Kym furrowed her blond eyebrows. "Neither of the two men we're here to watch is from the Commonwealth, and so neither would have that advantage?"

Noton pursed his lips and watched as one of the battling Mech-Warriors ejected right before his 'Mech exploded. "Billy Wolfson, the guy who will pilot the Hermes II,has fought in this arena more times than has Fuh Teng, though Teng has more fights overall."

"Won't a Vindicatortake the Hermesapart? The Hermessurrenders five tons and some weaponry." Another explosion down on the killing floor flashed yellow and orange light against Kym's face and hair. "I should think Teng will walk all over this Wolfson."

Noton smiled carefully. "That's what the bookmakers believe. They have Teng a two-to-one favorite over Wolfson." Kym smiled impishly. "But.. .”


Kym laid her hand on Noton's thick forearm. "You obviously have your own opinion, Gray. Who do you think will win?" Noton chuckled softly to himself. "Touche. This is Teng's first fight in several weeks. His knee is now braced, and he's fighting without his brother at his side. I think that Wolfson, who is a good fighter on his way up, will win the contest."

Down on the battlefield, two of the medium 'Mechs finished off the last light 'Mech, and the maintenance crew appeared to clear away the debris. They worked quickly and efficiently to tow any 'Mechs unable to leave the arena on their own.

Behind Noton and the Contessa, Lestrade's other guests also noticed that the fight had ended. With a whispered rustle of silks and satins, the guests quickly took seats overlooking the field. A few cursed their luck concerning bets on the last battle, and several loudly predicted the outcome of the fight they'd all come to watch. Whenever any overheard pronouncement seemed particularly absurd, Kym turned to Noton and both of them shared a silent laugh.

"Ladies and gentlemen of all nations and races," boomed an announcer's voice. "This is the ninth fight on this evening's card. In the Medium Class, from the stable of Lord Brighton, we have Hermes II. Its pilot, for this evening, is Billy Wolfson."

The cheering in Baron von Summer's box echoed, in a small part, the thunderous ovation from below.


Solaris VII (The Game World)

Rahneshire, Lyran Commonwealth

20 February 3027


Justin Xiang reached out with his right hand to adjust the volume on his external microphone. The crowd's applause for Billy Wolfson and his Hermes IIdid not surprise Justin, but the vibrant insistency of it did. They dearly want him to win.The loud ovation rasped across his brain like sandpaper and threatened to release the anxiety he'd earlier managed to lock away with a round of tai chi chuan exercises.

I've never fought before an audience,Justin thought, then involuntary laughter filled his neurohelmet. That's the least of your worries,he reminded himself. You've never fought without your left arm before, either.

He glanced over at the synthetic limb. The ribbon cable, freed from the compartment at his wrist, had neatly clicked into place on the arm rest, and Justin had closed the fingers of his metal hand around the joystick. He did not want the limb falling and jerking the cable free in the middle of combat. Checking and double-checking, he verified his ability to control the Vindicator'sleft arm. The 'Mech's hand and the small laser both functioned normally, as reported by the test lights flashing on his command console. He also verified that the missile control was operational for the LRMs. Though they launched from the Vindicator'storso, their controls were also on the left joystick.

Justin's "good" hand controlled the 'Mech's major weapons. The PPC occupying the whole of the Vindicator'sright forearm, and the medium laser built into the 'Mech's head were both controlled by the right hand. The joystick control led the targeting system, and the buttons fired the weapons exactly the way Justin remembered it in the simulator on Sakhara.

Justin watched Wolfson's Hermes IImarch into the arena. Slightly to the right and just above the 'Mech's waist, Justin saw the wide maw of an autocannon. Remembering how the Rifleman'sautocannon had shredded his Valkyriein the duel on Kittery, he felt a sudden cold chill.

In an effort to regain control of himself, Justin focused upon the humanoid 'Mech he had to destroy. He knew that it carried a medium laser in its right forearm. Though a formidable weapon, it did not worry him. That flamer, on the other hand . . .

The weapon formed the 'Mech's truncated left arm. Six canisters of fuel, each about the size of a small aircar, ringed a slender cylinder. It opened into a nozzle that most resembled the muzzle of an ancient blunderbuss and measured almost a full meter across. Despite attempts to keep it painted, the nozzle showed only the carbon buildup easily associated with a flamethrower.

Justin nodded his head as the blue and gray Hermesstopped and raised its right hand to salute the crowd. That flame-thrower could bake him inside the Vindicatorand force him to eject. Though fire really could not damage his 'Mech, it could prematurely end the fight and rob him of victory. I cannot allow myself to lose.

The announcer's voice burst in on Justin's thoughts. "And from Teng Stables, we have a Vindicator'

Justin slowly and deliberately walked the humanoid Vindicatoronto the field. It had beenVindicators that had once turned House Davion back at Tikonov. How fitting for me to use one now to embarrass the Federated Suns.Justin raised the 'Mech's left arm to wave at the crowd huddled invisibly behind the mirrored arena walls. Though he heard none of the applause given to Wolfson, he forced the irritation away. Victors deserve praise, not combatants.

The announcer's voice, tinged with excitement, again filled the arena and Justin's neurohelmet. "We've just received word that Baron von Summer has issued an invitation for the victor to come to his private box after the battle," Justin heard him say.

Wolfson's Hermesturned toward Lestrade's box and saluted, and Justin's 'Mech followed suit, though its pilot performed the action without thought. He knows. He must know the fight has been rigged.Justin chuckled to himself. Billy Wolfson is in for a rude shock.

"Let the game begin!"

The Hermesimmediately triggered a burst of autocannon fire that raked across the Vindicator,blasting small craters into the torso armor. Justin jerked his 'Mech to the right and dropped to one knee as the Hermes'slaser sliced through the air and splintered against the windows around the arena.

Justin popped open the LRM compartment in the Vindicator'schest and launched a flight of five missiles at the Hermes.Wolfson quickly moved his 'Mech to the left, keeping the PPC out of line, evading all but one of the missiles. The one that hit peeled back some armor on the Hermes'sleft leg, while the other missile exploded against the protective screen.

Concentrate, Justin! You can't afford any sloppy shots!He darted a quick glance at the prosthesis to assure himself that the cable had not broken free. Wolfson thinks the fight is fixed. Use it against him.

Wolfson's return shots from both the autocannon and the medium laser slammed into the Vindicator'schest. Autocannon rounds smashed into Justin's armor, tearing divots from it. The laser, firing on the same targeted spot, cauterized the autocannon wounds and melted them into ugly scars. The Hermesfollowed up its shots and closed the gap between the two 'Mechs.

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