"The rebels showed unexpected tactical brilliance," Nagumo said. "They sent in one force consisting mostly of agricultural machines bearing jury-rigged weaponry to spring our trap, then they trapped the trappers with a surprise assault from the rear. With real ‘Mechs."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Still, it was costly for them and not as successful as it might have been if they'd thrown more ‘Mechs into the fray. What were their losses?"

"Four of those quad-legged machines the indigs call Logger-Mechs,Lord. Three other lighter AgroMechs. At least seven medium hovercraft. Supply and troop carriers, assault guns, and the like. And one heavy BattleMech...a Warhammer."

"Seven AgroMechs and one BattleMech destroyed. Against our losses of two heavies, three mediums, and a light ‘Mech. Not a very good showing, was it?"

"No, my Lord."

"I'm more impressed by the losses sustained by their infantry. Tell me about that."

"Besides the seven hovercraft, Lord, the rebel body count stands at thirty-eight confirmed kills. And we took prisoner a number of their wounded. Twelve, I believe."

"They're being interrogated, of course."

"Of course, my Lord."

"Mmm. Your report mentions substantial damage to several enemy ‘Mechs?"

"Yes, Lord. One heavy and two medium enemy ‘Mechs covered the retreat of the others. They certainly sustained considerable damage. Considering their supply and maintenance problems, that's damage the rebels can ill afford. It is certain that other rebel ‘Mechs also sustained severe hits."

"I am delighted, Colonel, that you are so certain of the damage inflicted on the enemy. It makes your next assignment that much easier."

Nagumo smiled as he watched Kevlavic's eyes blink shut, his jaw tense. Let him sweat!

"I am giving you this assignment because I do still have faith in your abilities, Colonel. You are an experienced leader, a skilled warrior. But you failed me at Hunter's Cape, and you have failed me now, outside the very walls of this city! Will you fail me a third time, Colonel?"

"No, my Lord! Whatever you want, I'll...What are your orders, my Lord?"

"Your orders are to track down and to destroy this rebel army, Colonel. As simple as that. If the rebel ‘Mechs areas badly damaged as you claim in this report,"—Nagumo slapped the printout with his hand—"then finding and eliminating them should be no problem at all."

Kevlavic's eyes opened, his face still pale. "Yes, my Lord."

"One more...detail. You have two local tenths—that's four standard weeks—to find and destroy the rebels. We are expecting visitors, and I want this matter completed by then."


"Duke Hassid Ricol will arrive soon to inspect his holdings. I intend to report to him personally that the largest coalition of rebel forces on this planet has been eliminated."

"Duke Ricol..."

"Yes, Colonel. And if you have not satisfactorily carried out your mission by that time, if the rebels have not been eliminated, then you will be eliminated. Do I make myself clear, Colonel?"

"P-perfectly, my Lord."

"Good. Just so we understand one another. Your failure could well mean my disgrace, even the forfeit of my life. But before anything happens to me, I'll see to it that, well...I will not fall alone."

"I understand, my Lord. We will find and eliminate the rebels to a man!"

"You have twenty-eight days, my man. Dismissed."

Nagumo waited until Kevlavic had saluted and hurried from the office before crumpling the printout into a disposal chute. Then he went over to the window, where he stood watching with hands clasped behind his back. Kevlavic was a military man, and he would use those means to carry out his orders. Nagumo was thinking now, though, of the other methods at his command. He was not about to entrust his own life and future to the actions of any subordinate.

He touched the panel on his desktop intercom. "Get me Company A of my personal Guards. I want to talk to Captain Mills." This time, nothing would be left to chance.

* * * *

The rebel forces returned to Fox Island as dawn was breaking across the jungle. Grayson gave hurried orders to the ‘Mechs to hide themselves within the cave. Two ‘Mechs had quit on their cursing, battle-fagged pilots while still moving along the jungle trail down from the Basin Rim. Those machines, a Stingerand Montido's Dervish,had been carefully hidden under tarps and cut branches, well back under the forest canopy. They might eventually be able to repair the damaged machines where they stood. Enough, at least, to get them moving and back to the base.

Grayson's Shadow Hawkentered the cave mouth, followed by a tight cluster of the tracked and hover vehicles that had fallen in with him during the descent down the Basin Rim. All around him, battle-grimed men and women were carrying or tending to the wounded, meeting comrades, or gathering in small clusters to talk about the battle. The MechWarriors, meanwhile, were descending from their machines. Techs and astechs swarmed around each BattleMech as it entered the shelter of the cave. More casualties were coming in, too, carried by comrades or smoke-stained hover transports. The Gray Death's support company included five medics, and the rebel forces also included a handful of men and women with medical training. Almost immediately, they were swamped by the wounded almost immediately.

For Grayson, the hardest part of a battle was this aftermath—the casualty lists and repair estimates, the tactical assessment, and the endless worry about what the enemy would do next. That, and facing the rebel leaders. They would surely want to know what heplanned to do next, but Grayson hadn't the faintest idea.

Indeed, the Rebel Council members stood waiting for him as he swung down the chain ladder dangling from his Shadow Hawk.Also with them was Colonel Brasednewic. The grim expressions on all their faces told Grayson that the Colonel had already filled them in on the battle before the walls of Regis.

"We got them out," he said cautiously.

Carlotta brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face with the back of her hand. From the weariness of her expression, she must have been lacking sleep. Indeed, the whole group looked as worn as Grayson felt

"Tollen told us what happened," she said, "how you showed up and broke the enemy trap." Grayson noticed the glance that she and Brasednewic exchanged. There was warmth there and...something more?

Ericksson gestured toward the casualties being carried into the cave. "I told Thorvald this plan of his wouldn't work. Our army is... shattered!"

"Youtold him?" Olssen said. "You? As I recall, it was your suggestion to use the tunnel from your AgroMech plant."

"Only because that fool wanted to storm the main gate!"

"Citizens!" Carlotta interrupted. "Enough is enough!"

Brasednewic looked pointedly at Grayson. "What next?"

Grayson relaxed, letting his eyes close. After combat, he always felt weak as the tension finally released. He was as weary as if he'd just run ten kilometers on foot but this day had a long way to go before he'd be able to sleep.

"I don't know. Colonel. We're still bound by our contract of course, but I'm not sure how much good more training will do now. Your army has been beaten in the field. It'll take some doing just to repair the...the psychologicaldamage."

Tollen let his eyes stray toward the jungle. Shafts of orange sunlight were beginning to cut through gaps in the blue-green canopy. "Some are wondering whether you plan to take your...services elsewhere. To the Dracos, perhaps.'*

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