Justin smiled as he walked from the simulation range toward the Spring Palace. Very close contact, indeed.Romano went after Tsen like a vampire after a Spican bloodfish. She wanted him as her own pet Maskirovka agent, and she got him. I suspected she would eventually direct him against me to solidify her power-base, but my involvement with her older sister made Romano hate me so much she stepped up her efforts. Shang is caught between our friendship and her manipulation. Unfortunately, Romano is winning . . .

Justin forced himself to pause for a moment. He drew in a deep breath, letting the clean, fresh scent of spring wash away the last vestiges of Inferno stink. He glanced beyond the boxy palace to the distant line of tall pines. The darkness of the woods looked so inviting that he momentarily considered bolting for its sanctuary.

Reluctantly, he rejected that plan. A split between Tsen and me is probably inevitable. And his discovery that my aide Alexi Malenkov was spying on Romano did nothing to put me back in his good graces. He probably told Romano about the surveillance, but she hasn't tried to have me killed. It must be that my anger at her attempted assassination of my father frightened her. She's not gotten Tsen to oppose me outright yet, but his sour attitude about Operation Intruders Communion probably means his resistance is weakening.

"Justin, wait!"

The sound of Candace Liao's voice brought a smile to Justin's face. As tall as he, she quickly closed the distance between them with long-legged strides. Her gray eyes flashed mischievously as she took Justin's right hand, and her long black hair fell forward of her shoulders to frame her lovely face.

Justin squeezed her hand, then kissed her on the lips. "Good morning." Justin squinted up at the sun like a mariner measuring its arc. "What are you doing up this early?"

Candace gave him a mock-pout. "You should have awakened me. I told you I wanted to watch the rehearsal of your operation."

Justin smiled teasingly. "That is not what you mumbled this morning when I crawled out of bed."

Candace raised an eyebrow. "You never tried to wake me up."

Justin laughed. "I did so. You, my Duchess, had ordered me to do just that, and I made a valiant attempt at fulfilling my duty. This morning, however, you countermanded that order."

"What did I say?"

Justin slipped his arms around her. "It was either 'good luck' or 'gimmee covers.' " He kissed the tip of her nose. "I translated that into your desire to sleep in."

Tension tightened the corners of her eyes. "I appreciate it, lover, but you should not have done it. There are things I should have accomplished already today."

Justin shook his head. "Ease off, Candace. I know you're worried about what Hanse Davion is going to do in the area of your St. Ives Commonality, but we've absolutely no indication that he's planning a strike against your holding."

Candace disengaged herself from Justin's arms. "That's hardly reassuring, Citizen Xiang. As I recall, Hanse Davion's invasion came as a complete surprise."

Justin bowed his head. "Touché, Duchess. I would point out, however, that we had ample clues of buildups along the border. Our error was in assuming Davion meant only to conduct another one of his Galahad exercises. That's what communications from Michael Hasek-Davion were telling us. We only expected Hanse to flex his muscles, but he struck out at us instead."

Candace's anxiety ignited anger. "Because of my father's ineffectual attempts at a counterstrike, the St. Ives Commonality has been stripped of JumpShips. We couldn't get reinforcements into it even if Davion did attack."

Justin sighed heavily. "That's all right. We don't have any reinforcements. Your father's already issued orders calling up all reserve units on all planets, and for the training of the citizenry to fight the invaders. That may slow Davion down, but it's not going to turn the tide."

Justin's steel hand curled into a fist like a flower wilting in timelapse photography. "My assault will make the difference. Once we hit Bethel and the secret New Avalon Institute of Science facility there, we'll be able to meet and defeat Davion's forces." He met her chilly stare. "The JumpShips from St. Ives are being stretched into a command circuit that will deliver my forces to Bethel and bring them back quickly."

Candace nodded stiffly. "I understand the importance of the command circuit and the raid, but I wonder if it will be in time to save the Capellan Confederation."

Justin shook his head slowly. "I cannot answer that, but I do know you need not fear for your St. Ives Commonality. Alexi showed me a report that indicated the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers were pulled from Kittery. They were aching to avenge Michael Hasek-Davion's death. If Hanse has moved them from Kittery, he's planning to use them elsewhere. As long as you have no Jump-Ships in St. Ives, Hanse knows you won't be hitting him. He will wait."

"I hope, for the sake of my people, that you are correct."

Justin smiled cruelly. "I hope so, too. I want Hanse Davion looking ahead, so far ahead that he'll not see what I'm going to do to him. Once Operation Intruders Communion is complete, we will use his own technology against him. It will be glorious."

Candace stepped close, caressing Justin up over the chest and shoulders as she slipped her hands around his neck. "I believe you, my love, and I dearly wish to share your victory, but I urge you to be cautious. There are those who will mark you as a target. Pavel Ridzik was once my father's trusted advisor, much as you are now. Do not let your personal desire for revenge make you blind to those who might wish to eliminate you."

Justin looked into her quicksilver eyes as his arms enfolded her. "I'll be careful."

Candace smiled happily. "I have ways to insulate you from some things, and your position in the Maskirovka will shield you as well. We both realize who your biggest threat is, and we also know she has great access to my father." She kissed his lips lightly. "As long as we are together, Justin Xiang, she will be unable to hurt either one of us."

Justin nodded quietly. That's the game then, isn't it? Candace and Romano both sense their father's weakness, yet each realizes that only he can eliminate the other as a rival for power. This is a dangerous place to be, Justin, but it is the place where your duty has placed you. Make the best of it, because second-best in this arena ends up in a box.

He smiled at Candace and gave her a squeeze. "Together, we're invincible."



Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation

20 March 3029


Justin followed Candace Liao through the black-lacquered doors into the cool, dark briefing room. The doors closed behind them with the whispered hiss of vapor jets, then locked with a loud click. Justin stepped forward to the nearest end of the black lozenge table. He drew a chair out for Candace, then bowed to Chancellor Maximilian Liao.

The Chancellor, seated in a high-backed black marble chair, nodded his head wearily. The wisps of gray and white imperfections in the throne mirrored the light streaks threading Liao's unruly hair and long, slender moustache. The only color on the Chancellor's drawn face was in the purple shadows beneath his eyes.

Justin shivered. When I first saw him, I thought of a spider, all gangling arms and legs, sitting in the middle of a cosmic web. Now he looks like a scarecrow in some barren, wind-scourged field. Hell, wearing that black uniform, he looks ready to die this instant.

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