O'Cieran's eyes narrowed. "Wait a minute. You and Cat have watch duty the night of the twenty-fifth." He laughed as the two of them feigned innocence. "Don't give me any of that. Besides, I'm conducting some night operations on the twenty-fifth, and now the day won't exist."

Cat's low bass rumbled like thunder. "Seems to me, Major, that your troopies, who have their alarms tied in with the base computer, will be sleeping secure in the knowledge that they'll be awake well before you come for them. Won't they be surprised..."

Everyone laughed, though O'Cieran's chuckle came a bit lower and more sinister than the rest. "Perhaps this plan has merit, Cat," he admitted. "Of course, you and Dan will cover the watch for me, right?"

Cat looked at Dan, who shrugged back. "We had that in mind all along, Major, because we knew how important the field exercise was to you."

Kell laughed aloud. "Gracious of you, Cat, to have thought so far ahead."

Cat glanced at Dan. "His idea, really."

Dan glared back at Cat. "Couldn't have done it without you."

"Very well. In forty days, we lose one day, and Master Sergeant Jones gets shipped off this wet rock." Kell looked out the window at the thunderstorm sailing in from Branson's Swamp. "A fair exchange, I think."

* * *

Sho-saAkiie Kamekura hunched over his comtech's shoulder and stared at the flickering amber computer screen. In the corner of the screen, the date and time ticked down with military precision. Across the screen scrolled the hundreds of messages flowing through the Kell Hound base computer. The comtech's fingers flowed across the keyboard and typed a routine inquiry.

Kamekura straightened up, but avoided bumping his head against the low ceiling of the man-made cavern. I abhor being trapped here like a mole in this bunker.He stared into the dark, where he could just barely make out the sparks made by Techs working on the Panthersback in the 'Mech bays. Stuck in this musty cellar amid the swamps, I am being wasted.

The comtech spoke without turning to face his commander. "Here it is, Sho-sa.The LeopardClass DropShip Karasu,the one they call the Manannan MacLir,is due back in two days, and the Victoris scheduled to be transshipped up to the JumpShip Tsunami."

Kamekura nodded silently and withdrew quietly. Thoughts and plans ran riot in his head, then slowly congealed into a masterstroke of brilliance. I need a victory to prove how worthy I am of a real command. Without theVictor, myPanthers can deal with those enemy 'Mechs. Especially if the jump troops can infiltrate the base and demolish the Kell Hounds barracks.

He breathed in to call his aid, Chu-iBokuden Oguchi, but the man materialized out of the gloom as though summoned by thought alone. Kamekura controlled an involuntary shiver. "Oguchi-kun, the strike force is scheduled to arrive here on 25 May, correct?"

"Hai,Kamekura-sama." The man hesitated, then added, "Planet-fall is expected 27 May. We strike three different agcenters that morning to draw the Kell Hounds away, and then the strike force lands on them like a hammer."

A sly grin tightened Kamekura's thin lips. "Imagine instead,

Oguchi-kun, our launching a surprise attack on the Kell Hound barracks during the early darkness on 26 May. We destroy their barracks facilities with explosives and have our infantry slay any MechWarriors who survive to try to make it to their 'Mechs."

Oguchi nodded enthusiastically. "Luthien would surely reward such forward thinking. Bold strokes make the Dragon happy. The capture of everything the Kell Hounds have taken from us would please the Coordinator even more than the mere destruction of the mercenary scum."

Kamekura smiled openly. "Oguchi-kun, from your lips to the Dragon's ears."


Solaris VII (The Game World)

Rahneshire, Lyran Commonwealth

20 April 3027


Justin stared at the screen in Gray Noton's Valhalla alcove. Sweat pasted black locks to his brow and trickled down to wet his lips with its saltiness. Though he desperately wanted to look away, he could not force himself to do so. "Rewind and show it again." His voice, barely raised above a fearful whisper, sounded like the sibilant murmuring of a madman.

The screen images blurred, then focused themselves into a Riflemanblazing away madly at an Ostroc. Yes, the headlessOstroc circles as I did in myValkyrie. The Riflemanslowly spun and tried to bring his autocannons into line with the running 'Mech as it paced around Steiner Stadium. Autocannon slugs churned the dirt behind the Ostrocas the pilot loosed flight after flight of SRMs at the Rifleman.

Justin stiffened as a phantom rose from his memory, raking sharp talons across his consciousness. "Slow motion!" He snarled the command, half to make the computer obey and half to force himself to sit through it again. The Riflemansnapped its recoiless arms up and around, just as had the Riflemanon Kittery! The ' Mech pivoted back at the waist and scythed its deadly fire through the Ostroc'slegs.

Sepulchral fingers walked their way up Justin's spine. He looked down at his left hand ... or where it should have been. He licked his lips and swallowed past the desert dryness in his throat. Trembling like a child, he stared at the screen and the logo painted on the Rifleman'sbroad breast. The name echoed unceasingly through his brain. Legend-killer.

* * *

Gray Noton looked up as Justin sank into the Typhoon's seat beside him. He looks as though he's been through hell!"Hey," Gray said. "Are you all right?"

Justin nodded woodenly, then something sparked in his eyes and he let himself smile. "Sure, no problem. I'm just a bit anxious about this fight."

Gray mirrored Justin's smile and punched the vehicle's ignition code into the dash console. "Did the tapes tell you anything about Wolfson?"

Justin shrugged casually. "Enough. He doesn't mind running his 'Mech a bit hot. Actually, I reviewed fights featuring Riflemen.You were pretty good, Gray."

Easy.Noton forced himself to smile despite the pain ripping through his stomach. He concentrated on navigating his way from Silesia before he answered. "I did my share. I always liked fighting in a Rifleman."He looked toward Justin, but the MechWarrior was staring straight ahead.

Justin finally nodded slowly and turned back toward Noton. "I don't know if you're aware of it, but I lost my forearm in a fight with one."

Gray stiffened. "No, I wasn't aware of that. All I remember them talking about at the trial was an UrbanMech."He steered around to the barricades and sent the Typhoon into Cathay.

Justin laughed harshly. "Vitios probably thought up that little piece of fiction all by himself. It was a Rifleman,all right, and one piloted by a very good warrior. Someone told Wolfson I'd have reason to fear a Rifleman,so that's what he chose for the fight. Bad choice."

Noton frowned, telling himself to be careful. "Why's that? You're fighting in the Cathay arena. In that jungle, the firepower that the Riflemanpacks will be helpful. That machine's monster, with its ACs over large lasers in the arms and medium lasers on the torso." Noton smiled. "I know because I sent enough 'Mechs to the scrap heap ..."

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