“Why?” Gwen asked,

He started to key in Sawyer’s phone number. “They might give us a better handle on Taylor, for one thing. The school must have had some data on his past.”

“But Zander didn’t attend Summerlight.”

Judson stilled just as he was about to punch in Sawyer’s number. “Are you sure?”


“I thought all of the subjects in the Ballinger Study were drawn from the Summerlight files.”

“Evelyn found most of us in her Summerlight records but not all of us,” Gwen said. “Back at the start, she also advertised briefly online. She gave up that approach after only a few days because she got flooded with replies from fantasy game players, fake psychics, and the alien-abduction and tinfoil-helmet crowd. She said there was no way to sort through all the wacky claims to try to find the one or two genuine talents who might have applied.”

“How did she find Taylor?”

“He told us that he saw one of those online ads that Evelyn ran at the start of the project. He contacted her online and charmed her by appealing to her academic pride. He posed as a serious researcher. Claimed he’d heard about her work in the field and that he had read some of the papers she had published in an online journal. When he offered to come to Wilby to meet with her at his own expense, she jumped at the chance. After she talked to him, she was convinced that he had some real talent.”

“That works.” Judson looked out at the thundering falls, the phone gripped in his hand. “It definitely works.”

“What are you talking about?” Gwen demanded. “Why is it important that Zander got involved in Evelyn’s study through an online ad?”

Judson turned back to her. “Think about it. Evelyn runs a short series of ads on the Internet and then cancels that recruitment approach in favor of relying on the Summerlight files. Yet in that brief span of time, she somehow attracts the attention of a psychic serial killer.”

Gwen nodded slowly. “There are a gazillion phony psychics advertising online. What are the odds that Taylor just happened to see Evelyn’s little ad? Is that what you’re asking?”


“If you’re asking me, I have no idea what the odds are,” Gwen said. “I avoid math whenever possible.”

“This isn’t math—this is my intuition talking.”

Gwen smiled. “You mean your talent.”

“I think Zander Taylor found out about Evelyn and her study two years ago because he had a tripwire already in place.”


“An alert system designed to make sure that any and all news out of Wilby, Oregon, popped up on his computer.”

“For heaven’s sake, why would he monitor news from this little dot on the map?”

“There’s only one reason that I can think of,” Judson said. “He kept track of Wilby because he had a personal connection here.”

“But no one here in town knew him—I’m sure of that. Someone would have said something at some point.”

“You told me that Louise Fuller wasn’t exactly the communicative type.”

“Louise.” Gwen’s eyes tightened a little at the corners. “Good heavens, you’re right. Nicole said that she tuned the crystal for him. That means he could have known about Louise before he came here to Wilby. Maybe he was using her all along to tune his camera. But none of his kills was in the vicinity of this town, at least none that we could identify.”

“A smart psychopath doesn’t foul his own nest, at least not unless he loses control or decides to get rid of witnesses. Why take the risk of killing locally?” Judson paused a beat. “Unless the challenge is downright irresistible.”

“Evelyn’s group of study subjects was an irresistible attraction,” Gwen whispered. “Zander’s addiction got the better of his control.”

“Taylor paid attention to events in Wilby because Louise Fuller, his tuner, was here. That leaves us with the question of how he found Louise in the first place.”

“And why no one in town knew him until he joined the study,” Gwen added.

Judson looked at the lab on the other side of the falls. “Just winging it here, but a couple of things I know for sure. Psychic talent seems to have a strong genetic component. If the Coppersmiths are any example, the ability to perceive and manipulate the paranormal can go down through the bloodline. The other thing I know is that family secrets are always the most tightly held.”

“Family secrets?” Gwen was dumbfounded.

“We need confirmation. I’ll call Sawyer.”

He keyed in the coded number.

Nick answered on the third ring. Judson could hear muffled voices in the background. One of them was his mother’s.

“This had better be important,” Nick said. “I’m a little busy at the moment, Coppersmith.”

“Doing what?” Judson asked.

“Getting fitted for my tux. By the way, your mother says that you had better show up for a fitting soon or you’re going to be in big trouble. You’re Sam’s best man, remember?”

“What I remember is that you’re supposed to be working on my case.”

“Some of us—those of us with true talent—are capable of multitasking. Your mother and me, for instance. By the way, Mrs. Coppersmith says to tell you that she hasn’t turned up any odd financial maneuvers on the part of anyone on the list of suspects you gave me.”

“I’ll add some more names to the list,” Judson said.

“Pink? Outrage vibrated in Nick’s voice. “I’m walking the bride down the aisle. I can’t wear a pink shirt. This is a classic wedding. I wear a white shirt.”

“Damn it, Sawyer,” Judson said. “Pay attention.”

“Turns out that a couple of other heirs also spent some time in Sundew’s online chat room,” Nick said. “Neither had ever indicated any previous interest in psychic counseling. No, not pleats. Think Armani, not your high school prom rental.”

“Forget the damn fitting, Sawyer,” Judson said. “I’m pulling you off the psychic chat room project for now. Something more urgent has come up.”

Nick uttered a long-suffering sigh. “What do you want now?”

“Deep background on a woman named Louise Fuller.”

“What am I looking for?”

“Family history. I’m looking for a bloodline link between Louise and Zander Taylor.”

“The psycho who tried to murder Gwen? Shit. Think that son of a bitch is still alive after all?”

“You tell me.”

“Give me everything you’ve got on her,” Nick said.

Judson rattled off the few facts they had.

“I’ll get back to you as soon as I’ve got something,” Nick promised, cold and serious now.

Judson ended the call.

“Now what?” Gwen asked.

“Now we wait,” Judson said. He hated this part. “I don’t think it’s going to take Sawyer long to find the answers, because I doubt if Louise knew how to bury her own past.”

Gwen watched him. “You already know the answer, don’t you?”

Judson hesitated. “I’ve learned the hard way not to leap to conclusions.”

“But you know, don’t you?”

“Yes,” he said. “It’s the only answer that fits.”

* * *

NICK CALLED BACK fifteen minutes later. Judson could hear the energy in his voice. We’re more alike than you think, Sawyer, he thought. We both thrive on the hunt.

He put the call on speakerphone so that Gwen could hear the conversation.

“I may have something and it’s not good,” Nick said. “Thirty-four years ago, Louise Fuller was living in L.A. Got caught up in a cult that was heavily into psychoactive drugs. The cult was really a cover for a well-organized criminal gang. The leader controlled his followers with drugs and sex. He used his male followers to sell the drugs, and he pimped out his female followers. Louise was one of the prostitutes. She got pregnant. Gave the baby up for adoption.”

“Any leads on the father?”

“No. That’s a brick wall. Louise was living in a drug haze at the time. The cult leader was sending her out onto the streets every night to sleep with anyone who had the cash. According to the caseworker, Louise was delusional and incapable of handling motherhood due to addiction and mental health issues. The baby went to a childless couple who—”

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