Andrew nodded his agreement with Morgan's words. It's true. I've seen specs for my new 'Mech, and I've seen the same data for a Star League model for myMarauder. Even after 300 years, one of those antiqueMarauders would make mine look sick.

Morgan paused long enough for his words to sink in. "I cannot tell you much about the troops we'll be fighting because we only have our intelligence service's best guess on what to expect. I do know it will be at least one full battalion, and probably two. I expect over half the troops to be elite MechWarriors. Their aim will be to destroy the four major geothermal generating stations on Kathil. Our job is to stop them."

The flame-haired Mech Warrior pointed toward the section of seats occupied by Redburn's Delta Company. "With us, in this effort, we have Captain Andrew Redburn and his Delta Company. These double-dozen MechWarriors have already fought enough battles to end every war, defeating their opposition every time. They are specialists in close-assault tactics, and while they normally use light 'Mechs, some will be piloting heavier 'Mechs for our operation."

Over to the right, Morgan pointed to a small knot of fifteen MechWarriors seated near Captain Alanna Damu. "This is the Omega Company of the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers. They are battle-hardened veterans who have the knowledge and skill to match the best of our Capellan enemies. They know how to fight hard, and they know that sometimes the battle is not over until you're dead."

With both hands, he indicated the MechWarriors gathered in the center section of the auditorium. Though they sat up tall and proud, Andrew noticed how young they all seemed. The fire in their eyes reminded him of the expressions his Delta Company had worn when he'd first gathered them together, years ago, into the First Kittery Training Battalion. It comes full circle. My former trainees will be teaching these kids to survive.

Morgan's strong voice filled the hall. "And we have you, Kathil Militia, Third Battalion. Yes, I know most of you were called up when the other battalions left to garrison worlds in the conquered territories, and that because of munitions shortages, your training to date has consisted mostly of computer-adjudicated mock battles."

Morgan gave them a look of dead-seriousness. "By order of Prince Hanse Davion, you are all now part of a new Federated Suns regiment. Officially, we are the First Kathil Uhlans, but I have named us the Lions of Davion. We will have two battalions. Captain Damu is now breveted to Major and will command the Alpha Battalion. It will consist of her Omega Company and the first two companies of the Kathil militia. Brevet-Major Redburn will command the Delta Battalion, which will consist of his Delta Company and the remaining company of Kathil Militia." Morgan looked toward Colonel de Velez. "Colonel de Velez will be my aide and will assist me with his knowledge of Kathil so that we can effectively destroy the force Liao throws at us."

Shocked by his sudden promotion, Andrew barely felt Robert Craon's congratulatory slap on the back. Major ... me? In charge of a battalion of half-trained MechWarriors and a bunch of local kids who want to be MechWarriors?Andrew blinked his eyes several times and looked up toward Morgan. Do you really know what you are doing?

Morgan waited for the crowd to quiet before speaking again.

" I know what many of you are thinking. Some may resent being split up from your fellows, and others may dislike having to wet-nurse your new partners through their first battle. You wonder how a ragtag band of half-trained and tired MechWarriors can hope to oppose an elite Liao force."

As Morgan spoke, he ticked off each description on the fingers of his left hand, then curled the fingers into a fist. "We will do it because we will become a unit. We will think as one, and we will use each other's strengths to fill in the cracks." He pointed at Andrew's people. "Delta Company here understands the weaknesses of various 'Mech designs, and they know how to exploit them. They have mastered the techniques of hitting without getting hit back. They know the importance of working together, and through such cooperation, they have become a unit Capellan mothers name when they wish to frighten bad children."

Morgan turned to face the remnants of the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers. "You are all that's left of the best fighting unit the Capellan March ever had. Through audacity, quick thinking, and foresight, you escaped the careful trap laid down by McCarron's Armored Cavalry. You took risks no one could ever have anticipated. In so doing, you saved yourselves and others. You are survivors, and we need that quality in the Lions."

Lastly, Morgan looked at the militia. "You we need most of all. You have the enthusiasm that has turned to cynicism for some of us over the years. You don't see things as impossible because there's so much you've yet to try. Besides that, you all know this world better than we could ever hope to. You know the places where the maps are wrong, and you know details about things that no gazetteer could ever tell us. Most important, you have a love for this world that can become contagious. It will keep us going when all might seem lost, and it could give us the edge we need to destroy the invaders."

Morgan wet his lips. "As your commander, I promise you one thing. I may have to give you assignments that could kill you, but I will never issue you a suicidal order. I will never abandon you to the enemy. The Lions will be one force, one power. Together, we will prevail."

Morgan again hunched forward over the podium. "Mark me, gentlemen and ladies. We will win because we mustwin. Liao's forces are coming here to claim victory for themselves. We will battle against a wanton carnage that could suck mankind down into another Dark Age. We cannot allow it. We willnot allow it. Ours will be a victory for all mankind, a beacon of hope for the future."



Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth

3 September 3029


Daniel Allard's smile died as he passed through the circular doorway into Morgan Kell's office. The pain and sorrow on Morgan's face filled him with cold dread. "What's happened, Colonel?" Dan knotted the Sanglamore sash off over his left ear. "They caught me right before I went out on patrol saying you had a message from the Archon ..."

Morgan Kell looked down helplessly at his hands. "The message was sent before we left Lyons for our wait here on Nusakan. ComStar sent it to New Freedom. It was broken down there, re-encrypted and sent here." His head came up, and he pointed to a chair in front of his desk. "Have a seat, Dan. You'll want to hear this sitting down."

Dan crossed the plaster-walled room to sit in an old log chair. News from the Federated Suns would come through the Archon because of the Interdiction. What's happened to my family?Clad only a cooling vest and shorts, Dan gripped the chair's rough-hewn arms.

Morgan said nothing, but reached out and touched the controls on a holovid viewer. The dark screen brightened to show the Archon sitting on her throne. Barely visible behind her, and then lost as soon as the camera zoomed in on her handsome face were the legs of the two Griffin BattleMechs that flanked her throne. Katrina stared into the camera, the power and compassion in her gray eyes flowing from the holovid screen into Dan's heart.

Katrina swallowed hard before she began. "I extend to you, Captain Allard, the greetings of the Lyran Commonwealth. With all the gratitude I owe you for past services, I consider this message loathsome and unfortunately cruel. It's a duty I would avoid, but it's best you hear it from me than from anyone else."

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