Drake watched her steadily through his glasses. “Did the matchmakers give you any reason for their failure to come up with a good match?”

“They were all very polite about it, but the reasons were obvious. Non-standard, high-rez talent combined with a lack of family background information was a nonstarter for most of the agencies. Boy, I sure wasted a lot of money on marriage brokers in the past few years. The few matches they did come up with didn’t work. I’ve had a lot of first dates that never got as far as a second date.”

“Count yourself lucky.”

She raised her brows. “Why is that?”

“I met someone about three years ago. We hit it off right from the start. Had a lot in common. She was also a light-talent. We registered with an agency. Lo and behold, we found out we were a near-perfect match.”

“What happened?”

“Her name was Zara Tucker, Dr. Zara Tucker. She was beautiful, brilliant, and charming, and she worked in one of the Sebastian, Inc. labs. She was the cause of the accident that made me day-blind.”

“How awful,” Alice whispered. “She must have been devastated by what happened. Is that why the two of you didn’t marry? She just couldn’t deal with the guilt of what she had done to you.”

A cold amusement edged Drake’s mouth. “Not exactly. More like she couldn’t deal with the fact that, in spite of what the matchmaking agency claimed, I decided that we were not a good match. She was furious. She grabbed an Alien artifact from the lab vault—a kind of psi-laser—and managed to fire a blast at my eyes.”

Alice caught her breath, horrified. “She was a psycho.”

“Oh, yeah. But to her credit, she hid it well.”

Alice shuddered. “Well enough to pass the matchmaking agency’s test? That’s surprising and more than a little unnerving. I’ve heard those tests are extremely accurate.”

“Harry and I conducted an investigation later. We found out that she bribed the agency consultant to rig the results of the tests. Zara was obsessed with marrying me.”

“Sounds like your perfect match and my ex had a few things in common.”

Drake surprised her by going suddenly thoughtful, as if she had made a significant observation.

“Yes, it does, doesn’t it?” he said. “And three of the four of us are light-talents.” He paused. “I’m assuming Fulton Whitcomb was not a light?”

“No.” Alice frowned. “You think the fact that three of the four people we’re talking about are lights means something?”

“Probably not, but coincidences always interest me.”

“What happened to Dr. Tucker?”

“When she realized that we were never going to get married, she took her own life.”

“Suicide.” Alice closed her eyes briefly and then opened them to look at Drake. “Her death was supposed to be your punishment. She wanted you to feel guilty.”

“I believe that was part of it, yes. But who knows how a mentally ill person thinks?”

“How did she kill herself?”

“One day she simply went down into the catacombs without tuned amber and started walking.”

“They say that suicide-by-catacomb happens more often than most people realize. Did she leave a note?”


“Blaming you?”


“Did they ever find the body?” Alice asked.

“No. But they rarely do with catacomb suicides. Pretty sure that was deliberate, too. She wanted me to spend the rest of my life wondering if she was really dead.”

“Her final revenge.”

Drake’s smile could have been chipped out of glacial ice. “Yes.”

“Oh, man, you think she might still be alive, don’t you?”

“I don’t know.” Drake shoved his fingers through his hair. “That’s the hell of it. I just don’t know. In the course of our investigation, Harry and I pulled out all of the Sebastian, Inc. resources. Called in favors from the Federal Bureau of Psi Investigation and the local Guild boss. We found nothing that indicated that Zara Tucker might have faked her own death.”

“But nothing that proved she didn’t, either?”


“When did she disappear?”

“Nearly three years ago.”

“I dunno, Drake, that’s a long time for someone to stay lost while consumed with revenge. You’d think that if she was truly obsessed with you, she would have made some obvious move by now.”

“That’s what I keep telling myself.”

She watched him closely. “But in the meantime you haven’t registered with any more matchmaking agencies, have you? You’re afraid that if you do go into a Covenant Marriage and if Zara is still alive, she might reappear. You think she would be a threat to your wife.”

Drake gave her a long, considering look. “You’re right. That’s a very perceptive observation. The only other people who have figured that out are the members of my family.”

“Probably because they are the only other people who know the whole story.”

“Harry and the others in my family tell me I’m wrong to put my life on hold because of a threat that may or may not exist. They think that I’m the one who has become obsessed. They point out that if Zara is still alive somewhere, she’s probably in an institution by now. And if she did come out of the woodwork, my family has the resources to make her disappear again. For good this time.”

“But still you’re having a hard time moving on with that part of your life.”

Drake shifted in his seat, stretching out his legs. “Zara is my past. Let’s talk about yours.”

“What about it?”

He angled his head to indicate the folder on her lap. “Notice what is not in that file?”

She glanced down at the folder. “There’s not much here. What am I missing?”

“There is no information at all about Fulton Whitcomb beyond the fact that his body was found in his apartment. There’s no mention of your honeymoon from hell on Rainshadow.”

“Well, there’s no reason why Ethel would have gone into those details. She’s out to make my life miserable, not solve her son’s murder. As far as she’s concerned, I’m the killer. She wouldn’t waste time pointing an investigator in other directions.”

“True,” Drake said. “But everything in the case is linked to Rainshadow. You’d think that there would be something about that last trip in the file. If I were Ethel, I’d want to know exactly what happened on the island. And I’d also be asking questions about how Fulton was killed. Most of all, I’d want to know what was discovered that was worth murder.”

“You think like that because you are a logical, reasonable person. Trust me, Ethel is not logical or reasonable when it comes to her son’s death. Where are you going with this, Drake?”

“I’m not sure yet. But the focus on you makes me wonder if someone else is involved, someone who doesn’t want Ethel to look in another direction.”

A small shiver zapped through Alice. “The real killer?”

“It’s a possibility,” Drake said. “We need more information. And we’ll get it.”

“Okay,” Alice said. “Thanks.”

Drake studied her for a long moment.

“Do you know what I see when I look at that file?” he asked.

She smiled ruefully. “A misspent life? A person who can’t seem to focus on a career path? A woman who has been questioned in a possible homicide and declared unmatchable by a string of matchmaking agencies?”

“No,” he said. “I see a strong, intelligent woman who has managed to keep going in the face of some bad odds. I see a survivor.”

She thought about that. “Well, it’s not like a person has much choice.”

“There is always a choice,” Drake said. “And you keep making the choice to go forward. In my family we admire that kind of spirit.”

Chapter 9

Deception Cove _3.jpg

RAINSHADOW MATERIALIZED OUT OF THE STRANGE MIST like a ghostly afterimage appearing after the real image has ceased to exist. A ring of dark fog encircled the island. The mist was crouched just offshore.

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