Justin stiffened at Tsen's sinister tone. "What is it, Tsen?"

Shang's eyes narrowed to slits of shadow. "It, ShonsoXiang, is word of the task force sent to destroy Kathil. What is left of it arrived at Hexare and relayed a message through ComStar."

"What's left of it?" Justin asked uneasily. "They should have had no problem on Kathil. Your plan was flawless. What happened?"

Tsen paused for a second, as if weighing the surprise in Justin's voice. "The Death Commandos met resistance in the form of two hastily cobbled-together line units. The fighting was fierce, and the Commandos were destroyed. The Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers likewise failed in their mission to destroy the geothermal generators on Kathil, but they have redeemed themselves."

Candace's fist slammed into the table. "Enough riddles, Shang. Tell us what has happened."

Shang bowed his head in Candace's direction, but the gesture conveyed neither respect nor obedience. "As you wish, Duchess. The Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers managed to capture the enemy force's leader." Shang smiled broadly. "They are bringing us Morgan Hasek-Davion."

Justin's chopsticks clattered against his plate, and Alexi's face went ashen. Justin shook his head to clear it of shock, then smiled. "Morgan Hasek-Davion. Who would have imagined we would win such a valuable weapon to use against Hanse Davion?"

Shang unfolded his arms and inspected the long nails on the last three fingers of his right hand. Light glinted from the diamond chips encrusted there and shone dully from each nail's carbon fiber-reinforced razor edge. "Who, indeed? Certainly not the spy who communicated the information about the assault."

Even before Justin could demand information, Shang drew a folded sheet of paper from inside his robe and passed it to him. Justin unfolded it slowly, feeling the crisp bond paper stick to the fingers of his right hand. I know that watermark. This is the special stock used by ComStar Precentors.The letterhead inside confirmed the source of the missive. The message was short, but Justin read it over twice:

"Greetings, Chancellor Maximilian Liao. It is with deep regret that we at ComStar apologize for a violation of our own Interdiction against House Davion that may have caused you some inconvenience. Under false pretenses, a Davion agent managed to send a message to the Minister of Intelligence, Information, and Operations of the Federated Suns. We feel it might have compromised your operation on Kathil, and for this we are sorry. It will not happen again.

"The Peace of Blake be with you. Villius Tejh, Precentor Sian."

Justin returned the message to Shang, who accepted it, glanced at it once, then refolded it. He smiled. "I've checked the records. I know the identity of the spy in our midst."

Muscles bunched at Justin's jaws. "Do what you must, Citizen."

Shang turned to Alexi Malenkov. "I arrest you in the name of Chancellor Maximilian Liao for high treason and crimes against the state." The guards behind him drew their guns. "By order of the Chancellor, you are to be executed here and now for your crimes!"



One man with courage makes a majority.

—Andrew Jackson



Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation

20 October 3029


Romano Liao forcibly resisted the delicious temptation to smile triumphantly as Justin Xiang was ushered into her father's presence by two Maskirovka Security Officers. Though he held his head high and was unbound, Romano sensed a change in him. Glancing at her lover, she did allow herself the hint of a grin. Tsen senses it as well. Alexi's exposure as a spy has made Xiang vulnerable.

She studied the fierce resolution on Xiang's face as he marched down the scarlet carpet to where Maximilian Liao sat on his throne. Sitting in the massive stone seat with its circular back carved into a representation of the universe with Sian dead-center, the Chancellor dwarfed the steel-handed Maskirovka agent.

When Xiang spoke, his voice was free of fear or apprehension. "You have summoned me, Celestial Wisdom?" Xiang glanced back over his shoulder, throwing the guards a withering stare. They withdrew to the side of the carpet.

Maximilian Liao, long and gangling like an ancient spider, stirred on his high throne. His long-fingered hands gripped the throne's arms, his knuckles bulging and becoming white. "I ordered Tsen Shang to arrest and execute Alexi Malenkov immediately. You countermanded that order! This is not the first time you have usurped my right to command my subjects to do my bidding, but by the gods, it will be the last! What possessed you to defy me?"

Romano saw conflicting emotions flash over Justin's face. Do you acquiesce or do you meet your destruction head on?When she saw his chest expand and his eyes narrow, she thought, Good. A battle.

Justin answered coldly and calmly, but his tone was razor-sharp. "What possessed me last night was a desire to see the evidence against Alexi Malenkov myself. I have worked with him since joining your service two and a half years ago. I have counted on Malenkov to perform countless tasks for me, and not once has he or his work been deficient or suspect. My God! The man saved my life on Bethel. I hasten to add that Alexi Malenkov is a Mandrinn. By law, he cannot be executed without a trial. Furthermore, I am his overlord, with the right to appeal any such sentence of death to the Chancellor."

Xiang raised his metallic left hand to forestall the Chancellor's denial of that appeal. "As for times in the past when I have, as you claim, usurped your leadership prerogatives, it should be noted that my actions have paid off handsomely for us in the end. You will recall that I gave the order for McCarron's Armored Cavalry to take up a position on Sarna. There they broke the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers, handing Hanse Davion his first and only major defeat in this war."

Seeing the fire in her father's eyes waver beneath the logic of Justin's argument, Romano moved to stoke the blaze. "You forget, Citizen Xiang, that Morgan Hasek-Davion has been captured. This is Hanse Davion's greatest defeat in the war."

Justin looked at her with eyes full of scorn. "Is it really, Lady Romano?" He bowed his head toward Tsen Shang. "I do not deny that his capture is a boon to our cause, but I know first-hand how valuable people are to Hanse Davion. The same hands that pinned the Diamond Sunburst to my chest for bravery under fire were the hands that stripped my rank from me. The voice that congratulated me in the name of the Federated Suns was the same voice that exiled me from my home! As far as Hanse Davion is concerned, Morgan may now be only a failure, the fruit of traitorous seed. For all we know, Hanse offered Morgan up to be well rid of him."

"Enough!" Maximilian Liao stood tall, pointed down at Justin with his right index finger. "You will not deflect me. You have seen the evidence against Malenkov. How can you still be against his immediate execution?"

Justin shook his head slightly. "Is it not obvious? Alexi Malenkov is a valuable tool. If we can turn him against his former masters, we can use him to destroy them . . ."

Tsen Shang laughed harshly. "Just as your captured technology has been used against Hanse Davion?"

"That is not my choice, Shang," Justin said bitterly. "House Imarra's two battalions have both been refitted with the new myomer muscles. You have seen the reports .. . you know what those units can do. How is it that you, the master planner of our strategy, have not yet deployed the troops in places where they will be useful?"

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