The trapped Ranger ‘Mechs now had a way out. The only problem was how to let them know that their rescuers were their friends. As Grayson's Shadow Hawkmoved through the newly opened gap in the Kurita line of battle, laser fire from a Ranger ‘Mech lanced into Lori's ‘Mech, then snapped across the fire-scorched terrain at Grayson's Hawk.

Calmly, with careful deliberation, Grayson raised his right arm laser, swivelled his ‘Mech's torso to sweep the weapon's muzzle away from the huddled survivors of the Rangers, and brought it to bear on a Kurita Phoenix Hawklurching toward him. He fired three times in rapid succession, scoring hits on the Phoenix Hawk'sleft and center torso, which left gaping craters in its armor. The enemy pilot triggered his jump jets on the third hit, and rose on thundering blasts up and out of Grayson's line of fire.

Grayson spoke on the general command frequency. "This is Carlyle! We're here to pull you out! Where's General Thorvald?"

"Here," a voice answered. Grayson punched out a combination of keys on his computer terminal, bringing a graphics display that pinpointed the speaker with a flashing red arrow on his HUD. Thorvald's Warhammerlay on its side a hundred meters beyond the rest of the Ranger ‘Mechs. Craters on its armor still glowed red hot when Grayson magnified the view on one of his scanner screens. "Here," Thorvald said again. "Meet me on the private command channel."

Grayson opened the new channel. "General, this is Carlyle." He increased magnification on his long-range scanner again, studying Thorvald's ‘Mech as he spoke. That Warhammerwould not walk again, not with those shredded leg drivers and actuators. Enemy fire from the wall and from farther off in the darkness continued to strike the general's fallen war machine. "General, we thought you might need some help."

"You're a mutinous bastard, aren't you?" Thorvald said, but his tone was without anger. "I'm glad you're here."

"I suggest a withdrawal, sir. If we can hold it open a bit longer, we can pull your command out that way."

"Quite right. I...I relinquish command to you, Captain." There was a click and then a sizzle as Thorvald switched back to the general command frequency. "All Rangers, this is Ranger One! Captain Carlyle is now in operational command! Group with him for withdrawal. And...and don't blame yourselves, people." His voice broke, but he recovered. "All this was...was my fault."

Grayson swept the area with his IR. There were no enemy ‘Mechs close by and no enemy troops that he could see. The arrival of the Legion seemed to have surprised the Dracos enough that they' d scattered or pulled back, though autocannon and light artillery fire continued to drop in from the direction of the University walls. "General, it's clear in your area. Punch out, and I'll make pick-up."

"Negative, Captain."

"But General..."

"I said negative!" A Marauderappeared at 500 meters' range, strutting across the ground under the unsteady light of multiple fires. Thorvald's shattered Warhammerlevered itself higher on its crippled left arm, brought its right arm PPC into line, and opened fire. Swatches of blue lightning crackled across the field, striking the Marauder'slegs. The Maraudersent a twin PPC bolt in reply, then went down, either damaged or suddenly cautious. Artillery fire geysered dirt and shrapnel close by Thorvald's ‘Mech;

"Pull out," Thorvald continued as if the brief exchange had not interrupted him. "You need someone to hold the corridor open, and I'm it!"

"We can get you out. General. Don't—"

"Fulfill your contract and do what I say!" There was pain in the words, and Grayson realized Thorvald must be wounded. It was hard to see how the man could still be alive, so savaged was his ‘Mech. "You can't help me...but I'll try to buy you some time. Now move!"

"Right," Grayson said quietly. Then, louder, "All units! Attention to orders!"

Speaking swiftly and with rapid-fire delivery, he laid out the orders that had been forming in his mind. The core of Ranger ‘Mechs would begin moving northeast immediately, staying together, moving close behind Lori, who would act as guide. The light BattleMechs would follow, hosing the darkness to either side with beam fire to make enemy snipers rush their shots and to keep the Dracos from organizing a sudden offensive. To provide cover for the rest, Delmar Clay, Davis McCall, and Grayson would close in behind the retreating column. Backing slowly, they would lay down a covering barrage of short- and long-range missile fire and carefully spotted bolts from their lasers and PPCs.

Thorvald's fallen Warhammercontinued to blaze away with lasers, SRMs, and his one remaining PPC as enemy ‘Mechs again advanced out of the darkness. More important than Thorvald's fire was the fact that the enemy, not immediately aware of the retreat, would concentrate on his ‘Mech like wolves on the downed member of an enemy pack. The longer they concentrated on the Warhammer,the more rime Grayson had to get the Rangers and the Legion formed up and moving north.

It took nearly fifteen minutes for the Rangers to get moving. Some simply refused, finding the dubious shelter of a wrecked LoggerMechor a gouged-out shell hole preferable to the uncertainties of the fire-swept savannah to the north. Several ‘Mechs were badly damaged and had to be carried by their mates. One of these, a crippled, gut-torn PickerMech,had to be literally peeled open by Clay's Wolverinebecause the hatch had jammed and AgroMechs were not equipped with an ejection system. The rebel foot soldiers were another problem. Most had already scattered toward the distant jungle when the BattleMech slugfest had begun. Here and there, isolated bands huddled in the darkness or waved frantically for help from the giants around mem. There was no way to carry them. Grayson could only wave them off toward the north. To those officers and NCOs who still had radios, Grayson bellowed orders that their men should save what equipment and weapons they could as they withdrew.

They would need those weapons soon enough.

The retreat column was just forming up when the final enemy rush began. Shells fell among the straggling BattleMechs, whanging armored hulls with shrapnel fragments and gouging angry scars in unyielding metal as they struck glancing blows. A pair of medium Kurita ‘Mechs, a Hermes IIand a stubby-armed ASN-21 Assassin,broke out of the darkness to the west, firing blindly into the infantry vehicles and light ‘Mechs as the confused rebel forces milled vaguely northward.

The Assassin'sLRMs struck a Galleon light tank, one of those captured from the enemy on the day the Gray Death had landed on Verthandi. The tank exploded in orange flame, hurtling metal chunks as the Assassin'sfire rocketed into its hull and detonated. Grayson saw Lori's ‘Mech step between the rebel machines and the attackers, firing long, steady bursts of laser into the heavier Assassin.The ASN-21 broke stride, hurt by Lori's highly accurate fire.

While the Hermesclosed on the Locust,its chest-mounted autocannon blazing wildly, Grayson opened fire on it with his laser. He knew that the Hermescarried a laser and a flamer besides its autocannon, and it was the flamer that had him worried.

He crouched lower in his ‘Mech's control seat, hands clenched on the controls. Though Lori had proven herself in combat here on Verthandi, and on Trellwan before that, she did have one serious weakness in battle—her fear of death by fire. If the Hermesturned its flamer on her...

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