Over the open radio channel, a militiaman's hushed voice filled Andrew's neurohelmet. "Whatever the hell it was that did that, I hope it's on our side."



Capellan March, Federated Suns

7 September 3029


Curtains of oily smoke twisted and parted enough to let the flames glint from the 'Mech's skullface. The tall, broad-shouldered Battle-Mech looked to Andrew for all the world like the Grim Reaper himself had ascended from Hell to gather souls.

The autocannon muzzle over the Atlas'sright hip swiveled down, targeting an advancing Liao Warhammer.Flame flashed from the gun as it sent a sizzling stream of metal at its victim. The projectiles tracked up the 'Mech's right arm like a tailor slicing open a seam. The armor protecting the Warhammer'sarm dropped away in a tattered ribbon.

The Liao Warhammertriggered both its PPCs. Twin azure bolts raked their needle-sharp tendrils over the Atlas'sbroad chest, clawing away sheets of ceramic armor. One bolt lingered for half a second on a spot over the Atlas'sheart, exploiting a weakness. The giant 'Mech staggered, but never even came close to toppling.

Andrew smiled openly. "Thank God you showed up, Morgan. Hellion lance, flame that WarhammerDemon and Archer lances, walk your LRMs down the main street. Cat lance, if you're done, get down here. Gorgon, Jackal, Fox, and Bullseye, targets of opportunity! This ends now!"

Andrew marched his Marauderforward. A Liao Centurion,fire trailing from the muzzle of its right-arm autocannon, reeled beneath the impact of an SRM volley. It staggered right into Andrew's sights, so he dropped the crosshairs onto it, flashing the PPC in his right arm to life. The blue particle beam stabbed deep into the 'Mech's right elbow, vaporizing the last of the protective armor, then melted the joint. The pilot, suddenly aware of Andrew's Marauder,lurched his 'Mech off into a sidestreet.

As ordered, Demon and Archer lances launched volley after volley of LRMs onto the main street, concentrating on the knot of Liao 'Mechs toward the middle. A birdlike Catapultsent two LRM volleys arcing back toward its tormentors, but that did nothing to squelch the long-range fire. In fact, the next barrage wreathed the Catapultin fire, crushing its armor and dropping it to the ground.

Hellion lance turned the Warhammerinto a torch, but lost one of its 'Mechs in a fireball as a Liao Thunderboltblasted it with laser fire. In turn, Gorgon lance's UrbanMechsripped the Thunderbolt'sarmor to shreds with autocannon fire. Morgan's Atlasfinished the Warhammerwith another autocannon burst, knocking the 'Mech over.

The Ostsolbroke toward the right, dashing down a darkened side street. From the flaming battle higher up on the hill, a 'Mech arced into the sky, then descended on the larger 'Mech. In the firelight, Andrew recognized the humanoid machine as a Hatchet-man. At least one person from Cat Lance is alive!

The Hatchetmanlanded, then wrapped both hands around the hilt of the warclub that gave the 'Mech its name. Despite the damage taken when the Ostsoltriggered its two rear-arc lasers, the Hatchetmanraised the hatchet and brought it down on the Ostsol'shead. The titanium blade sheathed a depleted uranium core and sliced through the Ostsol'scockpit like a sharp knife. The Ostsol'smomentum slammed it into a low building, tripped it, and dumped its corpse on a row of tract housing.

Realizing the battle was lost, the remaining Liao Cataphractthrew itself into Jackal lance. It battered the smaller Commandoswith its arms, knocking them aside, then tried to stomp them into scrap metal. Despite the terrifying sight of this gargantuan war machine clubbing them, the militia pilots released flights of SRMs, blasting armor from the Cataphract'sthick hide. They fought their way free of its embrace, retreated far enough to give them range for their missiles, then let fly again.

The Cataphractwas lunging forward to trap one of the Commandoswhen autocannon fire goosed it. The UrbanMechthat the Ostsolhad all but destroyed had no mobility, but its gun still worked and the Cataphracthad obligingly impaled itself on the pilot's sights. The autocannon shells stripped all the armor from the Cataphract'srear. The tremor-filled sidestep in the Liao 'Mech's advance suggested to Andrew that one of the large 'Mech's gyros had been blown to bits in the attack.

Morgan's Atlasblazed away with its autocannon, capitalizing on the work already done by the UrbanMech.As the Atlas'ssalvo blew everything inside the Cataphractto titanium dust, Andrew turned both his PPCs on the Liao Thunderbolt.Waves of heat washed over him as the twin particle beams blasted away sheets of armor from the Thunderbolt'schest and flank.

The Thunderboltturned to face its attacker, but before it could bring up the large laser on its right arm, several LRM flights pummeled it. The missiles shaved layer after layer of armor from the Liao war machine. The blasts rent gaping holes in armor, exposing titanium skeletons and purple myomer muscles to the withering autocannon fire from Gorgon lance. Thigh muscles exploded into gobs of pseudo-flesh. Top-heavy, the 'Mech fell over backward.

Streams of tracers from autocannons and the red flash of lasers swept over the battlefield. Flights of LRMs sowed more fire along the main street, filling the township with thunder and debris. Fires burned hot and high into the night sky.

Slowly, gradually, the weapons-fire died as the defenders realized that no Liao 'Mechs were firing back. Andrew looked out over the battlefield at the twisted hulks of metal and melted shards of armor. Occasionally, a round of autocannon ammo would cook off, exploding with a pop and scattering more armor chaff around. Aside from that and the flames, nothing else moved on the main street.

Andrew looked up at Craon's fallen Hunchback. We've won, but what a price we paid for victory!Then he looked toward the Atlasstanding tall on top of the hill. It's just like Morgan said. We had no choice.

* * *

Andrew slumped in the doorway to Morgan's makeshift office. "Redburn reporting, sir."

Morgan Hasek-Davion waved Andrew into the room and to a chair between Gerry de Velez and Alanna Damu. Concern creased his brow. "How's Craon?"

Andrew sighed heavily. "We got him out of the Hunchback,but he was in pretty bad shape." Andrew shook his head. "The doctors think he'll live:—most of him at least. Left arm, both legs. He'll never pilot a 'Mech again."

Suddenly, unbidden and unwelcome, thoughts of Justin Xiang came into Andrew's mind. We all thought he was done, too, when his left forearm got shot off. The Federated Suns gave him a new arm, then he betrayed us. Justin must have had something to do with this assault—he's the one who got Craon so ripped up. What a waste!Andrew's fist slammed down on the arm of the chair.

Morgan's head came up. "What?"

Andrew shivered. "Sorry. I was just remembering how the NAIS fixed Justin Xiang up with an arm that let him pilot a 'Mech." He looked up hopefully at Morgan. "You don't suppose they could do that for Craon, do you?"

Morgan shook his head. "I don't know, but I've already made arrangements for him to be transferred there as soon as he has been stabilized." Morgan glanced down at a sheet of paper on his desk. "Andy, what's the status of First Battalion?"

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