She looked over at Ardan Sortek and Leftenant Redburn, who stood flanking Melissa on one side of the dais. Ardan's eyes betrayed his discomfort at being singled out during the reception. "I would like to offer a toast to our esteemed visitors from the Federated Suns," Katrina continued. "Colonel Ardan Sortek and Leftenant Andrew Redburn, the Lyran Commonwealth salutes your courage."

Most of the assembled members of the court lifted their glasses like so many marionettes controlled by the Archon's hand. Ardan noticed that Frederick Steiner and Duke Aldo Lestrade were a bit sluggish in their own response to the toast. Perhaps their pained expressions mean that the Archon has ended their scheming by slipping them hemlock instead of this excellent champagne,he thought wryly. If so, I'll find a way to ship a bottle of whatever they're drinking to Duke Michael Hasek-Davion.. .

Ardan stepped away from the wall and lifted his glass. "If you will permit me, Archon, I was instructed to offer the following toast in the name of Prince Hanse Davion. T salute the beauty, valor, and intelligence of the Steiner women. Long may their steady hands steer the Lyran Commonwealth's ship of state.' "

Ardan nodded to the Archon, who accepted the compliment graciously, then smiled at Frederick. The raw hatred in Frederick's eyes echoed a similar blaze in Duke Lestrade's, but both men bowed to social necessity and joined the toast.

Melissa smiled and offered her hand to the slender, dark-haired man approaching her. The man kissed her hand gently. "A pleasure of the highest order, as always, your Highness."

Melissa's face froze into a plastic mask of royal dignity. "How gracious, Baron Sefnes." She turned toward Leftenant Redburn. "The Baron is Duke Michael Hasek-Davion's representative here on Tharkad. Surely, as you both are from the Capellan March, you must know each other."

Redburn shook his head, and the Baron answered for both of them. "The Capellan March is a large holding, Highness."

Melissa reddened slightly. "Of course. How silly of me."

The Baron nodded at Redburn. "That is not to say that I have not heard of Leftenant Redburn. The Duke himself had commented on how much he appreciates what the 1st Kittery Training Battalion has done."

Redburn snorted. "He has an odd way of showing it."

The Baron, shocked by Redburn's vehemence, frowned. "Whatever do you mean?"

"I mean that the Duke sent Count Vitios and a pack of 'investigators' to Kittery to ruin the best MechWarrior in the March."

The Baron sneered. "You cannot be referring to that Capellan, Xiang, are you?"

Redburn nodded curtly. "That trial was a joke. Major Justin Al-lard is no more a traitor to the Federated Suns than am I or are you."

Baron Sefnes hissed and drew back. "Be careful what you say, Leftenant. Your arrogance will lead to no good. Haven't you seen the fights on Solaris?"

Redburn shook his head. "Colonel Sortek and I have been on an inspection tour."

"Suffice it to say, Leftenant, that Justin Xiang is doing his best to kill every Federated Suns MechWarrior on the Game World." The Baron's words sent a chill down Redburn's spine.


The Baron's frown sharpened his features and made him look like a rodent. "As I said, Leftenant, be careful of what you say."

He smiled hungrily. "You'd not want any of us loyalists to think you a sympathizer, would you?"

Ardan Sortek looked over and saw Baron Sefnes approaching Melissa. That sycophant! I trust him about as far as I can throw myVictor. He glanced back toward Frederick Steiner and saw the anger still smoldering in his eyes. Chuckling inwardly, Ardan made his way toward the Duke of Duran.

Extending his hand, Ardan said, "Your Grace, I don't believe we've met before. I am Ardan Sortek."

The Duke grimaced and extended his own hand toward Ardan with the reluctance of a man asked to greet a leper. He shared the family trait of piercing gray eyes, but the scar running from the comer of his right eye up toward his hairline diluted the effect of his arctic stare. He inclined his graying head slightly, then offered Ardan a thin-lipped smile. "Your reputation precedes you, Colonel."

Matching the Duke's powerful grip, Ardan shook the other man's hand. "As does yours, Duke Frederick."

Steiner freed his right hand and probed the scar by his eye. "I see your career has left you without scars, at least not visible ones, Colonel. I fear that I have not been so fortunate."

A frown flashed across Ardan's face. Petty, isn't it, to remind me of the "delusion" I suffered when recovering here on Tharkad. I'm sure you've kept the story of my psychological difficulties circulating, haven't you ? If you only knew the truth—that it was all a part of Maximilian Liao's plan to destroy the Federated Suns.

Ardan smiled and riposted, "Of course, your Grace, my career has not been nearly as long as yours." Ardan watched with feigned innocence as his thinly veiled comment on the Duke's age hit home like an SRM. "Please call me Ardan."

Frederick Steiner winced as Ardan waited for him to reciprocate the offer of familiarity. Duke Lestrade, reading Steiner's transparent anguish, forestalled any action by limping forward and thrusting his pudgy hand at Ardan. "I am Aldo Lestrade." He nodded toward Steiner. "Like my friend, the Duke, I, too, have suffered the physical toll of a valiant career serving in a front-line unit."

Ardan nodded. Aldo Lestrade clutched his champagne glass in a steel and plastic left hand. Ardan knew that the prosthesis extended to the Duke's shoulder, and he also knew that the Duke's limp came from a hip-joint replacement. That Kurita raid may have taken part of your body, but it did nothing to dull your mind,Ardan thought ruefully. By referring to Steiner as "the Duke," you prevent me from expecting any familiarity from him. Neatly done.

Ardan smiled courteously. "I know your homeworld of Summer has been raided by Kurita, but I was unaware that you were a MechWarrior, Duke Lestrade."

The short, stocky man smiled and spread his hands. "Life on Summer is itself service in a front-line unit. My father died in a Kurita raid. I nearly did as well. It seems that my family dared not allow me to undergo the training for fear I'd be shipped away from my world to die defending someone else's holding."

"Yes," Ardan said, cocking his head slightly. "I do recall reading in Thelos Auburn's Origins of the Three Great Familiesthat yours suffered miserably. Indeed, I would suggest that it was almost providential that you, the youngest of your fami-ly, outlived older siblings and managed to take power."

Frederick Steiner quivered with rage. "What might you mean by that, Colonel Sortek?"

Ardan smiled innocently at Katrina's cousin. Do you ask if I am accusing the Duke of murdering his father during a Kurita raid, just as he got rid of the others standing between him and the throne?"Why, I merely meant to compliment the Duke on his ability to survive. I have read texts of his speeches, and if the Commonwealth leaves Skye as wide open as he describes, I marvel at his ability to live in such a dangerous area."

Lestrade reached out and laid his artificial hand on Steiner's arm. "Calm yourself, my Duke, I took no offense." turning back to Ardan, he added, "But I believe the Colonel thinks my thesis incorrect..."

Ardan held up his glass, and a passing servant refilled it. He waited until Steiner and Lestrade had been similarly refreshed, then replied to the Duke's statement. "Perhaps, without the benefit of a military education, you underestimate the strength defending you. Not three weeks ago, I watched the Kell Hounds repulse a raid by elements of the 2nd Sword of Light. A better mercenary battalion you'd be hard pressed to find."

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