“What about Myrna Reed?” Charlotte asked. “I know that Slade trusts her. She’s been a police officer here on Rainshadow for years. She knows all kinds of secrets.”

“Her input would be valuable,” Drake said. “But informing her of this project would put her in a difficult situation with Kirk Willis. In addition, because of her close ties to the community, we can’t be sure where her loyalties lie. She might feel bound to protect some of the people on the list. For now, this stays with the six of us.”

“Understood,” Jasper said.

“I agree,” Fletcher added. “We’ll get started on the list immediately.”

Charlotte looked at Drake with a speculative expression. “What happens if we come up with a likely suspect?”

“I’ll have a short conversation with him,” Drake said.

Jasper raised his bushy brows. “And if he isn’t feeling chatty?”

“He’ll tell me what I want to know,” Drake said without inflection. “I’m sure of it.”

Jasper nodded, satisfied. “You need any help with that conversation, feel free to call on Fletch and me.”

In that moment, Alice glimpsed a few of the hard edges under the surfaces of the two retired ghost hunters. They might be an artist and a gallery owner now, but they had survived for years in the underground catacombs. It was tough, dangerous work and it had left its mark on both men.

Drake smiled. “Count on it, you will be in on that conversation.”

“That’s it, then,” Charlotte said. “We’re all on the clock here, not that any of the clocks in town are working. Let’s get started on our list. Rachel and I can supply the names of all the men staying at the B-and-Bs.”

Houdini chose that moment to wriggle free of Alice’s grasp. He made it up onto the counter and started examining a display of marbles.

“While you’re working on that,” Drake said to the group, “I’m going to start a few rumors in town.”

Rachel raised her brows. “Rumors about what?”

“I want to get the word out that, thanks to Alice, I’ve got some old North family records that describe a method of de-escalating the unstable frequencies generated by the crystal Keys.”

Jasper nodded. “Trying to build a fire under whoever is behind this?”

“No harm in giving our man an incentive to move quickly,” Drake said.

Charlotte shot him a thoughtful look. “You’re making yourself a target.”

Drake’s smile was cold. “One I’m hoping Zara Tucker won’t be able to resist.”

Fletcher smiled. “This is a pincer-move. Between us narrowing down a list of suspects and you setting yourself up as a target, we’re going to force someone’s hand.”

“That’s the idea,” Drake said.

There was a short silence. Alice heard a small noise behind her. She whirled around in time to see five colorful glass marbles roll across the counter.

“Houdini, no,” she yelped.

She dove for the marbles and managed to snag two. The other three sailed off the edge of the counter and landed with three loud, sharp cracks on the wooden floor.

Houdini chortled euphorically.

Alice looked at Charlotte. “I’m sorry. Are they, uh, very valuable antiques?”

Charlotte smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure the marbles will be fine.”

“If they aren’t, send the bill to the Foundation,” Drake said.

Charlotte laughed. “Deal.”

Alice whisked up Houdini and started toward the door. “If you’ll excuse us, I have to get to work.”

Everyone, including Drake, looked at her with varying degrees of surprise.

Drake frowned. “Where are you off to?”

“You could say that I’m engaged in some behind-the-scenes work,” Alice said.

Chapter 25

Deception Cove _3.jpg


“More like the morning rush took a coffee break and then turned into the lunch rush,” Burt Caster grumbled. He angled his head toward the tables where a number of people were still drinking coffee and chatting with neighbors. “Some of these folks never left after breakfast.”

“People are bored,” Alice said. She stacked the last of the newly washed plates on a shelf. “I think that may be one of the problems with being under siege. There’s not much to do.”

“Except eat.” Burt opened a cupboard and eyed a row of industrial-sized can goods. “Good thing the Foundation is picking up the tab for all the food costs here and down the street at Madge’s place until they get this business in the Preserve settled. Lot of the folks we’re feeding couldn’t afford to dine out three times a day, I can tell you that.”

“Seems to me it’s the least the Foundation can do under the circumstances,” Alice said. “Besides, any way you look at it, a few days’ worth of free meals is just pocket change to the Sebastians.”

“That may be true,” Burt said. He closed the cupboard door. “But at the rate things are going, we may have to start rationing canned soup. Which reminds me, the power has been off for almost a week now. I managed to keep the freezer going for a while with my old amber-based generator, but it gave up the ghost two days ago. We need to start using up the frozen food and fast. Figure it won’t last more than another day at best.”

“I’ll go downstairs and assess the situation,” Alice said. She wiped her hands on her apron and headed toward the steps that led to the basement. “The kids will be thrilled when we tell them they have to eat ice cream for dinner tonight.”

“Whatever you do, don’t leave the locker door open any longer than necessary.”

“I won’t,” she promised.

“And Alice?”

She paused in the doorway. “Yes?”

“Thanks for volunteering to help out here in the tavern. I don’t mind telling you, it’s been a tough few days. Betty, my waitress, and Carl, my bartender, both made it off the island in the first wave of evacuations. I’ve been holding down the fort alone since they left. Feels like all I do is work eighteen hours a day, get a few hours’ sleep, get up, and repeat the process.”

“I’m just happy to have something to do,” Alice said. “Nothing worse than doing nothing in circumstances like this. Besides, I’ve done a fair amount of food-and-beverage work in the past.”

Burt nodded approvingly. “Yeah, I can tell you’ve had some experience.” He reached up to a shelf and took down a large can of tomato sauce. “Sure hope Sebastian and Attridge get back here soon. That fog was worse than ever last night.”

“Drake has a plan to put a stop to what’s happening inside the Preserve,” Alice said.

Burt glanced over his shoulder, his brows elevated. “Is that right?”

“It has to do with some information he found in the old North records,” Alice explained.

Burt’s expression lightened. “Yeah?”

“You’ll be hearing more about it soon,” she assured him in her best breezy accent.

She grabbed a small amber lantern and started down the steps. An eager chortle behind her made her pause and look back over her shoulder. Houdini was in the doorway. He fluttered down to where she stood and then zipped past her to the bottom of the stairs. He disappeared into the shadows of the basement. She followed him on down.

Burt had cause for concern about supplies. Many of the shelves holding canned goods, boxes of cereal, and crackers were less than a third full. Some were already empty. She did not want to think about what might happen if Drake’s plan did not work. She also did not want to think about what would happen if it did work. She was quite certain that Drake could take care of himself, but the knowledge that he was deliberately making a target of himself unnerved her.

She crossed the concrete floor to the frozen food locker and used both hands to haul open the heavy door. Cold air rushed out. She could tell that the temperature was well above the freezing point.

She carried the lantern into the locker and set it on an empty shelf. The yellow glare cast odd shadows among the packages of frozen goods.

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