“How did the two of you meet?” Brandon asked.

“Through one of Abby’s business connections,” Sam said.

“She is in a rather unusual line of work.”

“Antiquarian books that are associated with the paranormal. Yes, I know.”

Brandon cleared his throat. “You collect those kinds of books?”

“I’ve got a few.”

“I see. Has she told you that she doesn’t just deal in books about magic, she actually believes in the occult?”

Annoyed, Sam jerked his gaze away from the closed office door. “Abby doesn’t believe in the occult. Where the hell did you get that idea?”

“I don’t know what my daughter has told you, but you need to know that she holds some weird theories.”

“She believes in the existence of paranormal energy, not the occult.”

“There’s a difference?” Brandon asked drily.

“The occult is all about witchcraft, demons and magic,” Sam said, impatient now. “Paranormal energy, on the other hand, is just that, energy. There’s no magic, black or white, involved. Although there are a lot of fake psychics, mediums and dream analysts out there making a good living off the gullible.”

Brandon’s frown turned into a scowl. “Don’t tell me you’re into this paranormal crap, too?”

“I’m surprised to hear you say that, Dr. Radwell. You’re in the psychobabble business. Surely you are aware that shared interests form the best basis for an enduring relationship.”

Brandon’s expression sharpened. “You read my book on marriage?”

“No. Just took a flying leap in the dark.”

“Stop with the bullshit, Coppersmith. We both know why you’re dating my daughter.”

“We do?”

“You found out she’s connected to the Strickland family, didn’t you? You’re not the first man to try to marry her for her inheritance. But there isn’t one. The old bitch, better known as Orinda Strickland, controls the family money. Take it from me, she has gone to great legal lengths to make sure that Abby won’t receive a dime. It all goes to my wife, and Dawson and the twins.”

“I heard she cut you out, too.”

Brandon snorted in disgust. “Prenup. And I was dumb enough to sign the papers. Thought that after the old bitch died, Diana would change her mind and tear up the agreement.”


“But at the rate she’s going, Orinda may outlive me, and I’ve had it with the waiting game. Time to move on.” Brandon glanced across the room. “Lucy is signaling. Got to go sign some books. Just remember what I told you. Abby has no blood connection to the old bitch. In fact, Orinda is downright embarrassed that Abby is considered a member of the family. That translates into no inheritance.”

“You think I’m after the Strickland money?”

“That sure as hell was the agenda of that bastard Kane Thurston.”

“Who is Kane Thurston?”

“The last man Abby dated seriously,” Brandon said.

“I’ll be damned. You’re a complete con and a hypocrite, Radwell, not to mention a lousy father, but in your own stumbling, fumbling way, you’re trying to protect Abby from me, aren’t you? Guess I’ve got to give you some credit for paternal instincts.”

Brandon’s jaw sagged. Shock blanked his eyes for a few seconds, but he managed to pull himself together.

“Abby is an adult,” he said, between gritted teeth. “I can’t tell her what to do, but I’m going to warn her about you. Don’t think I won’t.”

He walked swiftly away through the crowd. By the time he sat down to sign books, he had his warm, father-knows-best smile firmly back in place.


“THIS IS ABOUT DAWSON AND THE DEAL HE’S TRYING TO CLOSE, isn’t it?” Abby said. “I’ve already explained to him that I can’t help him.”

“Keep your voice down.” Diana glanced at the closed door of the office. “This is your father’s breakout launch. I won’t allow you to ruin it.”

Abby measured the distance to the door. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

The office was cramped and utilitarian. Metal file cabinets lined one wall. The window looked out over the street.

Diana folded her arms. “I’ll come straight to the point. My mother says that she will redo the Strickland trust to include you if you agree to get that book for Dawson.”

“Wow. She really is panic-stricken.”

“That’s putting it mildly. What’s more, she’s not the only one.”

“The financial situation is that bad?”

“Yes,” Diana said. “It’s that bad.”

“What about Dad’s new book? If it sells well, that should help the family finances. And if the reality TV show comes through, that will be even better.”

“The book and the TV project would both have to do phenomenally well to make up for what Dawson lost. Even if, by some fluke, the book does become a bestseller and the reality series takes off, the income will be Brandon’s, not mine. That prenup my mother forced me to sign protects him, the same way it does me. He won’t have to give me a dime.”

“Oh, man. No wonder you and Orinda are having fits. Does Dad know what’s going on?”

“No,” Diana said, her jaw very tight. “I don’t want him to find out. Do you understand? He married me for my money and my connections. I’ve known that for years. If he discovers that I’m on the verge of losing both, he’ll be gone in a heartbeat.”

“That is his pattern,” Abby agreed. “His first wife dropped out of college to finance his Ph. D. He dumped her the day after he graduated. His second wife was one of his research assistants. That was my mother. He borrowed a lot of her work, which he published as his own. He divorced her to marry one of his wealthy patients. That would be you.”

Diana reddened with fury. “Shut up. I know his history better than anyone, including you. That’s why I know he’s planning to leave me as soon as the TV show is a sure thing. In fact, I’m almost positive he’s having an affair with the woman who is producing the pilot.”

Abby said nothing. She looked down at her hands.

Diana made a soft, disgusted sound. “You were aware of that?”

“No, but I’m not surprised.” Abby raised her eyes. “If you knew about his problem with monogamy, why did you stay married to him all these years?”

Diana’s eyes glittered with barely subdued fury and frustration. “You haven’t got a clue, do you? I divorced my first husband because he was an abusive man. My mother warned me not to marry him, but I didn’t listen. But after Dawson was born, I realized I had to get out in order to protect him and myself. I married your father because I thought he truly cared for me and because I believed that he would be a good male role model for my son. Then the twins came along. Things were okay for a few years, but eventually I realized Brandon was having affairs on the side. I made myself tolerate his infidelity.”

“For the sake of Dawson and the twins?” Abby said, surprised. “You didn’t want to put them through a divorce? That was very self-sacrificing of you, Diana. I admit, I would never have guessed…”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I didn’t stay with your father because of Dawson and the twins. They could have handled a divorce. Half their classmates all through school were children of divorced parents.”

“Right.” Abby checked her watch again. “Okay, I get the picture. You’re finally ready to divorce Dad, but suddenly you’re trapped. You can’t leave him, because you don’t have the Strickland money to fall back on. And you think he’s getting ready to leave you before his own ship comes in.”

“Now do you see how important it is for Dawson to recover from the financial losses? I swear that if you help him get that book for his investor, I’ll make sure that you receive a fair share of my mother’s money.”

“Always assuming Dawson can recover it for her.”

“He will,” Diana vowed.

“The thing is, I don’t want your mother’s money,” Abby said quietly.

“Because you think you’ve landed on your feet with Sam Coppersmith? Don’t fool yourself, Abby. It won’t last.” Diana went to the door and wrenched it open. She paused in the opening and looked back over her shoulder. “Money doesn’t just follow blood. When it comes to marriage, it usually follows other money. There are occasional exceptions, but they rarely end well. Witness my marriage to your father.”

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