Dan's Valkyrieled the remaining Kell Hounds deeper into the planetoid. Cat Wilson formed himself up as Dan's partner. Diane McWilliams and Mary Lasker hung together right behind the Valkyrie.Brand and Salome Ward, with their vastly different 'Mechs, formed the third fire team. Fitzhugh in his Catapultand Bethany Connor in a Pantherformed the column's rearguard.

Dan studied a schematic that Clovis had pulled from the base's computer and pumped into the Valkyrie.It showed the docking bay where the Silver Eagleand the Bifrosthung suspended by invisible magnetic threads. The massive area extended two levels and featured over two dozen 'Mech-sized corridors converging on it. The Kell Hounds would have ample holes from which to attack, and an equal number through which to retreat. Dan smiled. We can do some damage before—

A loud, screeching signal howled into his neurohelmet for a second or two before the computer cleaned it up. "Hello! Hello!" The voice, which Dan had never heard before, hesitated with the words and almost succumbed to converting the Ls into Rs. A Kuritan!

Dan did not reply. With the Valkyrie'sarms, he motioned to his people to spread, and they quickly moved into the positions he designated. Dan marched his Valkyriepast Cat's crouching Panther,and continued a bit further on down the corridor. On ahead, through a brightly lit archway, he knew he'd see the large docking bay.

Again the voice burst into his ears. "Hello? We know you are out there. I am Sho-sa... So sorry, that's Major Tarukito Niiro. I am the tactical commander for this operation. You will reply. Yes, please?"

Dan typed furiously on his console keyboard. He shot a tight-beamed message back to Cat, with instructions to pass it on to the other Kell Hounds. The messages designated the points where he wanted each Kell Hound stationed, and the amount of time he allowed for each one to obtain his firestation. Now to buy us that time.

"Hai, Sho-saNiiro Tarukito-san. Konnichi wa."Dan smiled to himself. "I and my regiment are here. What can I do for you?”

“Excuse me, but to whom am I speaking?”

“Captain Daniel Allard."

Tarukito's voice came back, almost apologetic. "And your regiment is. . . ?"

"Unimportant, Sho-sa,but large enough to destroy any command you have." Dan inched the Valkyriea bit further down the corridor. "As I asked before, what can I do for you?"

"You can surrender to us the Archon-Designate, Melissa Arthur Steiner."

Dan felt chills down his spine. He forced levity into his voice to put off the Kurita Sho-sa."I am afraid that I haven't the least idea what you're talking about."

"That is a pity." The Draconian sounded truly sorry. "Please, Captain Allard, continue down the corridor. Consider yourself under a flag of truce. You have my word." Tarukito's voice lightened. "I call your bluff, Captain."

Dan advanced far enough to see the ship bay. The Bifrostfloated freely above the bay deck. Supported by a forest of landing staunchions, the Silver Eaglerested beneath it on the bay deck itself. Surrounding the elegant DropShip, Dan saw a ring of Panthers.At the Silver Eagle'snose, a Warhammerand a Crusadersupplemented the smaller Kurita 'Mech force.

Dan froze. Something about thatWarhammer. It just feels.. .familiar? Afeeling of dread clawed at his mind. There've got to be twentyPanthers out there, and then those two heavies. Outnumbered and outgunned. Melissa better escape cleanly.

Dan narrowed his eyes. "I see your force, Major. Very admirable. I trust they will die as well as the Pantherswe destroyed on our way in."

The Kurita voice took on an air of superiority. "Perhaps, Captain Allard. As I can see from the markings on your Valkyrie,you are a member of the Kell Hounds. You have lied. You have no regiment."

Dan stiffened. "What I don't have is the Archon-Designate."

“That is unfortunate" A Pantherraised an empty hand and patted the Stiver Eagle'shull. "If you do not deliver Melissa Steiner to us within one hour, we will destroy the Silver Eagleand every person aboard."


Solaris VII (The Game World)

Rahneshire, Lyran Commonwealth

26 May 3027


Trapped on a ledge, with a Firestarterat his left hand, an Urban-Mechon the right, and a Riflemanfacing him across a crevasse, Justin knew what Philip Capet expected from him. If caught in the same position, you'd give up, wouldn't you, Capet? You'd surrender and die. You 'd make it easy for me, wouldn't you ? And now you expect the same from me.

Justin laughed defiantly. "You're still no tactician, Capet!" He stepped his Riflemanforward, and dropped into the crevasse.

The Riflemanshot down like a streaking meteorite for twenty meters. The impact of metal feet hitting the slightly inclined crevasse wall slammed Justin down into his command chair and crushed the heavy neurohelmet into his shoulders. His jaw smashed shut, and Justin felt tiny tooth chips grind beneath his molars.

He fought to control his balance and, with it, the balance of the sixty-ton monster encasing him. The 'Mech's left toe caught in a narrow crack. The Legend-killerslowly began to twist toward the right, but Justin arched his back and wrenched his shoulders around to the left. The Riflemantipped backward and crashed flat against the stony slope.

Damn!he thought. I feel as though I'm wrestling an entire mountain!

Dust and debris shrouded the sliding 'Mech in a gray cloud.

The sharp, keening sound of metal scraping against stone and the trail of sparks and armor chips eloquently informed him of the damage being done to his 'Mech's already-inadequate rear armor. Justin scanned his monitors for any other problems, then flinched as a piece of stone kicked up by the 'Mech's feet ricocheted off his viewscreen.

All too quickly, the ground stopped the Legend-killer'ssledlike descent. The collision with the crevasse floor threw Justin forward in his safety harness. It burned and pinched as it restrained him, then flung him back into his command chair. The dust cloud swirled around and settled over the Rifleman.

Justin scanned the 'Mech's monitors and cursed. By sliding down on the 'Mech's back, he had totally shredded the rear armor. Dammmit all to hell. Tsen Shang could cut through that armor with his fingernails. I can't let any of them get behind me.

Proximity alarms filled the cockpit with screamed warnings. Justin looked up. From above, the Firestarterwas descending on a jet of ion flame. Justin shook his head. Idiot. Battered and bruised I may be, but tinder for a pyre I'm not.

Twin laser beams from the Legend-killer'sarms lanced up between the legs of the other 'Mech. The beams liquified the armor covering the Firestarter'sgroin, then pulsed on up into the 'Mech's torso. There, they punctured the fuel cells of the two torso flamethrowers like needles bursting overfilled balloons. Fire spurted in ragged jets from the Firestarter'sshoulder joints and neck, then a fireball ripped the 'Mech apart and sprayed Ishiyama with flaming debris.

Justin heaved the Legend-killerto its feet and marched the 'Mech forward amid the burning blizzard. Apparently damaged during the long slide, the left knee joint froze up and set the Legend-killerstumbling forward. Justin regained his balance just in time to keep the 'Mech from falling on its face.

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