Hanse's eyes narrowed. "I always thought an UrbanMechwas a poor choice to ambush a Stingercompany .. ."

Gruizot nodded emphatically. "My sentiments exactly, your Highness."

Quintus nodded his head toward the Baron. "Following the report from our agent, I had Analysis run a check on Gray Noton. The preliminary workup places him off Solaris within a window that would allow him to be on Kittery. Furthermore, I had them run a check on Justin's story concerning the battle against No-ton's available battles. Not only is Noton good, but he used a Riflemanalmost exclusively. On several occasions, he battled groups of Stingersusing the tactic exactly as Justin described."

Hanse nodded slowly. "Well, well . . . Let us recall your son. I will pardon him—a big public ceremony—and then I'll break Count Vitios."

Baron Gruizot looked horrified, but Quintus Allard did not allow him to comment. "I'm afraid Justin would not return for all the K-F drives in the Inner Sphere."

Gruizot frowned. "You say he's innocent, yet he wouldn't want to return?"

Hanse suppressed a smile. "Yes, Quintus. Explain yourself. This time, you're even losing me."

Quintus exhaled loudly. "After our agent made her report on Noton, she was ambushed. Noton had tumbled onto her activities some time before, but had kept quiet. I believe he realized that she'd reported his slip of the tongue, and had to get rid of her before she could let Justin in on it, too."

Hanse nodded. "Noton exposed her as our agent and killed her.. ."

Gruizot sniffed. "Pity to lose—"

"No, your Highness, she was not killed." Quintus fished a small sheet of paper from a pocket. "She was about to tell Justin what Noton had done to him, but Justin cut her off with a slap." Quintus raised his left hand and the Prince winced. "The blow broke her jaw. One of Noton's men meant to shoot her, but Justin stopped him. He gave her the following message for us both.

" 'You have driven me from you, yet you seek to maintain your hold upon me. I am not yours. I have never been yours. I will never be yours. Spare me your lies and plots and false information. You refused to call me friend. Now know me to be your worst enemy.' "

"Damn his insolence!" Hanse slammed his palm against the desk. "Every time we hope to offer him our hand in friendship, he makes it impossible." Hanse stared at his Minister. "Have we other agents in place to kill him?"

Quintus hesitated, then shook his head. "No. He has made inroads into the tongs in Cathay. He is the Capellan champion on Solaris, and many watch out for him. He's moved from the villa into Cathay itself. We cannot touch him there."

Hanse growled in frustration. "Who will he fight next?"

"He wants Philip Capet," Quintus said, "but Capet may not accept Justin's challenge. Capet fights in the Open Class, but Justin's modified Centurionis too small for that class. Capet is not a total fool. He is not likely to leap at a chance to fight Justin."

Hanse smiled. "Send a message, Priority Alpha, via ComStar. It goes to Philip Capet. Tell him this: If he delivers the head of Justin Xiang, I will buy him his own 'Mech regiment and give him a world."

"Brilliant planning, my Prince. Simply brilliant," cooed Baron Gruizot.

Hanse never heard the Baron's words of praise. He saw Quintus hesitate, then nod reluctantly. The fire slowly died in Hanse's eyes. "Forgive me, Quintus, for passing that order through you. I know Justin is your son, and this cannot be easy."

Quintus shook his head. "I helped give him life, and I hoped he would serve House Davion as I have." Quintus glanced toward the dark holovid screen. "If he had not betrayed us before, he has done so now. As you said that day, I no longer have a son named Justin."

Hanse nodded in agreement. "What of our agent on Solaris?"

The MHO Minister shook his head. "She has been exposed. Because of Noton's ties, I would guess that her identity is known to all our enemies."

Hanse paused for a second, then nodded slowly. "Recall her to New Avalon. I have another duty for her to perform. Let me know when she returns."

"Yes, Highness."

"Is there anything else, Quintus?"

The Minister managed a weak smile. "I do have some good news."

Hanse raised one eyebrow. "Does it balance the bad?"

Quintus nodded. "I think so. The Silver Eagleleft Tharkad on the 26th of April. It should enter Federated Suns space at Fomalhaut on or about the 20th of this month. We expect it to arrive on New Avalon by the middle of June."

Gruizot, whose ears had pricked up at the mention of a ship from the Lyran Commonwealth, frowned. "Why the interest in a commercial liner?"

Quintus looked at the Baron quizzically. "Didn't you know? Leftenant Andrew Redburn is returning on that ship. I thought that certainly youwould have monitored the travels of the Capellan March's newest hero."

Gruizot stammered nervously. "Well, you know, so many duties .. ."

Quintus nodded. "Indeed."

"This is welcome news," Hanse said, smiling broadly. "It does indeed balance the bad."



Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth

 5 May 3027


Andrew Redburn held out Joana Barker's chair for her as they joined Hauptmann Erik Mahler, Ret., and his wife Hilda at their table. Mahler stood until Joana had taken her seat, then waved Andrew to his chair. "I have looked forward to this meal since I saw the schedule this morning." Mahler glanced up at the balcony where most of the celebrities took their meals. "I could hardly believe you would be dining with the untermensch."

Andrew smiled broadly. "Well, Hauptmann, you must know well from your own days in the harness that no MechWarrior could resist the charms of your wife and Joana here."

The gray-haired MechWarrior smiled and laid a hand over that of his blushing wife. "True enough, Leftenant." Mahler gave Andrew the wine list. "You will share some wine with us? And you, Ms. Barker? We tried the white from Nekkar last evening, and found it quite satisfactory."

Joana nodded her agreement, while Andrew said with a smile, "I agree, but only if we order two bottles and apply the cost to my bill. Consider it a gift of friendship from Prince Hanse Davion."

Mahler clapped his hands. "Done."

Joana shot Andrew a sidelong glance. "Generous with your leader's money, aren't you?"

Andrew unfolded his cloth napkin and spread it over his lap. "Indeed, Joana, did you not know that Prince Hanse Davion is a confirmed bachelor with no wife to spend all the Davion money for him?" Andrew hesitated and coughed lightiy into his right fist. "Besides, the Prince shares 'Mech technology with the Lyran Commonwealth. Could he fault me for sharing wine with the three of you?"

Hilda smiled and toyed with her long braid of white-blond hair. "We appreciate the gesture, Leftenant, and we have some love for your leader. We think, as do most Lyrans"—she looked to Joana, who gave an approving nod—"that the accords signed by the Archon and your Prince will mean good things to both our nations."

"Thank you, I share your hope for a prosperous and peaceful future."

The waiter arrived to serve the meals, while the wine steward poured a small amount of wine into Andrew's glass. After Andrew declared the vintage to be excellent, the steward also filled his companions' glasses. The dinner conversation wound its way pleasantly but lightly through the amusing chatter of strangers getting to know one another, but took a turn toward the serious as the waiter cleared the plates to serve brandy.

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