Harper telepathically reached out to her. How is Drew?

First, I want to know if you’re all right, sweetheart, said Jolene.

Knox hasn’t hurt me, if that’s what you’re asking.

I know he wouldn’t physically hurt you, but that’s not to say he wouldn’t lose his mind and lash out at you. Men tend to do that when they’re hurt—apparently, they prefer that to admitting they’re upset.

Oh, Knox had definitely lashed out, but he rarely lost control. He’s pissed at me, but he didn’t blow. How bad is Drew? For a moment, there was only silence. Grams?

He’s bad, Harper, Jolene admitted. The pain was so terrible he’s gone into shock. I had Beck put him to sleep. He’ll be healed by the time he wakes. He was very confused about what happened—he doesn’t remember your conversation. There seems to be large gaps in his memory.

Harper closed her eyes tight, thinking that if she’d just refused to go into that damn bedroom, the guy would be okay. Not that she was assuming responsibility for what happened. No, he’d ignored every warning he’d been given, effectively poking at the hornet’s nest. Still, refusing to talk to him alone would have been smarter. Does Devon know yet?

She’s with him now, holding his hand.

Tell me the truth, is she pissed at me?

No. She appreciates that you agreed to let him say goodbye. Still, she’s upset with Knox. She feels he overreacted to seeing you and Drew speaking alone. Intellectually, she knows it was more than that.

Figuring that calling Devon wouldn’t be the best idea until she’d had time to cool down, Harper sighed. I don’t know how to fix this.

There’s nothing for you to fix. You were placed in the middle of an impossible situation. Drew made it worse, and Knox reacted exactly as we all anticipated that he would. I’d hoped that you speaking to him privately, allowing him to say his goodbyes, would have prevented that. Instead, it only exacerbated the situation. If I’m honest, it surprises me that Drew is still breathing.

Rubbing her forehead, Harper said, Keep me updated on his progress.

Will do, sweetheart.

Thanks, Grams. With that, Harper cut the connection. She knew Knox would have sensed that she’d been speaking telepathically with someone. Ordinarily, he’d ask who she’d been talking to. This time, there was only silence from him. That suited her just fine.

Harper woke to a young mind poking at hers. Opening her eyes, she saw that Knox’s side of the bed was empty. Unruffled. Cold. He hadn’t come to bed. Apparently, he was still sulking. Whatever.

Giving Asher’s mind a reassuring stroke, she quickly did her business and pulled on her sweats. Walking into the nursery, she found him standing in the crib, hair all tousled from sleep. He gave her a huge grin.

“Hey, baby boy.” Harper lifted him out of the crib and kissed his cheek. He was so adorable and loveable that her heart squeezed. “So, your demon hides from us, huh? Why?” She didn’t get it. Not at all. Did the entity think she wouldn’t accept it? Or maybe Knox’s demon thought that she’d struggle to accept it and, as such, urged Asher’s demon to hide. Still, why? “Whatever you are, I don’t care. You’re still my boy. I accept your dad’s demon, and I’ll accept yours just the same.”

Of course, she knew Asher didn’t understand a word she’d said. In fact, he wasn’t even paying her any attention. He was staring at the tree mural on the wall while chewing his finger. Still, she’d just needed to say it out loud.

Harper kissed his cheek again. “Hungry?” He blew bubbles at her. “Thought so. First, let’s get you sorted.” After changing his diaper, she lay out some fresh clothes for him before heading downstairs. Given his little habit of making a mess of himself in the morning, she always dressed him after he’d eaten.

Tanner was at the kitchen table, munching on a Danish pastry. He was also alone. Reaching out with her mind, she searched the house for others. Meg. Dan. No Knox.

The hellhound flashed a smile at Asher. “Hey, big guy. Stop chewing on those little fingers.” He looked at Harper, expression sobering. “You all right?” he asked softly.

“Fine.” She settled Asher in the highchair just as Meg came in with his porridge. “Morning, Meg. Thanks.”

She beamed. “Not a problem. Bagel and creamed cheese?”

Stomach churning, Harper grimaced. “I’m not hungry, but thanks.”

Meg’s brow furrowed. “Not hungry? That’s unlike you. Not pregnant again, are you?”

Harper sighed. “No, I’m not.” She was just pissed and off-balance. “I wouldn’t mind some coffee, though.” Sinking into a chair, she spooned some porridge for Asher and blew on it to cool it down.

“Mmm,” drawled Asher, stretching toward her. He opened his mouth wide and practically gobbled the food.

“Knox headed out a few hours ago,” said Tanner. “He didn’t say where he was going. I take it you two had a spat.”

“Why would you think we had a spat?”

“Because his face might have been blank, but his anger was tangible. Also, you look ready to commit murder when you aren’t smiling at Asher.”

Deciding to keep the matter of Asher’s cloaking ability private for now, she said, “He accused me of wanting Drew around and relishing the attention.”

Tanner winced. “Knox didn’t mean it, Harper. He doesn’t just fucking adore you, he trusts you. Guys say stupid shit when they’re mad.”

“That include you?” she asked, feeding Asher another spoonful.


“The whole thing rankles because I know for a fact that there were times he was alone with women who wanted me gone from his life so that they could get in his pants. I didn’t like it, but I didn’t take out my frustrations or jealousy on him.”

“Yeah, but you’re more emotionally mature than he is.”

Harper gave a soft snort of amusement. “Damn fucking right I am.” They talked about general things as they finished breakfast. After that, she cleaned and dressed Asher. While he played with Tanner, she tried calling Devon. It wasn’t a total surprise that the female didn’t answer. It still hurt.

A little later, Keenan turned up at the house. As he played on the rug with Asher, she and Tanner filled him in on what had happened the night before. Relaying the tale and reliving each moment of it rekindled the anger she’d somehow managed to let go of the night before. Now, it was back with a vengeance, leaving her restless. Twitchy. Her fingers tingled with the urge to do something—anything.

An hour later, when she could take it no more, she pushed up from the sofa and declared, “I’m going for a drive.”

Looking up at her from where he was sprawled on the sofa with a napping Asher on his lap, Keenan frowned. “A drive?”


Tanner stood. “All right. Let’s go.”

“No, I mean I need to go for a drive,” she said. “You can come, but I’m driving.”

“Fine,” said Tanner, because his expression was pained.

“Asher and I will be okay here,” Keenan assured her.

She nodded. “I won’t be long.”

She’d driven Tanner’s Audi a few times and, as usual, he handed over the keys with a whole lot of reluctance. If her mood hadn’t been so grim, she might have smiled at the way he awkwardly settled in the passenger seat … as if finding it weird to have a woman driving him around. Maybe it was an alpha male thing or something.

The Audi was a total dream to drive. Smooth and easy. She missed driving. She’d had her driver’s license revoked due to her impatience with traffic lights, unpaid parking tickets, and speed restrictions. But she was a damn good driver, so it didn’t seem fair. Having a chauffeur was great and all, but there was something relaxing about sitting behind the wheel of a car and just going for a drive.

Tanner didn’t speak as they journeyed around Vegas, as if sensing that she needed the time to just lose herself in what she was doing—not think or dwell or brood. Just be.

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