Quintus shook his head, both to answer the question and to refuse the refreshment Ardan offered him. "You may recall that some of our people hypothesize that Michael was using a sonic transfer device to shoot encoded data over to a Capellan agent? Because we can't record in the office, I never had any proof. I'm willing to bet, though, that a sound at a frequency too high for a Human to hear would probably sound like a piercing shriek to the dog. It's flimsy, but we'll work on it."

Ardan smiled. "What will you do, bug the dog?"

Quintus nodded. "Orders to that effect went out last night."

Hanse frowned. "Something you said earlier bothers me. That there was evidence to contradict collusion between Michael and Max Liao. Explain, because if this is true, we're working a strategy on a very shaky foundation."

The Minister nodded slowly. "Don't take what I said as a denial of Michael's treason. Never doubt it. Michael isselling us out. Liao's troop movements are perfectly consistent with the figures and strengths we send Michael. There is even some movement on the Draconis border that suggests Liao is leaking information to Takashi Kurita. Fortunately, the information we've been passing Michael could be considered, at best, flawed. In fact, because of Liao's reliance upon Michael, some indications show Capellan field operations to be withering in our area."

Hanse pursed his lips. "So, what is it that makes you think Michael and Max are not working fist in glove?"

Quintus laughed. "Well, just as we are sending Michael false information, it appears he is doing the same to Max Liao. Michael faithfully and accurately passes along information on Federated Suns troops and operations, but he has been altering the reports of his own troop strengths. We know this by the way Liao has been posting troops facing Michael's forces. The Liao garrisons are 10 to 20 percent understrength for the troops they are facing."

"Why, that little weasel!" Ardan shook his head. "Can't trust him at all. Is he loyal to anything?"

Hanse nodded slowly. "Michael is loyal to House Hasek. His father, Duke George Hasek, worked hard to improve the family fortunes, and Michael grew up believing in the 'Hasek Destiny.' He married my half-sister Marie to ensure a place in the line of succession, and until I marry and my wife bears me a child, Michael's son Morgan is, technically, my heir."

Hanse leaned back and steepled his fingers. We could have worked together, Michael. You would have been where Quintus Allard is now if you'd not chosen to work for yourself instead of the Federated Suns. You have never understood that your father made the family famous through his service to the Federation."It is a pity that Michael has strayed so far from the fold."

Ardan shook his head. "Whatever happens, he'll have brought it on himself. He wants to play both ends against the middle, and it just won't work."

Hanse nodded his agreement. He glanced down at his desk and picked up a piece of paper. "By the way, Quintus, I want you to congratulate Sarah Hebert for her work on those documentary features that have been showing on the networks. According to our polls, acceptance of the alliance and the people's positive impressions of Melissa are up sharply."

The Minister smiled and nodded. "I will tell her. She's asked if she can do a docu-drama about the Kell Hound rescue of the Silver Eagle.She only knows the public story about the Kell Hounds going in to pull a Lyran official out of Kurita hands. I thought that perhaps she could work on the project, and if it is written correctly, we could give her the real facts toward the end of the project. She could shoot some new scenes with an actress who looks like Melissa and the program could be broadcast soon after your wedding."

Hanse frowned. "I like your idea, Quintus, and I think it would be a fine idea for her to produce a program about the rescue. The difficulty I have with shifting the focus late in the project is that it won't focus the story on the Kell Hounds. I'd rather have a vid on that incident be full of action and with emphasis on duty, loyalty, and patriotism than let it turn into some sort of romance capitalizing on my new wife's image." The Fox smiled. "Let her do the first one with the focus on Patrick Kell and his sacrifice. Later, we'll give her the facts and let her do 'the Real Story.' "

"As you wish, my Prince."

I am indeed fortunate to have you with me, Quintus. And you. too, Ardan."One more thing, gentlemen. Tomorrow we release the news of my betrothal to the people, but a few of the details are still incomplete." Hanse turned toward Ardan Sortek. "If you have nothing else to do on the 20th of August next year, Ardan, would you consider being my best man?"

Ardan's bottle stopped halfway to his mouth. "I, ah, Hanse, you honor me."

The Prince chuckled at his friend's surprise. "Dan, we've known each other for a long time, and a closer friend in these worlds I do not have. You alone stood with me when Maximilian Liao managed to substitute a double for me. If not for you, I wouldn't even be here, and the whole of the Federated Suns would be in ruins. How could I choose another man to stand with me?"

Ardan sighed heavily. "All that praise just for being your friend. Just to be asked means a great deal, Hanse. I don't know how to thank you enough."

"It's simple, Ardan. Just say yes."

Hanse's broad grin began to shrink as Ardan hesitated. "I wish it were that simple, Hanse. Were you just my friend asking me to stand with you, I would accept without question." Ardan met Hanse's ice-blue eyes. "Please understand, Hanse. I dearly love Melissa, and I know there will be nothing but happiness for the two of you. I do, honestly, wish you all the best. . ."

The Prince lowered his eyes. "But you will not stand beside me. . ."

Glumly, Ardan shook his head. "I cannot, Hanse, because you're more than my friend." Ardan pounded his fist on the bar. "The one time you act without considering the political angles— as I wish you could act all the time—is the one time you shouldconsider the politics. And just my luck, too." Ardan leaned heavily forward on the bar. "For the sake of all you hold dear, I have to refuse in favor of another."

Hanse brought his head back up slowly. What have you in mind, my apolitical friend?"Give, Ardan. What sort of plot is that festering in your brain?"

Ardan straightened up. "No plot, Hanse. Just clearer thinking than you've allowed yourself on this subject. I would suggest that as your best man, you employ Morgan Hasek-Davion."

Hanse blinked twice. "Morgan?" The Prince frowned and thought. Choosing Morgan would send a signal to the people of the Capellan March that I have not forgotten them, but what would it say to Michael?The Prince turned toward Quintus Allard. "Opinion?"

Quintus chewed on his lower lip for a moment. "Yes," he said thoughtfully. "That choice would be appropriate in a number of ways. Morgan is well-known and popular both in the Capellan March and throughout the rest of the Suns. In essence, because he is your 'heir,' single, and a MechWarrior with a good reputation, he plays well as a subject for the media. Morgan is most often linked with holovid stars in the trash magazines, but his performance with the Heavy Guards has won him praise in military circles."

Ardan shot Quintus a wink. "Not only that, but remember when he hosted the Prince's Humanitarian Awards and Charity Ball last June while you were off on Northwind? I saw a vid of that whole thing later and he came off as witty, charming, and likeable."

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