Pieces of hull split open like a naranjirind. Full-sized Battle-Mechs rocked out of the broken sphere, spinning wildly out of control. Andrew watched a Marauderwhose arms flailed madly against the air as its cylindrical body wheeled over and over again. The heavy 'Mech landed on its feet, but the birdlike legs snapped at the knee. The Marauder'sbody broke in half. The cockpit section tumbled across the landscape while the fusion engine in the torso exploded, spitting armor and parts carelessly over the landscape.

Hand trembling, Andrew punched up the communications link that ran through a landline to Morgan's headquarters. "Delta Lion to Pride. The microwaves got the first DropShip, but I make two more coming in low and hot." Andrew hesitated, searching for words to describe the carnage in the landing zone. "Pride, no one survived the landing. That shouldn't have happened to anyone."

Morgan's voice, tinged with regret, filled Andrew's neuro-helmet. "I agree. If I thought they would have given our new people some quarter, I might have had a choice. Alpha reports having a battalion of Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers heading for the Median Power Company plant. Two Unionslanding in your area means we'll have two companies of death Commandos targeting Yare."

Andrew nodded mechanically. "Roger, Pride. We'll stop what we can." Andrew severed the landline with his commander. I hope like hell we don't let much through. Those retired MechWarriors you've gathered as your staff might be all heart, Morgan, but their fighting days were over a long time ago. As good as you are, Morgan Hasek-Davion, you cannot defend that generating station by yourself.

Andrew punched up a magnified view of the two UnionClass DropShips that had settled onto the landing zone. The flames from the burning first ship flickered yellow highlights onto the other two ships' pitted armor. They also provided enough light to reveal the 'Mechs marching from the DropShips' bellies onto the hellground, filling Andrew's guts with ice.

The Death Commandos moved from their DropShips swiftly. Instead of lining up in formation, as some units might have, they spread out to make themselves harder to hit. None of them stopped to check on the condition of their fallen comrades, but instead they used debris and broken 'Mechs as cover. Their scouts moved forward with great caution, searching out any sign of enemy 'Mechs.

Andrew swallowed hard. These guys really are as hot as their reputation. I guess we’ll just have to be better than ours.Seeing a lance of scout 'Mechs move beyond the blast perimeter and onto the edge of the landing zone, he punched a button on his command console. His auxiliary monitor redrew the map of the landing zone, adding two rings of polka-dots around the whole area. The scout lance's 'Mechs appeared as golden triangles in the dark area between the two rings.

The lead scout 'Mech, a Raven,crossed into the outer circle of dots. Its right foot came down on the ground, then shot back up as the mine beneath it erupted. An argent column of flame ripped the Raven'sfoot clean off, spinning the leggy 'Mech back into the safe zone. It squatted, listing badly to the right, but the pilot did not leave his 'Mech. The other scouts, after a short discussion with their commander, carefully began to retrace their steps back toward the DropShips.

Ten meters into the interior ring, the lead Ostscouthit another mine. The explosion blasted up into both of the humanoid 'Mech's legs. Armor sowed shrapnel all over the landing zone as the discharge blew the 'Mech's legs out from under it. The Ostscoutlanded on its back, then rolled, detonating another mine beneath its chest. The second mine ripped a huge hole in the 'Mech's left flank.

Andrew smiled as the 'Mech's faceplate exploded outward. The pilot flew from the damaged 'Mech in his command couch. The gyrostabilizers trimmed the seat's flight, and the pilot directed it back toward the DropShips. First blood goes to the Lions. It'll take them forever to get out of this trap, and we can pick their sappers off with LRM fire from Demon and Archer lances.

Almost before Andrew had a chance to grin in smug satisfaction, the Death Commandos sprang into action, showing just how nasty a force they really were. Both DropShips launched flight after flight of LRMs in a computer-projected pattern that ate its way out through both rings. The missiles and their explosions detonated all the mines for a hundred meters. Fiery blasts shot flares into the darkness and sprayed dirt everywhere. Thunder rattled the Marauderas light flashed from each succeeding barrage.

Andrew punched a button on his command console. "Heads up, Demon and Archer lances. They'll be coming through fast. Fire and move, fire and move. Fox and Cat, be ready to move. The rest of you, stay alert. Our first position won't hold long." Andrew glanced down at the list of 'Mechs and styles his computer could identify. Hell, we'll be lucky if it just slows them down.

Through the smoke and dust poured the Death Commandos. The wounded Ravenand the other two 'Mechs in its lance came into view first. They moved into the line of buildings in the factory town surrounding Yare Industries as the first volley of LRM from Archer and Demon lances hit them.

So many missiles blasted into the Raventhat it appeared to have burst into flames spontaneously. The Waspon its right reeled under the pummeling barrage. The humanoid 'Mech, stripped naked of armor by missiles, collapsed into a two-story-tall adobe building. The lance's remaining 'Mech, a Stinger,started to jet off, but a flight of missiles peppered its head, crushing the cockpit completely. The 'Mech crashed to the ground, blocking one of the town's narrow streets with its corpse.

Suddenly a half-dozen Death Commando 'Mechs ignited their jump jets. The humanoid BattleMechs arced overhead, converging on the locations from which the LRMs had been fired. The scarlet shafts of medium-laser fire wove a deadly energy network above the low hill toward which the Liao 'Mechs flew. The beams sliced armor from the incoming 'Mechs, but stopped none of their advances.

As the Liao 'Mechs sank from sight, Andrew growled out orders through the radio. "Cat lance, hit them now. Archer, Demon, get out of there if you can and fall back to second position. Bulls-eye and Fox, it's our turn. Craon, hold your company until we need it." Andrew glanced at the tactical display that showed some of his Valkyriesjetting away from the assault site, then he turned his attention back to the action in his area.

The main body of the Death Commandos moved through the town along the main road toward Yare. They proceeded as swiftly as possible, clearly uneasy about the shadowed side-streets and darkened buildings surrounding them. Two Centurionsscouted ahead, while two Vindicatorssecured the streets intersecting their line of march.

They never imagined anything by way of an organized defense, and no militia in its right mind would fight them in a city—placing its own homes at risk.As the last 'Mech, a Rifleman,shuffled past the tin-walled warehouse where Andrew's Marauderwas hidden, Andrew severed the connection with the visual sensor pod mounted on the building's roof. He leaned his heavy 'Mech against the warehouse's corrugated wall, and amid a shriek of metal and loud snap of wooden wall studs, he burst into the street behind the Rifleman.

Andrew shoved both of the Marauder'sarms at the Rifleman,stabbing his thumbs down on the firing buttons. Twin bolts of azure lightning knifed through the enemy 'Mech's back, slashing armor into ribbons. Half-melted armor chunks fell to the ground while blue fire raced through the Rifleman'sbody. Autocannon armor started a staccato series of explosions that blew both arms off the 'Mech, sending them spinning off through buildings and houses. Freed of the electromagnetic fields holding it captive, the miniature sun powering the fusion reactor melted its way free of the engine housing and rose like ball lightning up through the 'Mech's head. It exploded free of the war machine, lighting the landscape like noon, then imploded, bringing darkness again.

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