beg your leave to mourn my father."

Hanse nodded silently and reluctantly let Morgan Hasek-Davion leave the room. Mourn him, Morgan, but learn a lesson from his death. Your loyalty must ever be to the Federated Suns. If you falter, if the people who supported your father are able to seduce you, then you will suffer your father's fate.

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