A few people had stopped to watch the interview. Dan zeroed in on a woman with her son, eight or nine years old.

"What do you think about all this, young man?"

"About the monsters?"

"Le ... roy," his mother warned.

"You think they'll be monsters?" Dan asked.

"They're alwaysmonsters," he explained patiently.

"He watches too much cube." His mother glared at the camera.

"Mother. They're always monsters because that's what people want. The guys who made this up know that."

The mother stared at her son. Dan cleared his throat. "So you think it's all made up?"

"Well, it's on the cube," the boy said, explaining everything.

Dan laughed unconvincingly. "Do you share your son's skepticism?"

"Not really, no. I'm hoping it will be something ... really wonderful. What the man you just talked to said, that's true. If they meant us harm they wouldn't have announced they were coming."

"You don't think it could be a hoax?"

"No—it's already too big."

"Well, I think it's a hoax," the man behind her said. He was ebony black, shimmering skintights like rainbow paint on a weight-lifter's body. "They had it orchestrated months in advance, maybe years."

"Who are 'they,' then?"

"Well, who do you think has the money? If it's not the federal government then it's a group of conglomerates working together—assuming the last act of the farce will be a spaceship landing on the White House lawn."

A live one, Dan thought. He made the hand signal that instructed the camera to move in tight. "And what will the government or conglomerates gain?"

"More and better control over us. Thoughtcontrol!" He held up both fists. "Watch and wait. These aliens will be presented to us as unassailably superior savants. What they say is true, we will have to accept as truth. Who could argue with creatures who came umpty-ump light-years to save us?"

"You have it pretty well thought out," Dan said.

"I used to be paid to think," he said. "Dr. Cameron Davisson, at your service. Ex—professor of philosophy at this august institution."

"Um ... what do you do now, Dr. Davisson?"

"I try to serve as a bad example."

"Ah ... " Out of the corner of his eye, Dan saw a vision of loveliness. "Ma'am? Pardon me, senorita?"

The woman stopped and looked at him. She was a classic Latin beauty—statuesque; haughty, aristocratic features. Ebony hair and skin like dark honey set off by a simple white dress that loved the flesh it clung to and partially exposed.

"I'm interviewing people here about the Coming."

"The aliens? I think it's marvelous. Have to get to work." She turned and walked away and even the camera stared at her. I wouldn't mind going to work with you, Dan thought, but he didn't know half of it.


She'd forgotten to take the gel home with her and so that meant an extra fifteen minutes without pay at work, feet in the stirrups. So it didn't make any difference that she'd worn underwear. She couldn't have worn this dress without underwear, anyhow, and it was a hot-weather favorite.

Two blocks into campus, she turned into the building discreetly labeled iisr, the International Institute for Sexual Research. What a joke.

She took an elevator to the top floor and went into Lab 3 and locked the door behind her.

"Gabby? You're early." A bald man looked up from a machine.

"Forgot to take the gel home. Afternoon, Louis."

"Hi, Gab." A young man lounged by the window, naked, scanning a magazine about popular music. There was nothing unusual about him except for the length and breadth of his penis.

Gabrielle stepped into a small bathroom, where she hung up her dress and put her shoes and underclothes on a shelf. She urinated and tried to break wind, and the medical student in her wondered for the dozenth time what perversity of psychology and anatomy made it impossible for her to do it now and almost imperative later, horizontal and public.

Obeying state law, she didn't flush the toilet. She checked her makeup, carefully blotting the slight shine of sweat from her face and between her breasts. She tried to smile at her reflection and then left the bathroom and walked toward the table.

"Panty lines," the bald man said.

"Harry. I knew the gel would take fifteen minutes to set, so I allowed myself the exquisite luxury of underwear, okay?"

"All right. I guess they'll be gone."

"Maybe your customers likepanty lines." She mounted the table with a gymnast's slow grace, her ankles landing precisely in the stirrups. "I bet you never asked."

"Artistic convention," he said with a straight face.

"Right." She picked up the large syringe next to the table and applied a liberal amount of lubricant to the nozzle, and then some to herself. She inserted the nozzle carefully, grimacing, and slowly injected the clear gel. If you did it too fast you left air bubbles in the vagina, which would be edited out later, but why make work for your boss? Even if he isa pig.

The gel provided a medium with the proper index of refraction. It smelled and tasted like diesel fuel and was about as hard to get rid of as a coastal oil spill. Fortunately, Gabrielle didn't have any lovers who might complain about it, just an uncritical fellow medical student with whom she shared occasional spasms.

She leaned back. "Louis, would you get me that pillow?" She took off her long black wig and smoothed on a cap of metal mesh, then put the wig back on. Louis was already wearing his neural inductor cap.

He brought over a firm cylindrical pillow and she put it under her neck and gave him a playful tug. He was semierect. "You see the stuff on cube about the aliens?"

"Yeah, I was watching it." He ran a finger lightly down her thigh. " Que maravillosa."

"Hey," said the bald guy from behind the machine. "You come too soon and neither one of you gets paid."

They exchanged professional smiles. "I'll try to control myself, Harry."

"I'll try to keep my hands off him. What did you think?"

"Gonna be a long couple of months. Can't wait."

She nodded at the ceiling. "Anything could happen." She dipped a finger into the softening gel and spread it around her external genitalia. "You ever have Professor Bell?"

"No, I never took astronomy. I had her husband."

"I had her intro course some years back. Before medical school, of course." She circled her clitoris lightly.

"Good teacher?"

"Oh, yeah. A little nervous, but really sincere. Really wanted you to love the stuff. Too much math for me, though."

"Doctors just need to know how to add," he said.

"You have that right. How's her husband?"

"Kind of sweet. He starts out tough, but it's all an act."

"Big class?"

"No, a quartet. Six-week phrasing workshop a couple of summers ago."

Harry came over with a thing that looked like a cross between a snake and a telescope. "Take a reading." Gabrielle pressed both thighs with her palms and spread wide. He inserted the tube a few inches into her.

"Ow!" She jumped. "Easy on that thing. It's the only one I've got."

"Yeah yeah." He peered into the tube and turned a knob. "Squeeze." She did, grunting. "Again." He nodded and pulled the thing out with a little sucking sound. "Okay. Get it up."

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