The host seated himself between the two combatants, clipped a microphone to his lapel, and smiled directly into the holovision camera as the red light above its muzzle flashed to life. "Welcome, sports fans, to 'Pregame Palaver,' the program that brings you the combatants before the battle. I'm your host, Kevin Johnson, and we have quite a show for you tonight."

The host turned toward Philip Capet. "On my left is Philip Capet, the current reigning champion in the Open Class of warfare here on Solaris. You've all seen him fight many times before.

He's got a double-dozen kills to his credit in the arenas, and even more in his military career. Glad to have you here, Philip.”

“My pleasure, Kevin."

Johnson turned toward Justin. "And here we have Justin Xiang. He's a newcomer, but his rise has been impressive, to say the least. He's fought seven times and killed every opponent he's faced. Those of you keeping track know that those have all been kills of warriors from the Federated Suns. None have escaped him or his Centurion,the Yen-lo-wang.Welcome aboard, Justin."

"Zao,Kevin. I am honored."

Kevin smiled again at the camera. "We'll continue with these two warriors in a minute, but first a word from your LCAF recruiter."

The red light on the camera faded, and Johnson's smile went with it. "O.K., you two. Let's make this entertaining. Got it?" He glanced down at his clipboard. "When we come back, we do a taped piece on Capet's background, and then one on you, Justin. After a brief piece about the Kurita arena, I'll go into the live interview. Watch the language."

He turned toward Justin. "As our final question, I'll ask what you're fighting in tonight."

Justin shook his head. "My contract does not require that I reveal the identity of my machine."

Johnson shrugged, seeing the show's producer wave at him. "On the mark, Kevin," the man said. "Bring the Ishiyama construct up."

Johnson levered himself out of his seat and crossed to where a black "X" had been painted on the floor. A camera closed in on him and a holographic image of the Kurita arena, Ishiyama—or Stone Mountain—materialized in front of Johnson. "Built twenty years ago, this arena in the center of the Kobe District of Solaris City is one of the most popular with fight fans. Its 'Mech-scale tunnels twist and turn through multiple levels. Though all the maps for the arena were destroyed after its construction, there are rumors of hidden passages and movable walls that literally alter the battlefield as war rages within the mountain."

Johnson turned to Capet. "Philip, you've fought inside Ishiyama before."

Capet nodded. "That's right, Kevin. Eight months back, I faced two Stingersand a Pantherin the labyrinth. It was a long battle, but they made a classic mistake. Instead of working together, they split up. I picked them off one at a time."

Johnson nodded, then turned to Justin. "Justin, what are your thoughts about fighting in the Ishiyama for the first time?"

Justin smiled. "I feel quite confident. The labyrinth benefits a tactician, which no one has ever accused Capet of being .. ."

"I've got a surprise or two for you, Xiang!" Capet stood quickly and thrust a finger at his foe. "You may believe yourself my superior in combat, but I've learned many things here on Solaris . . ."

Justin steepled his fingers and sat back. "Have you learned not to blunder into ambushes, Philip?"

Capet shook his head. A camera swung around to get a better shot of his face. "What you did to Armstrong, you will not do to me."

Justin looked up. "I was hardly thinking of that incident, Philip. I referred to Uravan."

A cry of inarticulate rage bubbled from Capet's throat, but Johnson crossed back quickly and interposed himself between the two MechWarriors. He shoved Capet roughly back, then made the mistake of turning to smile at the camera. Capet's punch caught him in the jaw and snapped his head around. Johnson sank to the studio floor without a sound.

Capet straddled the unconscious commentator, but he stared at Justin. "You will be dead, Xiang. Not because I will win the fight, not because my nation demands your death, but because I want to see you dead!" Capet ripped the microphone free of his cooling vest and stalked off the set.

* * *

Justin let the announcer's voice-over fill his neurohelmet as he doublechecked the 'Mech's equipment. "Well, Kevin," the announcer was saying, "that was the most explosive interview you've ever had."


"How's the jaw?"

Kevin's voice dropped to a low growl. "Hard to describe, Karl, but if you really want to know, maybe we can get Philip Capet to hit you after the fight."

Justin laughed as the announcer carefully nudged the conversation in another direction. The status monitor on his command console confirmed that both large lasers were operational. The auto-cannons appeared to be in fine working order, as were the twin, torso-mounted medium lasers. I must remember to use the cannons sparingly, as I don't have that much ammo for them. I'll only use them when the lasers need to cool down.

The green light on his command console flared to life. Justin smiled as the doors before him slid open and the holo-vision camera across the tunnel focused on his 'Mech. He instantly brought up both of his 'Mech's arms and stepped forward.

Kevin Johnson's voice filled the cockpit. "Well, Karl, do you see that? Xiang's using a Rifleman,just like Capet! This will make for an interesting match. Let's see if we can focus in on the crest there on the 'Mech's chest."

Yes, Kevin, do that. I'm sure your viewers will love it.

"Blake's Blood," Johnson blurted.

"What is it, Kevin?" Karl gasped. "The logo looks like a cartoon ghost to me, with a set of crosshairs surrounding it."

"That Riflemanbelonged to Gray Noton," Johnson replied in a low tone. "Xiang chose it specially for its name."

"Which is?"

Johnson laughed coldly. "Legend-killer. "

Justin killed the commentary and stepped the Riflemanout into the corridor. He turned the ponderous 'Mech to the left and headed up the slight incline. The naturally smooth surfaces of the tunnel walls arced up to meet in a stalactite-festooned roof. Stalagmites and piles of debris from partially collapsed walls or ceiling dotted the tunnel floor, but did not impede the Rifleman'sprogress.

As Justin reached the far end of the tunnel and prepared to follow it around into the switchback on the right, he turned his Mech's vulnerable back to the wall. Sliding the 'Mech sideways, he let the tip of his left-hand guns peek into the corridor. When that drew no fire, Justin worked along until he had a clear view of the new tunnel.

It led up into darkness. As Justin switched over to infrared scanners, he saw a few heat pockets set along the walls ahead, but dismissed them as holovision cameras. Ascending slowly, he reached the crest of the tunnel.

At that point, Justin paused. He saw that the whole left side of this level section of the tunnel was gapped. The pillars formed where stalactites and stalagmites that have flowed together are large enough to hide a 'Mech in profile, but the spaces between them are too narrow to let this monster pass. That means I have to march all the way through this shooting gallery in one burst. I don't like it.

Justin looked up as the IR display revealed red tendrils coiling lazily up through the air at the tunnel's far end. Hello.He snapped both arms forward and waited. The second the swirling communications mount of the Garret Til-A com system came into view, Justin centered his crosshairs. He let them drift down as the other Rifleman'ssilhouette grew like a sailing ship emerging over the horizon. When Capet's canopy bobbed up, Justin let loose.

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