Unbalanced by the missed punch and sped on by the blow to the Banshee'sspine, the ninety-five-ton 'Mech pitched forward. Conti, reacting quickly, reached out and grabbed the Cyclops'sdamaged left leg as he fell. Rolling the Banshee,he snapped the limb clean off, dropping the Cyclopsonto its back.

Gracelessly, Palmer Conti brought his 'Mech to its feet and raised the Cyclops'sleg in both arms like a club. Flat on its back, the Cyclopslifted both arms to protect its head. Conti's voice, full of victory, filled the radiowaves with a wide-beam broadcast. "That, Major Bradley," he boasted, "is why your people died on Northwind!"

A gout of red-gold flame erupted from the Cyclops'sautocannon muzzle. The stream of shells it spat out sliced into the Banshee'sright armpit like a chainsaw. Armor parted like tissue paper and rained down confetti-like over the arena. Myomer muscles snapped like rubber bands stressed beyond tolerance and the ferro-titanium ball-and-socket shoulder joint gave way. Still clutching the Cyclops'sleg in its fist, the Banshee'sarm sailed from the arena.

The impact of the autocannon's fire spun the Bansheeto the right. The Cyclopslashed out with its leg, crushing armor on the Banshee'sleft ankle and slamming that leg against the Banshee'sother leg. The Bansheeflailed madly against the air in a vain attempt to regain its balance, then toppled slowly and inexorably onto its face.

The Cyclopsflipped itself over onto its stomach, then dragged itself around to the Banshee.Resting its torso against the Banshee'sbody to pin it to the ground, the Cyclopsreached out with both hands. In one deft, savage motion, the Cyclopsripped the Banshee'shead from its shoulders and victoriously thrust it aloft in its right hand.

The Banshee'sfaceplate exploded outward, dissolving into a blizzard of glittering glass fragments. Conti's command couch blew through the smoke and fire, then slowed as the gyrojet stabilizers ignited. The MechWarrior floated gently to the desert floor, freed himself from the safety straps, then gesticulated wildly toward the mesa and the mercenaries.

One of the Fifth Sword's 'Mechs moved forward, but a jagged bolt of PPC lightning from Yorinaga Kurita's 'Mech stopped it. "No more. Your fight is done."

An excited voice replied over the radio. "But Tai-shoConti directs us to battle for the glory of the Dragon!"

"As he has done?" The biting edge in Yorinaga's voice mocked the warrior's devotion to Conti. "Stand aside, all of you. If you do not, I will order my Genyoshato destroy you."

After a moment's hesitation, the Fifth Sword's 'Mechs withdrew, opening a path from Yorinaga to the arena. The Cyclops,refusing aid, had dragged itself free of the pit. Several other Kell Hound 'Mechs moved into the depression and cleared away the Banshee'sheadless corpse. Their task complete, they resumed their places among the mercenaries.

Morgan Kell's Archerstepped from amid the Kell Hounds and slowly stalked down into the arena. The valley's red dust covered it except where the flaming exhaust of launched missiles had burned the 'Mech's shoulders black. Though showing every sign of having engaged in combat, its armor was somehow undented, untouched. The Archerstopped at the north edge of the depression's floor and waited.

Akira watched his father's Warhammeradvance like a man welcoming his destiny, but afraid he would fail in attaining it. For thirteen years he has dreamed of this battle.Akira looked over at his targeting crosshairs as he brushed them over both 'Mechs. His computer acknowledged neither of them.

As his father's Warhammerentered the arena, Akira suddenly remembered the chilling words once spoken to him by Jaime Wolf, one of the most feared MechWarriors in the Successor States. When Akira had asked Wolf to explain what his father and Morgan Kell had discussed cryptically at Hanse Davion's wedding, the mercenary had stared at him for a moment with his predator's-eyes. "It's simple, Chu-saBrahe," Wolf said. "Morgan Kell and Yorinaga Kurita both know that the next time they meet in combat, they will kill one another."



Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation

24 October 3029


Andrew Redburn adjusted the contrast on his Marauder'sauxiliary monitor. It carried a live feed from the Capellan State Broadcasting Facility's coverage of Morgan Hasek-Davion's arrival. A glance at his primary monitor showed him that the Drop-Ship hung five kilometers above the planet's surface and was descending at a little less than a hundred kilometers per hour. Looking at the seconds tick on the digital display at the corner of the drop chart, Andrew opened a channel to his command. "Mark, three minutes thirty seconds to drop."

He heard the acknowledgements of his communication, mentally checking off each voice as it came through his neurohelmet, but his attention centered on the holovid feed from the ground. The camera panned over the reviewing stand and the dignitaries gathered to greet Hanse Davion's captive heir. Behind the stand, all shiny, tall, and proud, stood the 'Mechs of House Imarra's two battalions to welcome their esteemed visitor. If Morgan's spy reports are true, they won't be much trouble.Fluttering behind the stand were massive gold banners with the Hasek lion crest worked in red. Similarly designed pennants snapped in the breeze atop flagpoles.

The camera zoomed in as it made a pass across the nobles crowding the reviewing stand. It lingered for a few seconds on each face, waiting just long enough for technicians to display the Capellan pictographs for each person's name down the right side of the screen. When the image of the last man on the left materialized on the screen, Andrew felt ice-water flush through his guts.

Good, Justin. You're here. That means the Capellans have been taken by surprise.Andrew ground his teeth together. Had you been on your game, Xiang, you would have been waiting for me in your vauntedYen-lo-wang. I guess that means I will just have to wait for you.

* * *

Justin tugged at his black jacket's uncomfortably tight collar. "I hate this uniform. It makes me feel like a Jesuit."

Candace, standing beside him on the reviewing platform, patted his shoulder reassuringly. "You need only endure it a moment or two longer, my love." She smoothed out a wrinkle on the sleeve of her smoke-gray silk blouse. "I wish the ship would get down here so my sister will stop preening herself."

Justin glanced over at Romano. The low-cut backless red dress she wore seemed appropriate for the day's heat, but not the occasion of greeting Hanse Davion's heir. If she means to catch Morgan’s attention, she should have no problem. Maybe she's planning to seduce him and use him to lead the Capellan March into some crusade to recover what Hanse Davion has won away in this war?Justin frowned. Of course, that's what she's planning—the plan is simple, shallow, and centered around her. Tsen's not noticed because he's irritated by his inability to break Alexi and get him to talk.

Candace pointed toward the sky. "There! It's coming in on final approach."

Maximilian Liao, dressed in a golden silk robe trimmed with black at the hem, neck, and sleeves, smiled and adjusted the black Mandarin's cap on his head. "Finally, to have a weapon against Hanse Davion—one that will cripple and kill him."

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