“Oh, dear,” Pamela murmured. “I know that expression on her face, and it doesn’t bode well.”

“You don’t really think—”

“That the lovely Adriana is looking at you with murder in her eyes because she has reason to believe Leybrook is going to replace her with you? Yes, that is exactly what I think.”

“Ridiculous. Why would Leybrook want me as an assistant? It’s obvious that I lack all of the physical attributes he requires. My bosom is much too small, and my hair is too red.”

Pamela assumed an air of ominous portent. Her voice dropped to a lower, huskier register. “The princess tells me that he has altered his requirements,” she intoned.

Virginia ignored the theatrics. “Why would he do that?”

“I have no idea,” Pamela said, her voice returning to normal. “At least you’ve been given some warning. And I’ll add another word of caution.”


“I wouldn’t accept any invitations to tea with Adriana. She’s the type to dump a spoonful of cyanide into the cup.”

Virginia smiled. “I’ll bear that in mind, although I think it is highly unlikely that she will invite me to tea.”

“In that case, let us turn to a far more interesting subject.”

Virginia braced herself. “That would be?”

“Your association with Mr. Sweetwater, of course.”

“I’m sure you’ve heard the news by now, Pamela.”

“Oh, yes, it’s all over the Institute.” Pamela gave her a sidelong glance. “But is it true?”

“I have agreed to allow Mr. Sweetwater to study me while I employ my talents. He is convinced that he can measure my psychical energy patterns.”

“You know what he did to Digby and Hobbes. After he exposed them as frauds, Leybrook was forced to release them from the Institute because of the bad publicity. Doesn’t it concern you that you may be next? How can you prove that you have a true talent?”

“He claims to believe that I do have talent.”

“I see.” A glint appeared in Pamela’s eyes. “That may explain the other talk that is going around.”

“What do you mean?”

Pamela gave her a knowing smile. “Rumor has it that your connection with Mr. Sweetwater extends beyond the boundaries of scientific research and experimentation.”

You knew this was coming, Virginia thought. Nevertheless, she had not been expecting such a blunt approach. She ought to have known better, she thought. This was Pamela, after all, who had gone through almost as many lovers as Leybrook.

“Good heavens, wherever did you get that notion?” she managed lightly.

“Virginia, you are talking to me, not one of your clients. There is no point trying to finesse the situation. I know you too well.”

“I would rather not discuss my relationship with Mr. Sweetwater,” Virginia said quietly.

“You are a grown woman, no longer a young, green girl trying to establish her career. I respect that. But I am well aware that you have not had much experience with men.”

“I have had any number of male clients.”

“I meant experience of a personal nature, and well you know it,” Pamela snapped. “Mind you, if you had chosen almost any other man for this sort of adventure, I would have been thrilled for you. Every woman deserves the opportunity to discover romantic passion. But why the devil did you decide to embark on an affair with Owen Sweetwater?”

“For heaven’s sake, Pamela, will you please lower your voice?”

“No one could be more unsuitable for you. He might even decide to damage your career when your affair ends. You have worked hard to establish yourself. I do not want to see you throw away your future.”

“I don’t think Mr. Sweetwater will pronounce me a fraud,” Virginia said.

She broke off when she sensed a presence behind her.

“Rest assured, that will not happen,” Owen said, his voice very dry.

Pamela gasped and swung around so sharply that a few drops of champagne flew out of the glass in her hand. “Mr. Sweetwater. I didn’t realize you were in the vicinity.”

Virginia turned more slowly. Owen held two glasses of champagne in his hands. He was smiling his coldest smile. His excellently cut black-and-white evening clothes underscored the aura of raw power that always charged the air around him.

“Allow me to introduce a friend,” Virginia said, laying subtle emphasis on the word “friend” so that Owen would understand that he was not allowed to be rude to Pamela. “Miss Egan is a highly regarded practitioner. She was very kind to me at the beginning of my career. Indeed, I owe much of my success to her advice and the introductions she was good enough to provide.”

Amusement replaced the ice in Owen’s eyes. His smile warmed several degrees. He inclined his head in a formal manner toward Pamela.

“In that case, it is a pleasure, Miss Egan,” he said.

Pamela recovered her composure, but Virginia could have sworn that she blushed. “Mr. Sweetwater. I’ve heard a great deal about you.”

“None of it good, I’m sure.” He handed one of the glasses to Virginia. “But believe me when I say that I have no reason to declare Miss Dean a charlatan.” He took a swallow of champagne and gave Virginia an intimate smile. “In fact, I find her talents extraordinary.”

“Will you be giving that information to the press at the conclusion of your study of her powers?” Pamela asked. “It might do wonders for her career.”

Owen turned back to her, brows slightly elevated.

“I will be happy to inform the press that Miss Dean possesses genuine psychical abilities, but I doubt that she needs my acclaim. She seems to be doing very well on her own.”

Pamela gave him a steel-bright smile. “There is no such thing as too much positive publicity in our business, Mr. Sweetwater. It seems to me that a few good words to the press is the least you can do for Miss Dean under the circumstances.”

“Circumstances?” Owen repeated, somewhat ominously.

“I refer, of course, to the fact that you are taking advantage of Miss Dean’s generous nature in order to pursue your research project,” Pamela said coolly. “She is doing you an enormous favor, is she not, Mr. Sweetwater?”

Virginia winced. “It’s all right, Pamela, I assure you.”

Owen slanted a long look at Virginia. “Yes, Miss Egan, she is doing me a great favor.”

“Then it is only right that you repay her when you end the project,” Pamela said. “The most helpful way you could do that is by ensuring that she receives some attractive publicity that might send some new clients her way.”

“I see,” Owen said.

“After all, it is not as if you have anything else of lasting value to offer her, is it?” Pamela said very pointedly.

“Pamela, please,” Virginia pleaded. “That’s enough.”

“Quite right.” Pamela smiled at Virginia. “Enjoy the rest of the evening, my dear, and don’t forget the warning from the princess.”

“I won’t.”

Pamela whisked up her green skirts and swept off into the crowd.

Owen watched her leave. “What was that about a warning from the princess?”

“Nothing important. I wonder how Charlotte and Nick are making out. I have lost sight of them. Oh, damn.”

“Now what?”

“Gilmore Leybrook and his assistant are coming this way. Well, I suppose it was inevitable.”

Owen followed her gaze, suddenly very focused. The atmosphere around him became more highly charged.

“This should be interesting,” he said.


This isn’t working,” Nick said.

Charlotte had been about to take a sip of champagne. She paused and peered at him, squinting a little because she had stored her spectacles in the dainty beaded bag that dangled from the waist of her gown. For reasons she was not certain she wished to explore, she had concluded that afternoon that she wanted to look her best tonight. According to the fashion journals, spectacles were not the most attractive evening accessory.

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