The talks continued, however, between Verthandi and the offworlders. The Lyrans had arrived because Grayson had sent word that their intervention might win them a contract for Verthandian heavy metals—the same precious ores that the Draconis Combine had coveted. The arrival of the Lyran fleet had been the telling factor in Duke Ricol's decision that further military intervention on Verthandi would be foolish. Ambassador Steiner-Reese, the Lyran representative aboard the flagship, felt that the new Verthandian government owed the Commonwealth certain concessions in the mines of the Southern Desert.

Ricol and his warfleet remained as well. Though the Duke had conceded Verthandi's independence from Draconis rule, he was quick to point out that the mines and machinery of the Southern Desert sites belonged largely to the Draconis Combine, and that their appropriation was an act of war. After all, the Verthandians themselves had shown scant interest in the various heavy metals and rare earths present on their world. Surely something could be worked out to a mutual advantage, he said.

Also on the bargaining table was the Kurita naval base on Verthandi-Alpha, an expensive investment that Luthien was not about to turn over to an upstart independent world with absolutely no space navy of its own! How could the Verthandians possibly claim that their sovereignty extended to their own planetary satellite when they had no way of enforcing—or even manifesting—that claim?

To which the Lyrans responded that they would be more than willing to help Verthandi develop her spaceflight technology. For a price, that is. Rights and concessions to the Skovde Mine would do for a starter....

Grayson didn't explain to Brasednewic his real reason for wishing to leave Verthandi, however. He now feared that the new Verthandian government was about to trade away its hard-won independence while drunk with the inoxicating wine of power bloc politics. The men and women who had fought and died at Fox Island, the Basin Rim, and the Battle of Regis could too easily be forgotten as Free Verthandi came under the sway of one or the other of the two major powers in the region: the Lyran Commonwealth or the Draconis Combine.

Whichever interstellar power was to become Verthandi's master, Grayson didn't want to know. The blood of too many people he'd cared for—Piter, Jaleg, and heroic Verthandian freedom fighters too numerous to mention—lay heavy on his heart Better to watch the parades, receive the honors and medals, give the politicians and fellow warriors one last salute, and then up ship and away for... wherever.

"It's time for us to boost, Tollen."

Brasednewic extended his hand. "We appreciate what you've done for us, Captain. We owe you...everything."

Carlotta nodded solemnly. "That's right, Grayson. If you ever change your mind..."

He smiled. "I'll remember. I wish you...and your world... well." When he saluted again, the band leader took that as a cue to crash into yet another rendition of the march, already ancient, that Verthandi had chosen as its anthem. He strode down-the reviewing stand ramp. Ahead was the Phobos,now ready for flight after a refit and jury-rigged repairs in the Regisport yards. She waited close by the Deimos,her boarding ramp extended. Captain Tor had returned to the Invidiousdays before to prepare the ship for jump, and both DropShips had been busy shuttling men and women and material back to the Invidiousduring the past weeks. All of the Gray Death's Techs, warriors, and BattleMechs had already returned to the starship, or waited now aboard the Phobos.

The Gray Death's order of battle had grown. There were volunteers from among the Verthandian forces, including a young commando, Janice Taylor, who had resigned from the Free Rangers in order to join the Gray Death Legion. Too, Grayson's Techs had taken aboard a number of BattleMechs, machines captured from the Draco forces, repaired in the field, and officially transferred to the mercenaries by a grateful Verthandian Citizens' Council. Grayson's Marauderwas fully operable now, its ejection hatch repaired. Lori's Locusthad been replaced by a refurbished and re-armed Shadow Hawk,the same ‘Mech that Grayson had used since he'd captured it on Trellwan.

"After all," he'd joked to her, "I can't have my own Executive Officer running around without a BattleMech now, can I? That would be indecent!"

Lori and Ramage were waiting for him at the bottom of the reviewing stand steps. Lori touched the Star of Verthandi on his chest and smiled. Ramage saluted, then pounded his back in congratulations. Grayson took one last look around at the uniforms and the determined young faces and sent them a silent prayer that they would be able to hold on to what they'd won.

Then Lori slipped her arm through his, and the three of them strode side by side toward the Phobos.Grayson knew that he would hold onto what he had won. Always.

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