ECM: Short for "Electronic Countermeasures", this is broadcast interference to disrupt enemy radar, radio, or other electronic equipment

Hovercraft: A vehicle that travels several centimeters above the ground on a cushion of air created by large fans inside a rubber or light metal-skirted plenum chamber. Hovercraft may be designed as scouts, transports, or weapon carriers. They are fast, highly maneuverable, and can travel over land or water, but are hampered by rough or broken terrain. They are also called skimmers or GEVs (Ground Effect Vehicles).

HVT: Hovercraft Transports are a military hovercraft used to carry personnel or cargo.

HVWC: The Hovercraft Weapons Carrier is a military hovercraft, smaller than a transport, mounting a missile battery, PPC, or other heavy weapon.

IFF: Short for "Identification Friend or Foe," this is a system of signals from an on-board transponder that can be detected and used to identify the vehicle, especially in combat.

Inferno: A special, shoulder-launched missile designed as an anti-'Mech weapon. It explodes several meters from the launch tube, spraying the target with white phosphorus or a similar flammable compound in a jelly base. Infernos are not carried aboard 'Mechs because of their flammability.

IR: Infrared is light at wavelengths too long to be seen by the human eye. Infrared radiation is emitted by heat sources such as running engines or living bodies, and can be detected by equipment designed for use in the dark.

Lance: A BattleMech tactical combat group, usually consisting of four 'Mechs.

Laser: An acronym for "Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation." As a weapon, it damages the target by concentrating extreme heat on a small area. BattleMech lasers are designated as small, medium, and large. Lasers are also available as shoulder-fired weapons operating from a portable backpack power unit. Certain range finders and targeting equipment employ low-level lasers as well.

Locust :A light, non-humanoid scout BattleMech designed for extreme speed and maneuverability. Weighing 20 tons, it has a top running speed of 130 kph. It is armed with one medium laser and a pair of heavy machine guns.

LRM: Abbreviation for "Long-Range Missiles," indirect-fire missiles with high-explosive warheads. They have a maximum extreme range of several kilometers, but are accurate only between about ISO and 700 meters.

Marauder :A heavy, non-humanoid assault BattleMech, weighing 75 tons, with »top speed of 65 kph. It is heavily armed, mounting a heavy PPC and a medium laser in each arm, and a 120 mm autocannon over it back. Maraudersare extremely well-armored and difficult to knock out, particularly favored for the psychological advantage conveyed by their fearsome appearance.

PBI: Short for "Poor Bloody Infantry," this is BatdeMech slang for non-'Mech troops.

Phoenix Hawk:A medium BattleMech weighing 45 tons, with a top speed of 100 kph. It mounts one medium laser and a heavy machine gun integral to each arm, and carries a heavy laser in an arm rifle mount. It is a particularly useful blend of speed and maneuverability in BattleMech combat

Platoon: A tactical military unit typically consisting of 50 to 60 men, commanded by a lieutenant or a platoon sergeant. A platoon may be divided into two sections.

PPC: Short for "Particle Projection Cannon," a magnetic accelerator firing high-energy proton or ion bolts, causing damage both through impact and high temperature. They are among the most effective weapons available to BatUeMechs. Though they have a theoretical range limited only by line-of-sight considerations, the technology available for focusing and aiming the bolt limits effective range to less than 600 meters.

Regiment: A military unit consisting of two to four battalions, each consisting of three or four companies. A regiment is commanded by a colonel.

Rifleman :A medium BattleMech weighing 60 tons, with a top speed of 65 kph. It mounts one autocannon and a heavy laser in a twin-barrel assembly on each arm, and a pair of lasers in the torso.

Shadow Hawk : A medium BattleMech weighing 55 tons, with a top speed of 85 to 90 kph. It mounts a medium laser on its right arm, five LRM launchers in its torso, a pair of SRM launch tubes on either side of its head, and a backpack-mounted, over-the-shoulder, large-caliber autocannon.

SRM: Abbreviation for "Short-Range Missiles", direct-trajectory missiles with high-explosive or armor-piercing explosive warheads. They have a range of less than one kilometer, and are accurate only at ranges of less than 300 meters. They are more powerful, however, than LRMs.

Stinger :A light scout BattleMech, the Stingerweighs 20 tons, with a top running speed of 100 kph. It is armed with one medium laser and two heavy machine guns.

T.O. & E: Abbreviation for "Table of Organization and Equipment," the breakdown of a unit's personnel, order of battle, and equipment, including vehicles and weapons.

UV: Ultraviolet light is radiation at wavelengths too short to be seen by the eye. Special scanning equipment can see by UV light.

Wasp :A light scout BattleMech, weighing 20 tons, with a top running speed of 100 kph. The Waspis armed with one medium laser and a pair of SRM launch-racks.

Wolverine : A medium BattleMech weighing 55 tons, with a top speed of 85 kph. It mounts a heavy-caliber autocannon in its right arm, and six SRM tubes in its torso. High on its chest, just below the head, is a ball turret mounting a medium laser.

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