Hit! Flakes of metal glittered in the midmorning sun as they scattered on the sand, and there was a trace of oily smoke near the Stinger'swaist. The Stingersidestepped, moving rapidly to make itself a more difficult target. Grayson spun, swinging his laser up to bear on the back of the enemy Wasp.

The Stingermust have called a warning. The Waspturned before Grayson could fire again, and the laser hit the Wasp'sleft side instead of the broad, almost unarmored back. The Waspstaggered as armor unable to dump the heat of Grayson's beam exploded in bright, molten globs. The beam was attentuated somewhat as the stricken machine continued to turn beneath it, creating a ragged black scar across its flank.

Lights went red on Grayson's control panel, and there was a shock that made the Locustshudder and twist. The Stingerhad fired, catching him on the right torso. The armor seemed to have stopped the worst of the beam, but there was minor damage, and another hit there would certainly penetrate.

He swung and fired at the Stinger,aiming low. There was a flare and a whirl of sand as the Stingerwent airborne on flaring jets. Grayson reacted without thinking with a twist and a lurch that evaded three quick-spaced shots that cratered the sand where he'd been standing. He rolled up and fired as the Stingerdescended.


The Locustswung about, targeting the Stingeras it dashed across his field of fire. He triggered the laser and saw liquid metal splatter. He'd hit the upper left arm. There might be some damage there.

He pressed the control stick, and the Locustlurched forward. A flash... and another! Two shots, almost together, had missed. With the range down to less than 80 meters, he fired at the Waspand caught it square in the chest.

So far, most of the damage had been confined to the 'Mechs' armor. Very soon now, the shots would be falling on still-hot scars, burning their way into the delicate electronic innards of the machines, and then the issue would be settled. Grayson wiped his hand ineffectually across his brow under the impulse helmet's rubber padding. He was drenched with sweat, and the net shirt clung to him unpleasantly. The heat in the sealed cockpit stifled him, pressed in around him, making him light-headed.

The Waspspun before him. He lined up for a quick shot at the blackened upper chest, fired, and missed. With his left hand still on the control stick, his right hand found the jointed wrist and finger control that guided the Locust'stwin machine guns. Machine guns were generally used for firing at enemy troops, but as he had proven in his uneven duel with the Waspin Sarghad's streets, a heavy-caliber machine gun could penetrate 'Mech armor, given time and a bit of luck. Even in the padded and pressurized interior of the Locust'scockpit, vibrations hammered into his body by his seat. Tracers arced, crossed, and floated into the wildly twisting Stinger.He saw metal chips fly from the already damaged hip, saw the Stinger'sleft leg suddenly go stiff. Hit!

Grayson charged.

The Stingerwas slow turning to meet him, its leg dragging as it spun. The two 'Mechs collided in an earsplitting crash, and the Stingersprawled backward onto the sand.

Grayson followed it with laser fire, but the 'Mech rolled across its shoulder as the laser pulse traced a line of molten glass in the sand. The Stingerfired, and Grayson's viewscreen went white then black as laser Are screamed across visual sensors recessed into the armor of the Locustscombined head and torso.

He jabbed viciously at the keyboard that controlled the sensor array computer, meanwhile keeping the Locusttwisting and dodging blindly with his left hand. The screen cleared as reserve forward sensors came on line. The damage to his 'Mech's head was severe; another head shot would smash through the remaining armor and kill him.

He quickly checked the scale that registered the Locust'sinternal heat, chewing at his lip as he scanned flickering numbers.

None of it was good. The temp was climbing dangerously. The computer would be asking for a shutdown soon. He'd lost heat sinks on his outer hull, and the build-up was becoming critical. But he would worry about that when the time came.

Now... where was the Wasp? Damn! In his momentary blindness, he'd lost track of the...

A violent impact from behind smashed him forward. He pivoted, caught his balance and turned. The Waspcollided with him from behind and nearly knocked him down. He found himself staring into the muzzle of the Wasp'slaser, knew he had no time to bring his own laser to bear. But then, an explosion mushroomed at the Wasp'sback, slamming it forward, off balance. There was a second explosion, this one crashing into the Wasp'sback armor and sending it sprawling flat on its belly.

The eight hovercraft of Striker Four were racing toward the three 'Mech combatants, spreading across the desert floor. One of the missile launchers trailed puffs of smoke in the HVWC's windstream, and twin flashes caught the Stingerin its right shoulder. There was a blinding pulse of light, and the Stinger'sarm whirled into the sand, its gauntlet still clutching the grip of its laser.

The Waspwhirled and broke into a run away from the hurtling hovercraft, and toward Grayson. The Locust'slaser swung to track it, locked on, and fired cleanly into the 'Mech's already savaged upper torso.

The Waspstaggered, blue sparks playing along the visibly shattered circuits and torn wiring behind the crater in its chest It took one step, then froze there, locked in a rigid stance from which it could not escape. Grayson turned to track the Stinger,which was limping toward the spaceport. At 100 meters' range, he fired again, targeting the machine's already damaged hip.

The leg gave way and the second 'Mech crashed into the sand.

The battle ended so abruptly that Grayson found himself wondering if it could really be over. The hovercraft swung up, weapons trained on the two crippled 'Mechs. With relief, Grayson saw the pilots being hauled from their cockpits, battered, but apparently able to stand and walk.

He felt relief because of Lori, who knew one of them as a friend, as well as for himself. Those two might be willing recruits to the Lancers, if properly approached. Grayson smiled ruefully at the thought, and wondered how he would convince Nolem and Adel of that.

"Striker One!" Striker One! This is Three!"

"I hear you Three. Go."

"Code Red, Chief. We've got the big boys spotted, the Shadow Hawkand the Marauderboth. They're on the road coming down from the castle, and it looks like they're headed this way!"

"The Shadow HawklYou're sure?" He realized as he spoke that that was a silly question. How could they mistake the ID of a 55-ton armored battle machine?,

"It just came out of the Repair Bay! It looks good as

new... moving full speed!"

Grayson chewed at his lower lip, and tasted blood. The fight wasn't over yet.



"Got it." Grayson's throat felt tight, his mouth dry. "Okay, Striker Four! Company's coming. Deploy for Code Red."

External microphones on the Locust'shead picked up the thuttering of autorifle fire. He turned the 'Mech to bring telescopic sensors to bear, zooming in on where he could see flashes and running figures through the churning air above the ferrocrete apron.

A fuel tank had been blown. Black smoke smudged the northern sky, and the pavement underneath was cast into the rippling gloom of a smoke shadow.

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