“He wants Harper, but he stayed away from her. Why is that?”

With a sigh, Jolene turned to face Knox. “Because I told him to.”

He’d suspected as much. “Why?”

Pouring coffee into her mug, Jolene explained, “Harper needed—and deserved—someone who would put her first. Someone who would stay in one place and build a life with her. Drew is not that person. Like Lucian, he’s very self-focused, enjoys partying and—though his base is in Cuba—he also travels a lot. Harper did enjoy her years of traveling with Lucian, but what she needed was roots, not someone who she’d come second to. So I told Drew to keep his distance until he was ready to give her what she did need.”

“You were testing him to see if he’d step up,” Knox guessed.

“Yes.” Jolene’s lips thinned. “He failed the test, just as I’d figured he would. He stayed in Cuba, living the regular bachelor lifestyle. I think he believed he had all the time in the world to take before offering Harper anything serious—back then, she only dated humans. Drew didn’t feel threatened by that. He hadn’t counted on her ever dating another demon, let alone mating with him.”

“And yet, he didn’t appear when I began dating Harper.” Which made no sense, unless … “You told Devon not to tell him.”

“Of course I did.” Jolene blew over the rim of the steaming cup. “I didn’t know how serious you were about Harper, but I knew that if Drew heard another demon was pursuing her, he’d have returned to stake his claim. He would have staked that claim for the wrong reason—not because he was ready for more, but because he didn’t want to see her with another.

“I also knew that you, being possessive and a lover of challenges, would have fought for her. But I couldn’t be sure whether it would have been because she meant something to you or because you simply weren’t prepared to lose a challenge. You and Harper needed time without outside interference to see just whether you had anything worth keeping. So I told the lair not to mention your relationship with Harper to Drew.”

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Knox tilted his head. “Why keep it from him for so long? She’s been fully mine for a while now.”

“I didn’t plan to keep it from him for so long. He went on a trip to some God-forsaken place where he wouldn’t be ‘tethered by technology’. No one heard from him for two years, and he didn’t hear from us. Which suited me fine, because I know he doesn’t have a chance of luring her away from you. What I need is for him to know that. Once upon a time, he might have stupidly fought you and inevitably died. I’m fond of the boy, I don’t want him dead. I also wouldn’t want to deal with the clusterfuck it would cause.”

Knox understood what she meant. If he killed the brother of Harper’s close friend, it would drive a wedge between the two females. Harper would feel torn between her loyalty to Devon and her loyalty to him. Some of her lair would understand Knox’s actions; the others would hate him for it. And Jolene, a master manipulator who was madly protective of her lair, would naturally do what it took to ensure such a future didn’t come to pass—including keeping Drew blind.

“Like I said, he might have once fought you for her. Not now. The black diamond wouldn’t have stopped him. But seeing her holding a baby boy, being part of a family? That screams to Drew that he lost his chance. He’ll know that he has no one to blame but himself.” Jolene sipped her coffee. “He’ll brood and stew and whine, but he’ll move on.”

Knox wasn’t so sure about that. “He has a tattoo of a sphinx snuggled up to a hellcat. A sphinx without wings.”

Shock stiffened Jolene’s shoulders. She sighed. “The dumb bastard.”

Levi snickered. “He’ll be a dead dumb bastard if he doesn’t get rid of it soon.”

Jolene went rigid. “Don’t, Knox. Don’t kill him. You’re understandably angry. But think what it would do to Harper and Devon’s relationship if you were responsible for Drew’s death.”

Knox stared at her, incredulous. “You’re asking me to drop this?”

“Of course not. I’m asking that you give me a chance to deal with this. I’ll talk to him. I’ll make him see sense and have the tattoo removed.”

“You truly think you can?”

“I won’t know until I try. Grant me this. For Harper’s sake.”

Exhaling a heavy breath, Knox nodded. “You have one chance to deal with this, Jolene. One. If he doesn’t make the right decision and move the fuck on, I’ll make him—even if that means doing something that causes problems between Harper and Devon.” He would not allow another male to wear a symbol of his mate as if she’d branded him.

“I understand.” Jolene rubbed her forehead. “You know, this only goes to prove what I’ve been saying. Despite caring deeply for her, Drew isn’t able to put her needs before his own.”

“Like Lucian,” said Knox.

“Like Lucian,” Jolene agreed. “She would never be as important to Drew as she is to you.”

That went without saying, as far as Knox was concerned. She would never be as vital to another as she was to him. “I don’t think he’ll return to Cuba without trying to stir the sort of shit that will get him killed. Talk to him, Jolene. Make sure he gets rid of the tattoo, backs off, and moves on.”

“I highly doubt he’ll bother trying to cause trouble when he knows nothing could come of it.”

Keenan’s mind touched his. Knox, I thought you might want to know that Devon’s brother is at the studio, talking with Harper. I could be wrong, but it looks like he’s trying to stir the pot.

Knox’s jaw hardened. He sighed at Jolene. “It seems you were wrong.”

Watching Asher roll on the breakroom table like a dog performing a trick, Harper shook her head. The kid did the weirdest stuff.

“You were pretty shaken last week,” said Drew, beside her. “How are you feeling?”

No less shaken, but … “Fine.” She’d feel a whole lot better if Drew would sit elsewhere, since Keenan kept glaring at them like they were having sex or something.

Drew folded his arms. “Do you miss working here?”

“A little. But I’d miss Asher more.”

“I suppose you don’t have to work, now that you’re shacked up with a billionaire.”

Harper blinked, shocked. She was used to cutting remarks like that, but she’d never expected to hear one from someone who knew her better than that; someone she considered a friend. Still, she only said, “True.”

Drew swore under his breath and then held up his hands. “That was uncalled for, Harper, I’m sorry.” When she only inclined her head slightly, he put his hand on her arm. “Harper, really, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, forget it.” She shifted position so that his hand fell away from her arm.

“Smile for Khloë!” the imp sang at Asher, holding up her cell phone to snap a photo of him. Asher just kept on rolling from side to side. So Khloë snapped a photo of Keenan instead who, for some unknown reason, hated having his photo taken. The sentinel practically leaped on her, trying to snatch the phone so he could no doubt delete the photo. Khloë just laughed.

“Do you worry Asher won’t have wings?” Drew asked Harper.

She did worry a little, since it had once been a limitation of hers. Although she had the tattoo-like markings of wings on her back, they hadn’t surfaced at her call. Very few people knew that her wings finally came to her after Knox’s power poured into her mind and body. Asher didn’t yet have the markings on his back, but that wasn’t uncommon since he was so young.

She also worried he’d share her inability to conjure orbs of hellfire. It was something the majority of demons could do, but although Harper could infuse it into objects, she wasn’t able to shape it into orbs. “I don’t want there to be anything that people could use against him. Weaknesses matter in the world of demons. Many people look down on me for not being able to call on my wings. Except for Knox. It never mattered to him.”

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