A Vulcan archaeologist who was the husband and mate of Dr. Selar. He died of a coronary failure while consummating the Pon farrritual with Selar.


A transporter officer aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur.


A Class-M world located near the border of the

Thallonian Empire in Sector 221-G. It is the homeworld of the Xenexians and of Starfleet Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, a.k.a. M'k'n'zy of Calhoun, who in his youth led a revolt that ended the 300-year-long occupation and oppression of Xenex by the Danteri.


Indigenous inhabitants of the planet Xenex.


An engineering crew member, working under Chief Engineer Burgoyne 172, aboard the U.S.S.



A leader of Thallon who attempted to apprehend Soleta for trespassing. Soleta managed to embarrass Yoz while she resisted arrest, trapping him under his own mount. Yoz later helped the people of Thallon overthrow the ruling class, including High Lord Si Cwan and his family.


Small, greenish, curved, waferlike Thallonian delicacy.


This world produces what is regarded as the best ale in the quadrant, better even than Romulan Ale and twice as difficult to obtain. A Starfleet survey team was captured on Zantos by local inhabitants, and the leader was subjected to harsh punitive measures. Allegedly, Starfleet Captain Mackenzie Calhoun snuck onto the planet's surface and absconded with a case of ale with the Zantos fleet in hot pursuit.


An Orion slave girl who belonged to an Orion trader named Krassus. She originally was meant to be sold by Krassus to a buyer named Barsamis, but Krassus reneged on the deal and murdered Barsamis when he filed a protest. Krassus later lost Zina to Mackenzie Calhoun in a game of Six-Card Warhoon, but the loss turned out to be a ruse to allow Zina to distract Calhoun with her feminine charms while Krassus attempted to stab Calhoun from behind. Their plan failed. Miserably.


A Thallonian agitator, a best friend turned worst enemy of deposed prince Si Cwan. Si Cwan described Zoran as being "almost insane in his hatred." Zoran laid a trap for Si Cwan aboard the science vessel Kayven Ryinby placing the name of Si Cwan's sister, Kalinda, on the ship's passenger manifest. Zoran later confessed to having murdered Kalinda, but subsequently recanted the statement.

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